Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Simon now has a double ear infection after 10 days on the first antibiotic and is now on day four of the next strongest drug. He doesn't seem to be feeling any better though. The doctor recommended tubes in the next couple weeks. We need to be making appointments with the ENT to get this all scheduled so my little boy is happy and sleeps through the night. This is his 7th ear infection in 6 months.

He now has four top teeth.

He says bye bye and hi plus ball clearer than before. He is getting really good at the more sign.

He still throws his cup all the time and is a very messy eater.

He dances to any music and smiles really big.

He claps often.

He is very active and continually is climbing up stuff and pulling things out. He doesn't like to sit in his exersaucer for very long.

He has discovered Molly the dog and stares at her.

He loves food.

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