I took Simon to the doctor angry that his ear still leaked and he still had an ear infection. Well over the weekend he started a small cough, that I assumed was a cold.
Turn out Simon has a sinus infection, bronchitis, and a double ear infection. oops...I didn't see that coming. The doctor stressed that the ears leaking were a side effect and he was more concerned about the lungs. The rattling and wheezing, oh the fun. We get pound/ percussion his chest to loosen up the junk (that what he called it).
He stayed at home most of Monday and all day yesterday and rested. The Augmentium ES is making his diapers very messy. He is also doing ear drops too. We go back next Tuesday to make sure he is improving.
This morning, Wednesday, his cough was juicy and sounded productive. I think we are on the way to getting better. He also slept well last night. Please be praying that he continues to heal!
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