We had a great weekend together as a family. I have two wonderful kids who wished me 'Happy Mother's Day" over and over. At one point on Saturday I think Janna gave me 10 kisses in row. I felted really loved. I got homemade gifts from school and Isaac pick out the perfect mother's day card. I got to nap with kids and the a trip to the park to play. It was a good day! I know I am love and appreciated. Thank you guys!
I wanted to share a couple memories about some very important moms in my life.
My mom has done so much for me. Being a mom now I don't know how she managed all those doctor trips for surgery and radiation treatments and the waiting. The countless number of hours she sat in waiting rooms. She has the strength of steel. The amount of clean up and diet prep during the times and when all that was over it was time to deal with the medical bill and etc.
I enjoy shopping with mom and just walking around the stores and talking. We both love the beach. We enjoyed a great vacation last summer together on the beach "us girls". My mom loves chocolate and sweets. I love the crazy songs my mom sings and how she has passed on. I blame here for not know the right words to songs, but wouldn't change a thing. My mom has taught me practical things like balancing a check book to how to make good choices, and many more lessons.
I Love you!
My Mom (in law), she took me as a daughter immediately. I have always felt like part of the family. During the first year Isaac and I were married I asked mom to take a water aerobics class with me. She said yes. The first day of class in the changing room she tell me she doesn't like pools and can't swim. She said yes and we completed class out of love for me. I appreciate her stepping out of her comfort zone for me. It was the funniest site watching her try and float. Then there was the time she was demonstrating the frog jumping in the living room. Mom makes us laugh while laughing at herself. Mom is always there when I am sick or the kids are very sick and I need help. She has given her time and paint most of the rooms in our house with little to no help from us. Mom has a mountain dew and trisket habit we love to tease her about. Mom showers us all with her love and care.
I am so blessed to have two wonderful moms in my life. Thank you Lord!
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