Janna has never been a great sleeper. Usually she wakes up but goes right back to sleep after a few minutes. This was not the case last night. Isaac had gotten up that morning very early to finish a paper so he was tired already and went to bed before me. I cleaned the house up a little bit and decided to read. I went to bed a little before 11pm. I wish I had gone to bed when Isaac did. At 11:30 Janna wakes up screaming loudly. At 1am Isaac gets up to help because he can no longer sleep due to her screaming every time I set her down or even move wrong. At that point we try Tylenol thinking teeth and then gas drops a couple hours later after hearing some rumbling. We tried a video which usually works and she drifts off to sleep. The video and leaving her room is always a last resort but after two hours and she is awake awake we were exhausted. She kept going to the refrigerator but didn't want the milk or water, so after a couple fits over that and pulling my hair out we decided what harm could juice do we are all awake including Molly:) So she drank the juice and then wanted the pudding at the table on mom's lap. Doing anything to keep the screaming down we did that. After a couple bits, it is now 2am, she starts tugging at her clothes saying "off" so I take them off. Janna then makes a bee line to the bathroom say "Baaa" which means bath. That was it. I was not giving a her a bath at 2 am no matter how much she liked them or wanted one. She threw her red headed fit for about 15 minutes and then calmed down. Around 3:30am I finally got her to sleep and went to bed myself. Up at 6:30 to get ready for work and Janna up at 7:30 and neither one of us rested.
It was a long night, and I still love her with my whole heart. I hoping last night was a fluke and there is nothing wrong. There are no other signs of ear infection or sickness just a strong willed child. I think she gets it from her Dad:)
Though very tired I still smile thinking of the determination of my little monster who wanted a bath a 2am.