Janna was so excited about Ben and Nate's Pool Party it was all she could talk about. Ben and Nate are twins that have been in her class since she was one. She talked the whole way there, the whole time there, and straight up til she fell asleep. She loved hanging out with her friends and swimming in the huge "baby" ( 1 foot deep) pool. It was very nice. We got in the big pool for a little bit and she is getting more comfortable in the water. Her favorite part was the orange goggles she got. I think the cake was a close second. Ben and Nate liked the spiderman and batman toys Janna picked out. It was a fun party.
Janna before the party all ready to go!

Nate and Ben with cake and gifts.

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These friends plus the twins are the one's Janna talks the most about.
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