Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Connections Made

Janna knows that when it is hot you need sunglasses. She has asked for hers occasionally in the car or to wear just around the house. The other night we were at a friends out and we went outside to look at their big dog. The dog was panting because it was hot outside. I told Janna that the woofwoof was hot. Janna's reply was "get sunglasses mommy". I tried to explain to her that the dog didn't need sunglasses but not sure understood that point.

I picked Janna up for school the other day and she started telling me that she went to the doctor and I told her we haven't gone to the doctor. She looked at me and said "last week" and she was right last week we went to the doctor. She proceeded to tell me about the yellow sucker she got and the fish she saw there too.

Janna will smile really pretty if you give her a marshmellow afterwards. This bribe is great and I get wonderful pictures. Thanks Christina.

Janna's kitchen light went out on her play kitchen and she got on her play phone and called pawpaw and told him to come fix her light. He fixed it/changed the battery back in March and she helped. She knew to call pawpaw to fix it for her.

There are more but these are ones cute ones I remember.

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