The kids and I had a great weekend with my parents. Friday we got there early and played with fun new toys Grandma has gotten. Then that night we went to Tower Park where they have fun new playground equipment. Janna rode on a bouncy ladybug and Simon enjoyed jumping on the snail. Janna loved the slides while Simon loved going back and forth in the tunnels. It was a fun playground that we will return too. I did bump my head pretty hard chasing after Janna being the overprotective mom. It hurt pretty bad but was better by the morning.
Saturday morning we played in the playhouse and hung out inside. That afternoon we went shopping to Simon's shoes. Simon got his first pair of shoes. Janna got a cute black pair of winter shoes that were on sale. I bought Isaac a new pair of gym shoes ( these were needed about four months ago but were on sale this week). Janna had fun riding the Merry-Go-Round and getting ice cream at the mall. She was really good in the Disney store. She was excited about all the princess stuff but was more interested in the ice cream and left with out a fit. She played on the mall playground with Grandpa.
That night we went my friend's Jaime's for a cookout with a few other friends. Janna and Simon played with Bella (who is almost two). I also got to meet Lilly ( 6 weeks old). It was nice to hang out with friends and both kids behaved although they were tired and out late.
Sunday we went to the zoo. We got to see the Elephants take a bath. Janna and Grandma feed a giraffe. It was a nice day out, great weather. Janna rode the Merry-go-round. She loved the fish and turtles. We saw snakes and alligators. We started to watch the bird show and then planned on leaving when Janna got stung by a sweat bee on her face. She got very upset. We got her some ice and by the that night her face was just fine. I am so thankful she wasn't allergic and her eye didn't well. Right when we were getting ice we ran into another HS friend of mine but we didn't stop long, due the bee sting, Simon being tired (no nap at all and it was 1:30), and my headache. Maybe next time we will make it to the bird show and the cat house. It was a busy day. Janna was out cold in the car and then rested on the couch when we got home. Simon took a good nap once back home.
Isaac came back from being with Matt that afternoon and we headed home. It was a long, loud drive home, but we made it in one piece.
We had a good weekend.
Tales from the mother of the most adorable, lovable, perfect little monsters any parent could ask for.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Holy, Holy, Holy
This song has been stuck in my head all day....I just thought I would share it with those few who read my blog. The sky is blue and full of fluffy white clouds, the weather and nice, and I can just feel him there....
1. Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty! Early in the morning our song shall rise to thee. Holy, holy, holy! Merciful and mighty, God in three persons, blessed Trinity!
2. Holy, holy, holy! All the saints adore thee, casting down their golden crowns around the glassy sea; cherubim and seraphim falling down before thee, which wert, and art, and evermore shalt be.
3. Holy, holy, holy! Though the darkness hide thee, though the eye of sinful man thy glory may not see, only thou art holy; there is none beside thee, perfect in power, in love and purity.
4. Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty! All thy works shall praise thy name, in earth and sky and sea. Holy, holy, holy! Merciful and mighty, God in three persons, blessed Trinity.
1. Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty! Early in the morning our song shall rise to thee. Holy, holy, holy! Merciful and mighty, God in three persons, blessed Trinity!
2. Holy, holy, holy! All the saints adore thee, casting down their golden crowns around the glassy sea; cherubim and seraphim falling down before thee, which wert, and art, and evermore shalt be.
3. Holy, holy, holy! Though the darkness hide thee, though the eye of sinful man thy glory may not see, only thou art holy; there is none beside thee, perfect in power, in love and purity.
4. Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty! All thy works shall praise thy name, in earth and sky and sea. Holy, holy, holy! Merciful and mighty, God in three persons, blessed Trinity.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Janna and new things
Janna has figured out how to hold of three fingers to say how old she is. She also know she get three little donuts when we buy them and will hold up the three fingers and say she want this many donuts. She is getting so smart.
Janna has a new teach Ms Hannah and she is doing very well with her. The room has been moved around and improved to look more like a school room. They get to take turns being a line leader and two other things I can't remember right now. She still clings to her burprag most days but that will fade.
Janna is playing outside more in the afternoons. She has been busy playing instead of on a teacher's lap the past few days.
Janna pees and poops in the potty at home and in other places with no problems and very few accidents. I am very proud of her.
She is helpful with Simon most of the time. She does like to squeeze him and wrestle him sometimes and then they both scream. He has also gotten fist full of hair so it is about even.
Janna is growing up to be a beautiful little girl. I love the quiets moments when she tells me stories about her day and gives me big bear hugs and kisses.
A cute story to end the post: that night Isaac and I will pretend she is our teddy bear and give big hugs and say " my teddy bear". Her response is " I am not a bear, I don't have a tail!"
Janna has a new teach Ms Hannah and she is doing very well with her. The room has been moved around and improved to look more like a school room. They get to take turns being a line leader and two other things I can't remember right now. She still clings to her burprag most days but that will fade.
Janna is playing outside more in the afternoons. She has been busy playing instead of on a teacher's lap the past few days.
Janna pees and poops in the potty at home and in other places with no problems and very few accidents. I am very proud of her.
She is helpful with Simon most of the time. She does like to squeeze him and wrestle him sometimes and then they both scream. He has also gotten fist full of hair so it is about even.
Janna is growing up to be a beautiful little girl. I love the quiets moments when she tells me stories about her day and gives me big bear hugs and kisses.
A cute story to end the post: that night Isaac and I will pretend she is our teddy bear and give big hugs and say " my teddy bear". Her response is " I am not a bear, I don't have a tail!"
Simon now has three teeth. Last week his nose was really runny and yucky and this week the tooth came through.
Moving Up
Simon moved up to the Tot classroom last week. Yeah for the cheaper rate this week. He is doing well. He is eating the tots food and drinking just out a sippy cup during the day. He sleeps on a mat for one long nap a day. He has adjusted well. He reaches out to his new teacher and seems overall very happy.
Simon is learning too. They are teaching him sign language and his doing crafts like finger painting and etc...
Simon is a happy little boy!
Simon is learning too. They are teaching him sign language and his doing crafts like finger painting and etc...
Simon is a happy little boy!
Sorry it has been a while since I have posted.....
On August 11th, Isaac and I celebrated 8 years of marriage. That weekend we had the opportunity to go on a date. Thanks Mom for watching the kids and thanks to the other Mom for the money towards the date:) We haven't gone out a Friday night date in a long time. We are usually too tired to even stay up late after a long week at work. This Friday we went to dinner, movie, and ice cream. We had a great time and good conversations. I got to eat all my own ice cream I didn't have to share. We weren't interrupted multiple times at dinner and we could hear each other talk and we were able to use both hands. We saw the Time Traveler's Wife. It was opening weekend but we were still both shocked when the theater at the mall was sold out. Oh well there wasn't parking there anyway. We made it to the next location and got two seats together in a crowded theater. There were a lot of teenagers out, I think we both prefer Saturday day date or at least early evening dates because it is less crowded. The kids were good for mom too.
Cute story: When I told Janna that Isaac and I were going on a date, she said she wanted to go on a date. I said okay, Daddy and Mommy will take just you out and get a sitter for Simon soon. She said no, she wanted Grandma to take her on a date and we stay home. She was so sweet.
The rest of the weekend flew by with blur as usually. We did get some down time on Sunday afternoon for a couple hours.
On August 11th, Isaac and I celebrated 8 years of marriage. That weekend we had the opportunity to go on a date. Thanks Mom for watching the kids and thanks to the other Mom for the money towards the date:) We haven't gone out a Friday night date in a long time. We are usually too tired to even stay up late after a long week at work. This Friday we went to dinner, movie, and ice cream. We had a great time and good conversations. I got to eat all my own ice cream I didn't have to share. We weren't interrupted multiple times at dinner and we could hear each other talk and we were able to use both hands. We saw the Time Traveler's Wife. It was opening weekend but we were still both shocked when the theater at the mall was sold out. Oh well there wasn't parking there anyway. We made it to the next location and got two seats together in a crowded theater. There were a lot of teenagers out, I think we both prefer Saturday day date or at least early evening dates because it is less crowded. The kids were good for mom too.
Cute story: When I told Janna that Isaac and I were going on a date, she said she wanted to go on a date. I said okay, Daddy and Mommy will take just you out and get a sitter for Simon soon. She said no, she wanted Grandma to take her on a date and we stay home. She was so sweet.
The rest of the weekend flew by with blur as usually. We did get some down time on Sunday afternoon for a couple hours.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Happy Birthday Simon
Today Simon is one years old. It is hard to believe a year ago from today I was having contractions and was in tears with pain. Then he was born that night a beautiful healthy baby boy. 

Here he is this week. A whole year old.

I love my baby boy. He will always be my baby boy even when he is taller and bigger than me which will most likely happen. I appreciate how he can make you smile even if you aren't happy. His smile is contagious. He will make you laugh. I love to snuggle and rock him to sleep or even just pat his cute little butt. I love his curiosity and I look forward to all he discovers over this next year.
Simon's Measurements and Check Up
Weight: 20lbs 9 oz (16%)
Height: 29.5 inch (40%)
Head Cir. 46 cm (38%)
Doctor said he is a very healthy boy.
Simon also got two shots.
Height: 29.5 inch (40%)
Head Cir. 46 cm (38%)
Doctor said he is a very healthy boy.
Simon also got two shots.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
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