I learned when picking Janna up from school she enjoyed the new room but didn't like the new routine. They eat breakfast , lunch, and snack in the cafeteria now and Janna didn't like this. She screamed and was upset and threw fits each time and didn't eat anything. She did play outside alot and came home very dirty but happy( and hungry). Tomorrow she starts with the new teacher.
This morning was really on me and Janna. The morning started as normal. I was really impressed when after eating her yogurt she didn't want her burprag and paci and was content to talk and play. I stuffed it in her bag for nap time. She played with a toy turtle that she called a frog the whole way to school. I let her take in with her as long as she put it back in the bag once in her room. She did this without a fuss and without wanting her paci and burprag. She was happy to see her new room. But the teacher wasn't there yet so we had to go to yet another new classroom where they keep the kids until the teacher arrives. Her friends Ben and Nate were there and a teacher that she knows but she screamed for Mommy very loudly. She was more than a little upset. I still heard her as I was leaving the building until I started the car. I am hoping that she calmed down soon afterwards. It breaks my heart leaving her so upset but I know it is the right thing.
For those who read this please pray for Janna this week during this transition. (and me as well).
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