My poor little boy is still sick. After 5 days on onicef he was still not feeling well. His eyes looked so sad. He was really hot, and he rarely smiled. He was not sleeping. He was spitting up a lot. Wanting to at least make it one week before going back to the doctor and paying the $25 co-pay yet again, also wanting to give the onicef time to work we hesitated in calling. Until Monday morning when he was so sick we had to call. Isaac took him to the doctor office and the ear infections (both ears now) have gotten worse. We started Augmentum Monday Night. Tuesday I took off work to take care of him. Simon finally smiled and sat up and played around 3:30pm. He would only sleep next to someone. Every time I set hid down he screamed. I thought he was doing better until last night he still didn't sleep well. I took him to daycare hopeful that Motrin would help with the pain and being with his friends he might perk up but no, he is now home with Isaac being snuggled and love.
It makes me so sad to see my little boy sick. He tries so hard to make you happy and smile (he is a people pleaser like his Daddy), but one little smile turns into tears.
Please be praying that the medicine starts working and my happy little boy feels better.
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