Thursday, March 27, 2008


Janna has this new thing about getting up really close to the TV and kissing, patting, or just plain looking at her favorite characters. Each time we warn her to move and if she doesn't move then we turn it off. She will then back up or throw a fit before we go to a different activity or bed. The other night we gave her a warning and I told her I was going to count to three before she had to come back to us or I was going to turn it off. I know she doesn't get this concept yet but I wanted to try at least.

We have been working on counting not as much as letters but some. We have been trying to get her to say her age of 2 (next month) as well.

Well... I said one....then she turned around looked at Isaac and I with a big smile and said "two". It was so cute we both cracked up laughing. She is catching on to counting:) We then turned off the tv because she didn't move and put her down for bedtime. I wish I could describe the sly smile on her face as she said "two" the "look at what I can do" was perfect.

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