Janna is three years old.
Height- 35 inches (6%)
Weight- 26.5 pounds (7%)
Blood Pressure- 80/50
Simon is 9 months.
Height- 27 1/4 inches (14%)
Weight-16 lbs 14 oz (3%)
Head Cir-45 cm (37%)
Janna was so well behaved. She stood on the scale and up against the wall for her height. She talked to the Doctor. She let him look in her ear without a fight or a tear. I am so proud of her. We do need to get Janna to the dentist between age three and four. That could be fun. She didn't have to get any shots. Yeah! The four year appointment she gets four shots. Janna did really well with getting her blood pressure taken, this was a first. She didn't want to wear the small gown they gave her. She loves to just wear her diaper. She was so cute telling the doctor how it was going to storm and what her favorite food were-yogurt and green beans.
Simon did well. He had to get is iron tested with a finger prick. He didn't like that but he did like the band aid afterwards. He cried during the hip test too but was fine after that. He gave the doctor a lot of smiles. His ears are fine. Apparently around 9 month their sleeping pattern can change. Although he is still small, he is growing fine with where he is on the growth chart. He is still gaining weight. The doctor wasn't concerned. If he doesn't have teeth at 18 months then you worry. Simon gets to start more table food including meat, etc. Anything he can munch.
The appointment went very well.
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