Friday- Mom and Dad Hopper came down. We had pizza together and then went to the park for the Young Adult Ice Cream party. The kids had a great time playing.
Saturday-We went to the movie theater for the first time as a family. We saw Cars 2. The kids were great. It was fun to see their reactions. About half way through they both wanted to go home but they were fine a few minutes later. Simon loved the blue ice. They shared a bag of M&M’s. Janna liked the popcorn too. Afterwards we went out to eat at Logan for Dad’s and mine birthday dinner. Janna got a rose made out of foil with perfume on it from the waiter. Simon and Janna have fought over it a lot. She loves it. We walked around target and then headed home. The kids and I went swimming in our backyard then we had baths and bed. Simon got bit by a mosquito. I didn’t get him inside early enough. Ouch…it swelled as usual.

Sunday-We went to church and rested. Then we played for a bit. After dinner we met Mom and Dad Wilson and Eric and Rachel at Menchies for frozen yogurt. It was awesome. We had a great time visiting. 
Monday- Simon slept in for the first in forever. He finally woke up at 9am, I thought we might miss the parade. We went to the parade. Janna was so excited about the candy. After the parade we went to the campground. We saw Michelle and the kids got balloons. We checked out some craft booths. We played on the elementary school playground for a little bit. Simon took a bad tumble down the side and scared me. After he quit crying he wanted to go again. I said no and he threw a fit. I did finally let him go down with me. The slide was high and I didn’t want him tumbling again. Janna loved and did great at the climbing wall on the playground. Pawpaw with no hair would be proud. We had lunch and then napped. Then we went to Grady’s 1st birthday party down the street. Janna and Simon had a great time. They were hot and sweaty afterwards. Their favorite parts were the cake and the sticky hands in the treat bag. We did baths and skipped fireworks. They both were having a hard time sleeping so I let them watch a few minutes of fireworks on TV. Simon’s bug bit is improving. Once they are older I hope to take them to a big show.
It was fun weekend full of love:)