Thursday, March 31, 2011


Simon got his haircut this past weekend. This is him before, but it was longer,more like in our family picture below.
Simon after picture. He is with "his girl" Emily. Side note: he walked into school and said "Em match me" and went and hugged her.

We are working on combing it right on mornings when it is crazy. He has his Isaac's hair.You can see his ears and neck though. He looks good!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


It is has been awhile since I have written, it has been 'crazy' for our family lately. Here is a mini-update. I am sure I forgot something, but we are here, we are well. We have two working has been about four weeks of struggles but the red car is back to "normal". The van still need one thing followed up on, but that is okay for now. We realized we can get by with one car and thankful. It has been hard being stuck in our town and not being able to travel and see family. We are looking forward to traveling more, hopefully gas prices will stop rising.

He did appeal so it will be another long year ahead of us. Pray for continued strength for my mom and our family. My dad is still at his temp job and mom is still getting interview and waiting on word from one.

Janna is registered for Kindergarten and is excited.

Update on new year goals: I have been working out twice a week since January. Somedays I enjoy it, other days I go just because I have to. I am able to walk and run after the kids without being out of breathe. It is a good feeling.

My laundry basket is empty most of the time, even with not being able to come home at lunch due to having one car. It has been chore but I get it done.

I am still working on yelling less when upset.

I did a lot yesterday... Made Janna's 5 yr check up appointment- it is in June Made eye appointment for Janna and I Arranged for care for Molly as we travel for my spring break Made tentative plans for the trip Balance checkbook I am ready for the rest of week:)

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


The other night Janna was talking to me...I thought she was talking about leopards, then I thought she was talking about leprechauns, until she starting telling me about how Jesus healed the leprechauns, after laughing I knew she was really talking about Lepers.
Isaac and I had a good laugh...Leopards, Leprechauns, Lepers...oh the fun.

God is the only real Super Hero!

I really do love my morning conversations with Janna.
This morning she took a stuff animal elephant and a babydoll to school.
J: Is an elephant bigger than a bad guy
M: yes
J: my elephant won't grow because it is a stuff animal
M:yes that it right
J: Is an elephant bigger than a superhero-superman
M: yes
J: superman isn't really mom
M: yeah I know honey
J: God is the only real super hero.

I love my little girl! I love watching her learn the difference between real and not real. It is so much fun!

Monday, March 14, 2011


As crazy as life is going lately for us these days. As car problems lingers, I am still fighting headaches, Simon has an ear infection, etc...I feel upside down some days, then I find out that one of Janna's friend is in the hospital, could be serious, I am still waiting for a call from the mom to find out details. It puts my petty problems in to line and I am thankful for happy healthy children who love the lord and love us with their whole heart.

Funny story...Janna was singing Saturday and we asked what she was singing...her answer Justin Bever. Where did you hear of him, one of her friends at school. We did try to correct the last name but Bever was so funny to us.

Simon has started singing more. He has been singing "rain rain go away, Janna wants to go outside and play". It always made Janna mad for some odd reason but he is so cute about it.

Simon's favorite story is the three little pigs. I wonder if he will ever get tired of that story.

The spring head time change has been hard on the us and kids. They are very tired but still fighting sleep at night. Oh the fun we keep having...they are very sweet once asleep.

Janna's kindergarten registration went well. We have some details to think about still, like transportation and after school care, etc...

Now I am trying to plan her birthday party which is creeping up on us fast.

My Dad has a temp job currently and mom keeps getting interviews. The court thing is almost over and we are praying for the 24th of march to come and go with no appeals.

The lord is taking care of us all and I appreciate all he is doing for us.

Thursday, March 3, 2011


Monday we register Janna for kindergarden. I am almost phyically prepared, but I am not emotionally.

When did my little girl go from this to this...

Bible Stories

Janna has always opened our eyes on what she understand about God. It is so beautiful to see her understand and love for the lord. She has been learning Bible stories at school and Church and I love to hear her perspective when she talks to us about it at home.

In the car the other week she told us she was a sheep and God is a shepherd. He watches over her and he never sleeps. She went on about this subject for a couple minutes.

In the bath tub this week, she said if this was the Sea of Galali and Jesus told her to walk to him she would walk on the water. Her faith is amazing.

During Sunday School she wasn't feeling well and was just laying on the floor while listening to a lesson. When it came time for question the kids at the table weren't answering so Janna spoke up. It was the story of the lady who gave the one coin...
teacher: Who gave a lot money?
Janna: The rich people
teacher: who gave all they had?
Janna: the poor lady
Teacher: Why should be give our money to the church?
(teacher told me the note on lesson said most kids say because we are suppose to and to encourage the answer to show God our love)
Janna: To show our love to God
She was right on...not feeling well enough to even sit up, she was understanding the lesson.

Janna has started saying longer prayers at night. I just love hearing her pray. It makes my heart sing.