We had a great weekend!
Friday: I had off work, so I got some "girl time" with Janna. We went to the mall and out her 5 year pictures taken. She did great! Then I got free coffee for Earth Day with my mug and had that while she played in the kid area. Then we went and had an Auntie Ann's Pretzel. Next we went to the Disney store and I surprised her by letting her get the stuff animal frog she wanted. We got Simon a cat. Then we headed home and packed. It took longer than I expected to have lunch and pack and we picked up Simon at school and headed out of town at three, with a quick oil change on the way. We had dinner with my parents and got to play a bit before bed.
Saturday: We played in the morning. Then my parents took Janna and Simon to the mall. At the mall they saw the Easter bunny riding behind them on the
escalator. Simon said " bunny said hi on
escalator". It was so cute. Isaac and I enjoyed a date. Yeah. We went to skyline for lunch then saw Source Code at the movies. Afterward we visited my friend with her three week old baby Max. He was so cute and small. It rained a lot and was
gloomy all day.
Tornado sirens went off during the afternoon too. We got back in time for a nice Easter dinner including Eric and Rachel. Afterwards we all colored eggs together. Oh what a fun mess. Simon and Janna loved it.
Sunday: Janna was so excited and was the first one up to see all the candy the Easter bunny brought. She noticed that he didn't bring
paw paw any candy and shared some of hers. We got some cute pictures of us and the kids too. We went to the
Methodist Church in town for the first time and we really enjoyed it. The kids were great. The sermon was awesome. We enjoyed the music. Afterwards we had lunch and then did an indoor egg hunt. It was very wet outside. We headed home in the late afternoon and had pizza for dinner. It was a good end to a great weekend.
Dunkin Donuts, family, candy (lots of it), movie date, baby Max, family game time playing cards, a great uplifting Easter sermon, time to relax and enjoy life:) The rainy weather couldn't keep us from having a good time!