Tuesday, September 30, 2008


I am so blessed to have a great little brother and now a sister(in law). This past Saturday Isaac went out of town for the night. So I took the kids and we met Eric and Rachel at Olive Garden for dinner out. Janna was so excited the whole way there she kept asking where they were? When she finally saw them she got shy and clung to me, it took a half hour before she was talking and giggling with them. Janna was a good girl at the restaurant. Simon slept well as usual.
Eric and Rachel came back to the house (Janna's house as she calls it) and helped me out with bed time. Eric and Rachel followed us back and Janna kept asking where they were. I kept answering every five minutes they are following us. She would repeat it, wait a few minutes, and ask for them again. Eric read a book with Janna and then gave her a bath. She asked him to, she didn't want Mommy. My brother did a great job. She was showing off for him. She was laughing her big laugh and having a great time. It was too cute. I wish I had thought to record it. Eric came out of the bathroom very wet but happy that Janna had warmed up to him. Rachel read Janna her books and tucked her in. She kept asking and still does occasionally. " Where Rachel go?" She loves her Aunt Rachel.
I was so grateful to have their help and the company while Isaac was gone.

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