The furneral for my grandma was held on Monday February 15th up in Northern KY. The viewing and the service went well. My brother did a great job with reading what my mom wrote and what he wrote. It was a lot harder than I thought. I was never close to my grandma. I never stayed at her house, we never had special dates together, etc. When I was one she got re-married so she was busy with her new life. My mom did a good job to get her involved. We colored eggs together every Easter and we did take a trip to Disney World with her. I have memories of her house and special holidays but none of good conversations and a loving relationship. One funny story Isaac reminded me of when I was upset last week was the following. It was one of the first few Christmas's Isaac and I had together, Grandma was so excited about the presents she ripped all them open with barely looking at the gift. She almost opened other peoples present too. She didn't wait for us to watch her or to take turn with all of us. She was just like a little kid. I am very thankful for both of our parents and how loving and involved they are in my kids lives. The weather was really bad up there. The cemetary was closed and it wouldn't have been safe to get there if it was open. They had to shovel again to just get the coffin back to the car. It was good to see all the family. It had been years since we had all been together. We had a lunch together at the easiest restaurant to get to, but not a great one. It was nice to fellowship with family. We drove home that night and it took as twice as long due to the horrible snow storm. I now know I have seen a "white out". Isaac did a great job driving and I am glad to be home. The kids did great. The portable DVD play was awesome in and out of car. They were well behavied at the church and restaurant. Overall, with the reason of the trip, it was a good trip.
Please keep praying for the family as details get worked out with the will.
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