Janna had her 4 year check up today.
She is 29.8 lbs and 37 3/4 inches.
She passed her vision and hearing tests.
She got 5 shots.
She still has blood (spots not visible) in her urine. No protein, so the doctor said he isn't worried but they are going to keep following up on this.
Isaac said she was a very good girl and he was taking her on a lunch date to McDonalds before taking her back to school.
Tales from the mother of the most adorable, lovable, perfect little monsters any parent could ask for.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
My car healed
Yesterday morning our car was shaking very badly and the emission light was blinking. This is the car that we just had the brakes and axis and etc fixed. I refuse to sink any more money into this "lemon". It was a hard morning, to say the least. Along with family and friends we just prayed for a "healing" of the car. I put my trust in the Lord that it would work out "some way".
At lunch the light was on but car wasn't shaking and then this morning the light was gone.
Yeah for the "healing" of the car.
At lunch the light was on but car wasn't shaking and then this morning the light was gone.
Yeah for the "healing" of the car.
Janna= Ear Infection
Saturday Janna woke up screaming her ear hurts and she wants a doctor. She has her 4 year check up today (Tuesday), but waiting three days wasn't really an option. So we had our first Saturday appointment at the Ped.office. Yes it was an ear infection. He put her on a stronger and different class of drugs. We are trying onicef, as an infant she stopped eating but seems to be fine now. I am praying that it works this time. This is ear infection number three since her tubes came out. I am praying they get better but know that she may need to have tubes put in again if she gets any more this summer. Janna seems to have my pain tolerance and doesn't do well, compared to Simon who doesn't respond as much to bumps and ear infections.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Mother's Day

I had a great Mother's Day Weekend. It started off with scrapbooking Friday night. Always a fun night with the girls. Then Saturday we hung out and then went out to eat and shopping with Mom and Dad Hopper. That night I watched a chick flick with Mom when the boys went out to a boy movie:) Sunday it was crazy getting to church and Janna refused to go back with the kids but she was good overall. Then we had a picnic at highbridge park with KFC. Our friends came along and so did Mom and Dad. We ate and played until Simon was so tired to stand. Then we came home and took naps. After a late dinner I got my gifts! It was really late before we got the kids to bed because of the late nap. It was a great weekend! Thanks Isaac!

So grown up

You know when you just see a picture and you see what your child will/might look like as a teenager or just older. Here is a picture of Simon. I can see him as a teenager making this face in senior pictures or at a dance avoiding crowds like his dad. Yet I want to pick up and and squeeze him and say " stay little" at the same time:)
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Simon is talking more. It will be soon that he is putting sentences together. He loves to make animal sounds, his favorite is the elephant. He loves soft blankets and stuffed animals. He has left go of Elmo and now loves on silky blanket I got when Janna was a baby. They are finally getting the love they deserve. He loves balls too.
He is the typical almost two year and throwing fits and gets very upset when told "no" or we don't understand what he wants. He doesn't like getting dressed, especially shoes. He loves water.
Simon got a haircut. It wasn't the best looking but you can see his eyes now. It still has it length too. He was so still and well behaved. We went after his nap and the place was busy.
He is only using the paci at night and nap time. Though we do give it to him the car when he is really fussy.
He is doing better drinking out of a cup with straw and using a spoon.
Simon loves his big sister and wants to do everything she is doing.
He is the typical almost two year and throwing fits and gets very upset when told "no" or we don't understand what he wants. He doesn't like getting dressed, especially shoes. He loves water.
Simon got a haircut. It wasn't the best looking but you can see his eyes now. It still has it length too. He was so still and well behaved. We went after his nap and the place was busy.
He is only using the paci at night and nap time. Though we do give it to him the car when he is really fussy.
He is doing better drinking out of a cup with straw and using a spoon.
Simon loves his big sister and wants to do everything she is doing.
It's been awhile:)
Sorry it has been a while...so what has been going on. It is sad to say I had to look at my facebook updates to find out what has been keeping away.
April 12 took Janna to the doctor to find out she had an ear infection.
April 16th I found out I had strep and felt like I was my death bed until late the next day after 24 hours of amoxicilin. Prior to this, for about three weeks I feeling only okay, thinking it was allergies and general tiredness. I am so thankful for Mom who came down and helped Isaac with the kids while I was stuck in bed.
The following week I was back to work and catching up and cleaning up the house after doing little to nothing. Either one or both of kids screamed everyday as I dropped them off at school. This was not fun! We spent the weekend with the kids having fun.
April 23rd Simon has outgrown the high chair and is now in a booster seat and loves it. He can even get in it himself, but it is scary to watch:)
The last weekend in April my mom came down to spend time with me and kids while Isaac was away. We got Janna's 4 year old pictures taken and they look great. She did a great job smiling for the camera. We then went to lunch with Eric and Rachel. Then they took the kids while my mom and I did some shopping. It was very nice to shop, just me and her. I got a dress and a skirt and top combo, plus two tops. Thanks Mom! I also got the baby/kids shampoo, lotion, etc. that was needed. It rained ALOT and continued to rain on Sunday. We ended up grocery shopping earlier and missing church because I was unsure of how the roads would look in an hour or two. The kids behavied well over all in the store. Then we came home and Simon went down for a nap while Janna and Mom made cookies. Then my mom taught me how to make lasagna. I had dinner ready sides and all when Isaac got home. Even though the weather was bad we all had a great weekend together.
Janna missed her Daddy, she is going to have a hard time this summer when he is gone for two weeks. Skype seems to help some:)
Monday Simon had a fever and was starting with another ear infection though not bad yet. He is not liking the medicine. He seems to be back to himself, though I think the medicine is causing his belly to hurt.
Tuesday, Isaac studied.
Wednesday, yesterday, we had our friend Stephanie and her finance over for dinner to see her one last time before she moves away. She is graduation from Asbury University and moving home.
Tomorrow is my scrapbooking night. I am very excited. I missed last month because of Janna's birthday party.
We have some "things" going on in our background that we are praying about and waiting on. More to come later:)
April 12 took Janna to the doctor to find out she had an ear infection.
April 16th I found out I had strep and felt like I was my death bed until late the next day after 24 hours of amoxicilin. Prior to this, for about three weeks I feeling only okay, thinking it was allergies and general tiredness. I am so thankful for Mom who came down and helped Isaac with the kids while I was stuck in bed.
The following week I was back to work and catching up and cleaning up the house after doing little to nothing. Either one or both of kids screamed everyday as I dropped them off at school. This was not fun! We spent the weekend with the kids having fun.
April 23rd Simon has outgrown the high chair and is now in a booster seat and loves it. He can even get in it himself, but it is scary to watch:)
The last weekend in April my mom came down to spend time with me and kids while Isaac was away. We got Janna's 4 year old pictures taken and they look great. She did a great job smiling for the camera. We then went to lunch with Eric and Rachel. Then they took the kids while my mom and I did some shopping. It was very nice to shop, just me and her. I got a dress and a skirt and top combo, plus two tops. Thanks Mom! I also got the baby/kids shampoo, lotion, etc. that was needed. It rained ALOT and continued to rain on Sunday. We ended up grocery shopping earlier and missing church because I was unsure of how the roads would look in an hour or two. The kids behavied well over all in the store. Then we came home and Simon went down for a nap while Janna and Mom made cookies. Then my mom taught me how to make lasagna. I had dinner ready sides and all when Isaac got home. Even though the weather was bad we all had a great weekend together.
Janna missed her Daddy, she is going to have a hard time this summer when he is gone for two weeks. Skype seems to help some:)
Monday Simon had a fever and was starting with another ear infection though not bad yet. He is not liking the medicine. He seems to be back to himself, though I think the medicine is causing his belly to hurt.
Tuesday, Isaac studied.
Wednesday, yesterday, we had our friend Stephanie and her finance over for dinner to see her one last time before she moves away. She is graduation from Asbury University and moving home.
Tomorrow is my scrapbooking night. I am very excited. I missed last month because of Janna's birthday party.
We have some "things" going on in our background that we are praying about and waiting on. More to come later:)
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