Tales from the mother of the most adorable, lovable, perfect little monsters any parent could ask for.
Monday, February 22, 2010
We had a great weekend together as a family. It was good weather and the kids were overall good with a only a few tantrums. We got the grocery shopping done Saturday. Janna went and helped Isaac while I stayed home and played with Simon. Apparently she walked the entire store and it took a long time, but she was really good. Isaac also cleaned out a lot clothes to donate and we picked up the house. I feels good to de-clutter. Sunday both went into the child care area with no screaming. We went out to eat afterwards with friends. It was a fun time together with friends we haven't hung out with in a long time. Janna dominated Samatha's time by talking to her non-stop and getting very upset when we had to leave them. We all got naps on Sunday, then played outside the sun. Yes the sun was out. Yeah!
Simon is 18 months old
Simon at 18 months
Height: 32 inches (35%)
Weight: 25.5 lbs (43%)
He is on track with everything and a happy little boy.
He cried more when I was getting him dressed to go home than with the shot. Just shows that he is brave but also very stubborn.
Height: 32 inches (35%)
Weight: 25.5 lbs (43%)
He is on track with everything and a happy little boy.
He cried more when I was getting him dressed to go home than with the shot. Just shows that he is brave but also very stubborn.

The furneral for my grandma was held on Monday February 15th up in Northern KY. The viewing and the service went well. My brother did a great job with reading what my mom wrote and what he wrote. It was a lot harder than I thought. I was never close to my grandma. I never stayed at her house, we never had special dates together, etc. When I was one she got re-married so she was busy with her new life. My mom did a good job to get her involved. We colored eggs together every Easter and we did take a trip to Disney World with her. I have memories of her house and special holidays but none of good conversations and a loving relationship. One funny story Isaac reminded me of when I was upset last week was the following. It was one of the first few Christmas's Isaac and I had together, Grandma was so excited about the presents she ripped all them open with barely looking at the gift. She almost opened other peoples present too. She didn't wait for us to watch her or to take turn with all of us. She was just like a little kid. I am very thankful for both of our parents and how loving and involved they are in my kids lives. The weather was really bad up there. The cemetary was closed and it wouldn't have been safe to get there if it was open. They had to shovel again to just get the coffin back to the car. It was good to see all the family. It had been years since we had all been together. We had a lunch together at the easiest restaurant to get to, but not a great one. It was nice to fellowship with family. We drove home that night and it took as twice as long due to the horrible snow storm. I now know I have seen a "white out". Isaac did a great job driving and I am glad to be home. The kids did great. The portable DVD play was awesome in and out of car. They were well behavied at the church and restaurant. Overall, with the reason of the trip, it was a good trip.
Please keep praying for the family as details get worked out with the will.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
I found out last night that my grandma passed away yesterday morning. Please be praying for our family, especially my mom during this time. Details to come...
Janna and ENT
This morning I took Janna to the ENT. I was grateful for clear roads and not a lot of traffic. Janna was excited about going too. We dropped Simon off at school and then took off. She commented on how quiet the car was. It was very quiet without Simon.
We got to the office and I found a parking spot. Janna walked very well and stayed close by the whole time. She loved the rotating doors and the elevator. She was smiling and say hi to people who walked by and smiled or said hello. She is becoming more outgoing and less scared. When we got to the office she ran right towards the playhouse and started playing with another little girl.
A few minutes later we got called back. She got weighed and measured. She is 28.4 pounds and just about 37 inches tall. We got the room with the firetruck and big bird, elmo, burt, and ernie on the walls. The doctor looked at the ears and saw the tubes in both of them with a bunch of wax. We then walked to another room where she layed on my stomach with her belly up as I sat in a dentist like chair. I had to hold her hands down while the doctor cleaned and then removed the tube with wax. It was some neat tools. There was a really nice nurse who talked with Janna and held her head and got her to sing for her and talked to her about her bandaid. (She cut herself pretty bad with scissors at school two days ago.)
Then she got a hearing test and did a great job as the doctor put wires type thing in her ear and then went outside the room and asked her to point to certain pictures. Then they did the beeping test where you look the direction you hear the beeping side in. Janna did a great job.
She got a Dora sticker after the hearing test. Then we saw the doctor one more time. He is all was good. Her ear drums were good, perfect at the hearing test, and tubes gone. We don't need to see him anymore unless we have more problems. Of course we will be back for Simon:)
On the way out Janna spotted an elmo sticker, she said "Mommy, Simon loves belbo." We picked up a sticker for Simon. She gave it to him as soon as she walked into the school. Simon was loving a new toy and I don't think he even noticed. I love the thoughtfulness of Janna thinking of her baby brother.
She got a sucker on the way out and then back to school. She walked in no crying, good thing today is movie day. I had a great morning with her. She is an awesome little girl and I am so blessed to have her.
We got to the office and I found a parking spot. Janna walked very well and stayed close by the whole time. She loved the rotating doors and the elevator. She was smiling and say hi to people who walked by and smiled or said hello. She is becoming more outgoing and less scared. When we got to the office she ran right towards the playhouse and started playing with another little girl.
A few minutes later we got called back. She got weighed and measured. She is 28.4 pounds and just about 37 inches tall. We got the room with the firetruck and big bird, elmo, burt, and ernie on the walls. The doctor looked at the ears and saw the tubes in both of them with a bunch of wax. We then walked to another room where she layed on my stomach with her belly up as I sat in a dentist like chair. I had to hold her hands down while the doctor cleaned and then removed the tube with wax. It was some neat tools. There was a really nice nurse who talked with Janna and held her head and got her to sing for her and talked to her about her bandaid. (She cut herself pretty bad with scissors at school two days ago.)
Then she got a hearing test and did a great job as the doctor put wires type thing in her ear and then went outside the room and asked her to point to certain pictures. Then they did the beeping test where you look the direction you hear the beeping side in. Janna did a great job.
She got a Dora sticker after the hearing test. Then we saw the doctor one more time. He is all was good. Her ear drums were good, perfect at the hearing test, and tubes gone. We don't need to see him anymore unless we have more problems. Of course we will be back for Simon:)
On the way out Janna spotted an elmo sticker, she said "Mommy, Simon loves belbo." We picked up a sticker for Simon. She gave it to him as soon as she walked into the school. Simon was loving a new toy and I don't think he even noticed. I love the thoughtfulness of Janna thinking of her baby brother.
She got a sucker on the way out and then back to school. She walked in no crying, good thing today is movie day. I had a great morning with her. She is an awesome little girl and I am so blessed to have her.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
We discovered on Saturday that Simon has two new molars on the tops.
"That explains the screaming" was our response.
"That explains the screaming" was our response.
Friday, February 5, 2010
So we made it through the whole month of January with no doctor appointments. Yeah!
Then it hit me, Simon is 18 months on Sunday. Doesn't he have to have a check up? We didn't have an appointment. Oops. I called today and got an appointment with the doctor we want but it is in the afternoon so Isaac can't go. I also scheduled one for Janna at the same time for another issue just to have her looked it. One issue the nurse recommended calling the ENT first because they might need to see her and not the Ped. doctor.
So now Janna has an appointment next week at the ENT ( more money out of Health bucket than Ped doctor). The ear tube is resting in her ear canal. It has been moving back and forth since November. We have been putting sweet oil in to try and loosen the wax and help the tube out. She has been complaining of her ear being closed and hurting. The nurse said if the wax isn't too bad they may be able to vacuum it out. She is not going to like this. She freaks out when we try and look at it with a flashlight. The nurse said the doctor needs to look at it to make sure it isn't infected too.
Isaac had a followup in January for his high blood sugar but couldn't make it due to work transitions. But he forgot when he rescheduled that appointment. So I called and got the date for that as well.
It has been a very productive morning.
As for fun appointments....Isaac and I are going on a couple retreat through the seminary at the end of February. Isaac's parents are going to watch the kids and dog. I am so thankful for that.
Plus I get to scrapbook tonight. I love that!
Then it hit me, Simon is 18 months on Sunday. Doesn't he have to have a check up? We didn't have an appointment. Oops. I called today and got an appointment with the doctor we want but it is in the afternoon so Isaac can't go. I also scheduled one for Janna at the same time for another issue just to have her looked it. One issue the nurse recommended calling the ENT first because they might need to see her and not the Ped. doctor.
So now Janna has an appointment next week at the ENT ( more money out of Health bucket than Ped doctor). The ear tube is resting in her ear canal. It has been moving back and forth since November. We have been putting sweet oil in to try and loosen the wax and help the tube out. She has been complaining of her ear being closed and hurting. The nurse said if the wax isn't too bad they may be able to vacuum it out. She is not going to like this. She freaks out when we try and look at it with a flashlight. The nurse said the doctor needs to look at it to make sure it isn't infected too.
Isaac had a followup in January for his high blood sugar but couldn't make it due to work transitions. But he forgot when he rescheduled that appointment. So I called and got the date for that as well.
It has been a very productive morning.
As for fun appointments....Isaac and I are going on a couple retreat through the seminary at the end of February. Isaac's parents are going to watch the kids and dog. I am so thankful for that.
Plus I get to scrapbook tonight. I love that!
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Things they say..
Janna has said the following cute phrases lately....
I will be disited(excited) if the Easter Bunny brings me M&M and purple grass.
Lets get bungeled (bundled) up and go outside and play in the snow.
Simon has been saying a few things...
luv janna (love Janna)
mor wa (more water)
papa papa ( over and over waiting for him to come)
bye bye molly
He gets very excited and make a certain noise, not woof woof when he sees any dog.
He growls like a dinosaur or bear a lot and smiles
He does the sign language for please, thank you, more, and drink
I will be disited(excited) if the Easter Bunny brings me M&M and purple grass.
Lets get bungeled (bundled) up and go outside and play in the snow.
Simon has been saying a few things...
luv janna (love Janna)
mor wa (more water)
papa papa ( over and over waiting for him to come)
bye bye molly
He gets very excited and make a certain noise, not woof woof when he sees any dog.
He growls like a dinosaur or bear a lot and smiles
He does the sign language for please, thank you, more, and drink
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Simon video
Simon really loved his sister princess CD player. He also loves the plastic bottles. Prior to this video he was spinning his circles dancing...this was the best I could get on camera.
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