Tales from the mother of the most adorable, lovable, perfect little monsters any parent could ask for.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
A Great Christmas Message
Thursday, December 13, 2007
My little girl is growing up. We will be looking for a toddler bed soon.
Janna was telling me she needed to Poo. We are planning on talking and getting supplies for potty training after the break. According to the books I wasn't' sure she was ready, but now I know she is ready to at least try and introduce it.
I am so proud of her! She just keeps growing up:)
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
We went on a walk today. We stopped by some trees and discussed how leaves and acorns fal off in autumn. Janna listened intently and then said "uh-oh".
I think it is so interesting how much she picks up each day, catching on to new ideas and concepts. I am very proud of my little monster.
Monday, November 26, 2007
Janna learned how to saw "Eric". It was so cute. Eric looked at her and said "whats my name" she answered clear as day "Eric". She is getting really good at repeating things. She talks a lot.
She is good at repeating what you do as well.
We also got to see The Enos Family including Nathan the 15 month old. It was fun watching Janna and Nathan interact. There wasn't much time to chat and catch up though. They kept us busy. I found it interesting how Nathan went for the opposite stuff that Janna did. It probably is a boy thing.
Janna enjoyed the book " The Five Silly Turkeys". Isaac and I enjoyed our date. It was nice to see everyone. It was a great time of family fun.
I hope that you all had a good Thanksgiving.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Ear Tube Surgery
It was overall a good experience and I was worried to no reason. The hardest part was handing her over to the nurse to take her back. I am so thankful that all went well and look forward to a happier monster with few ear infections.
Monday, November 19, 2007
Surgery Time
Thank you for all your prayers....I will update you after the surgery on how things went.
Friday, November 9, 2007
ENT Doctor Appointment
Today we went to the ENT doctor to talk about ear tubes. Janna was such a good girl. I was so proud of her. She didn’t need her burp rag/blankie (she calls it baby) or pacifier.
Janna stood on the big kid scale while holding my hand. She was quiet and smiling as the doctor looked at her ears and listened to her chest. She didn’t open her mouth at first but did after a bit. She didn’t scream or fuss once the whole time at the office. Yeah Janna. She got a lolly pop for her good behavior
I was very impressed with the office. In the waiting room they had a separate room for children with a play kitchen and house with doors and window. Also it had a TV with Disney Channel playing. Back where the doctor talked to us was a whole room for children. It had Sesame Street characters on the walls and a firetruck exam table that has doors that opened. Janna was very happy opening the door pulling out the magazine and putting it back. It made the waiting time go by fast.
The doctor and all the staff were very nice and made everything so smoothly. After looking in Janna’s ears he said there was fluid stuck behind her ear and that was the reason she was getting so many infections. He said Yes she does need tubes. He answered all our questions and addressed our concerns.
Surgery is scheduled for Tuesday November 20th in the morning. We find out the exact time the day before. They take the youngest patients first starting at 6am. They will use a mask and she will be under for about 10minutes (the time it takes to do the surgery). Then she will be brought right back to us and in recovery for about an hour. Then we can take her home. After about two hours she will be back to herself. Isaac and I know this is the right decision and know this will make Janna happier and healthier. We trust that all will good well. I will try and update the blog about the time of the surgery, but I ask for prayer on November 20th morning that everything goes smoothly.
Lord please protect my little monster during surgery and give us peace as we wait during it.
Then we continued to pass about four more buses. With each bus she did the same thing with more excitement each time. She is so cute and so smart.
She also goes “cho choo” when she hears a train go by.:)
Thursday, November 1, 2007
What an Outfit!


Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Fall Fest

Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Molly and Janna
Janna is becoming real friends with Molly. It is so fun to watch them discover each other.
A long night
It was a long night, and I still love her with my whole heart. I hoping last night was a fluke and there is nothing wrong. There are no other signs of ear infection or sickness just a strong willed child. I think she gets it from her Dad:)
Though very tired I still smile thinking of the determination of my little monster who wanted a bath a 2am.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Time to finish baby-proofing the cabinets!
Molly and Janna
The other night she walked over to the leash and then walked to molly who was by the couch and pulled on Molly's collar. Isaac hooked the leash for her and Molly took a few steps taking Janna in tow. It was quite a site. Not wanting to bug Molly we took the leash off but Janna didn't like that and kept having us hook the leash a couple more times until she moved on to something else.
Maybe someday in a couple years she will take Molly Outside and Isaac and I won't debate on who is doing it this time:)
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Monday, October 1, 2007
Funny Question
Squirt toys + Bath
As a side note she kept calling the red crab squirt toy Elmo. I guess I have been saying "Elmo is red" enough times that she thinks everything that is red is Elmo.
The teeth are on the move Again
Please be praying that this round of teething doesn't cause another ear infection.
Monday, September 24, 2007
Climbing and Walking
She is enjoying chasing Molly the dog around house as long as I hold her hand. She chased Molly through out the house the other day batting her cup full of Cheerios as Molly slowly backed up the whole way. I think Molly was deciding if the food was worth being hit over the head with the cup by Janna. Molly better watch out when she lets go.
Friday, September 21, 2007
I appreciate a healthy household so much more than I did before. We are back to our normal schedule and I am very thankful.
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Let Me Out

I started to think…Obstacles get put in our way but God is always there to lead us out, around, or even through. Sometimes you have calm down and let him show you the way. Just as Janna had to quit screaming long enough for me to show her the out of the basket.
I have had many challenges / obstacles put in front of me but once I learn to calm down and trust in God all has worked out. Some days are easier than others to stop and listen, but no matter when you do stop he will always be there to listen.
Friday, September 7, 2007
Oh to Teeth
Monday, September 3, 2007
Labor Day Weekend
Friday morning I woke up feeling weak, achy, bad back pain, ....I tryed to go to work, but ended up having to come home and straight to bed. Then we got a call from daycare that afternoon saying Janna was sick. Oh great. Luckly by Saturday I was feeling just tired and stuffy so I was able to take care of Janna. We went to the doctor's office on Saturday and she had a double ear infection, bad cold, and her "I" teeth were coming in. We got amoxicillin for the ears plus some numbing drops for the ears too. Janna basically screamed and didn't sleep all weekend. She had her fun cuddle moments at times. She quit eating but was still drinking juice and water. Mommy was the only one that could make her quit screaming at times, but sometimes I didn't even work. So by Monday night there had been no improvement and Tuesday morning I took off work since it was Isaac's first day of classes. Tuesday morning was a straight out screaming due to pain (mostly) for three hours. I got an appointment for that afternoon at the doctor office. Janna's ear infection hadn't gotten better so we got a new prescription for Augmentum. Tuesday night Grandma Hopper came down to help out since Isaac had a meeting that night. She took Wednesday off to take care of Janna so I could go back to work. Janna started feeling better by Wednesday night so the Augmentium worked. Now going to bed and bath time are still rough and we are trying our best to get back on our routine. Janna is eating like normal now and feeling more like herself. She still gets tired faster and has a runny nose.
Since are better now maybe we will go to the library and the lake this weekend. Thank you all for your prayers.
A bad word?
Isaac and I both have memories of when we said our first bad word or of what we were told was a bad word. I just hope that Janna's first bad word is as innocent as ours.
body parts
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Three Word Phrase
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Well Rested
I am looking forward to the weekend in Fort Thomas. I just need to pack. :)
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
What I did yesterday
6:15am Wake Up
6:15 to 7:00 Get ready, shower, eat, etc
7:00 Janna wakes up
7:15 Change diaper, Dress Janna, read books, cuddle
7:20 Take Trash down to curb (both cans)
7:25 Take Janna to school-Meet her new teacher in her classroom
7:30 - 12:10pm Work
12: 15 Home for lunch
Run dishwasher
Do dishes in sink
Put Isaac’s folded clean clothes away
Pick up toys left in Janna’s room from morning
Eat lunch
1:00 – 4:30 Work
4:30 Go to IGA to get soup needed for dinner
4:35 Pick up Janna
4:40 Bring trash cans up the driveway (two trips holding Janna)
Go back for mail (trip three)
4:40 – 5:10 Play with Janna –walking around house-looking at mail-playing with
Elmo doll
5:10 Isaac comes home from Dave’s
5:20 Isaac sits in Janna’s room with us and vents about a conversation he has
Had with a person and plays with Janna
5:30 Isaac starts to the dinner…still upset from conversation earlier makes a phone call for 20 minutes
5:30 I start feeding Janna dinner
5:50 Isaac comes back from conversation and realizes that we are missing a key
Ingredient for dinner and runs to IGA to get it (not happy-realizes he hasn’t eaten since 11am and sugar level is low)
*As a side note-Isaac didn't look at the grocery list(too busy) so I missed a few key ingredients when I went to the store
6:00 Put Janna in bath tub….Isaac comes home and finishes dinner
6:20 Bath, diaper, lotion, PJ
6:30 Put in Elmo video while we eat dinner
Clean up Janna’s dinner
6:45 Janna crawls in and stands at my chair saying more after each bit I give. She loves dumplings
7:00 Put Janna to bed
7:30 Janna asleep. Isaac goes to get prescriptions from Kroger
7:30-8:30 Clean up bath time stuff
Put Janna back to sleep two more times
Unload dishwasher and strainer
Wash the pots and pans for dinner
Load dishwasher
Sink finally empty and clean
Wipes down counters and table
Sweep kitchen floor
Took out recycling
Put My clean clothes away
Take whites out of the dryer
Fold whites except for socks
8:30 Isaac comes home
8:40 We get ready and go to bed
Me under the covers no glasses very tired
Isaac on top of covers watching TV(tired but has a headache)
9:00 Janna wakes up screeching at top volume
9:00 – 9:45 Do anything at all to make Janna stop screaming
Watch Elmo video (all of us including Molly)
Give her Motrin for teeth. Her nose is bright red and she can’t breathe well
Isaac puts grapes away that he bought at the store
9:45 -10:00 Put Janna back to sleep again
10:00-10:05 Realize the socks in a pile are bothering me and fold them but don’t put them away
Find a dish in the sink ….oh well
10:10 Sleep Finally
Monday, August 20, 2007
Baby Elmo is Thirty
I am pretty sure she has picked this up from Daycare and the babies in her room at times. She is very facinated with babies currently. It amazes me how she imiates us in what we do and say. It is a reminder that we are her role models.
Janna takes care of Elmo just as the Lord takes care of us, with gentle hands and patience norishing us.
More Water + More Fun
Monday, August 13, 2007
Love Pats
Everyone deserves a pat on a back for a “good job” or encouragement on a project. Let’s make an effort to give someone a “love pat”. I know that they make my day, let’s pass that love on.
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Mom's Super Power
Have you ever noticed how Moms have the ability to carry one or more babies, toddlers, children no matter how big or small the child. It always amazed me to see these cute little moms carrying a squirming child while doing something else at the same time and making the child look as light a feather. I think when you become a mom you develop the super power of strong arms no matter how weak they may look. I have never had good arm muscles or been in good shape, but somehow I managed to cart Janna, my 16 month old baby girl, around Dollywood and Gatlinburg for most of the day. Janna is currently in a “mommy phase” so it is Mommy’s arm or a crying baby. I had plenty of help available and plenty of offers but it came easily. It surprises me that my husband, who is incredible strong, can carry Janna for maybe 15 minutes before he is tired or his arms hurt. You would think that he of all people would have the arm strength to carry a tot. But I, who am “muscle impaired”, am able to carry a tot around for hours on end. I wonder if this is the case for other families.
In conclusion: I am thankful for my superpower ability to have Mommy Arms.
The Bunny
Sometimes we have to open our eyes to God’s gifts to us; it may not be a giant cucumber right in front of our eyes. It might be just a small bunny shadow.