Tales from the mother of the most adorable, lovable, perfect little monsters any parent could ask for.
Monday, June 27, 2011
Birthday Celebrations

I have had a great week celebrating my birthday. Tuesday morning Isaac brought donuts to share with the office. Work friends brought fun fetti cupcakes, carmel popcorn, and other treats. In the afternoon Janna stopped by with cards from her friends for me. I still worked out and then after getting home and showering, I got to open presents from Isaac. Plus one from mom and dad Hopper and a something came in the mail from Eric and Rachel. I got a new 31 skirt for my purse and a zipper bag from Eric and Rachel. A ton of bath and bodywork lotions and soaps from mom and dad Hopper. I am well stocked now. Plus a card with a check from mom and dad Wilson. Then I finally go to open the "top secret" present from Isaac. It was a kindle with a pink cover. I was in shock. I had no idea. I love it. I have already finished one book and download 5 more. He then cooked the dinner I request. It was a great evening!

Thursday we got a sitter(not counting grandparents) for the third time since Janna was born. It was Simon's school teacher. They were both so excited. We went on a double date to Copper River with Tammy and Shawn. It was a great evening out, the food was delicious! The kids did great with Ms Danielle.

This past weekend we went to Cincinnati to see my parents. My parents had gotten me a chocolate cake plus gifts. I was so excited about about the Toms shoes that I really wanted. I also got a cute purple shirt. Saturday we went to the zoo. I had a great time. Simon was clingy and tired and only co-operated a bit but it was great weather and a good time. I can't wait to go back.
Sunday we relaxed and hung out. It was very nice.
Monday, June 20, 2011
Second Favorite : Blue
Loves anything green -Except green food
Loves Disney CARS
Favorite Movie: Mickey Mouse Clubhouse storyland with cooocoo bird
He is growing a lot-taller each day
He runs really cute when he is excited
Love dogs/puppies
He is singing more-abc, jingle bells, etc...
He will even pray now-it is so sweet
His paci is gone, as a side effect it takes him a lot longer to fall asleep and he talks more
He likes to help you out
Loves his mommy!
He give the best hugs...where the arms squeeze tight around your neck
Favorite book: the grouchy ladybug
2nd favorite: Peek a boo Elmo and friends
Likes Playdough (green and blue)
Still loves his tigers and lions but elephants too
He likes his hair long so he can "swish" it when he shakes his head
He covers his "friends " and sleep things with his cover and sleeps right next to them.
If them come uncovered he gets upset.
He covers his head up when sleeps too.
Just learned why he screams when I wash his hair, it was bothering his ears. I put ear plugs in each night now and hair washing goes great. It is a learning process.
He loves his teacher Ms. Lisa and Ms Danielle
I am sure there is more, but that is all for now.....
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Sad News: Simon peed on/ in my gym shoes last night. My fault for not putting the away in the right spot and for not putting a diaper on immediately. He told me " I sorry" numerous times.
Good News: We can open the trunk to our escape now! We can travel!
Sad News: Simon got bit on the face ( his nose and lip). Again! We are upset and trying to approach this the right way.
Ben & Nate 's Birthday

Thursday, June 9, 2011
Good bye shoes

It was very hard but I threw them in the trash can and took it to the front of the house. I also piled diapers on top so I wouldn't be tempted to get them back. So long shoes. Thanks for making me so happy.
I got a new pair of asics blue and gray that I am wearing now.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Last night went really well. We had waffles and hash browns. I made hash browns by myself for the first time and they turned out okay. Simon and Janna did great at bath time-no crying! Then they didn’t argue over what movie to watch. Wow. They did still fight over the toothpaste but 1 of 3 that is okay. We listened to Daddy read the Six Sillies and then I read them each a book. There were asleep by 9:30 which is better than last night and Simon was asleep by 9 (I think). They were quieter, still demanding but not as loud. I got half of my anniversary project done and hope to finish the rest on Friday. They both slept through the night and Molly didn’t even bother me. Yeah. This morning they were very well behaved and got dressed when asked. I was on time again for work. Thank you kids for being so good and thank you lord for grace and patience.
Monday, June 6, 2011

Saturday we went to Lowes and got these flowers. My mom and I worked hard in the front yard trimming and planting. I think it looks great. We went grocery shopping and the kids were overall good. Then we came home and had lunch and played in the pool. While the kids napped Mom and I worked outside. Then we had a low key evening at home because although the kids napped they, especially Janna, were very grumpy.
Sunday, grandma left and I took the kids to church. After church we went to McDonalds. I am waiting to try the new Rolo Mcflurry sometime, but Janna refused to eat so no dessert. Simon ate great though. Getting them to nap was not fun but they finally fell asleep a bit before three and I cleaned the kitchen. I scrubbed the oven including drip pans, I cleaned microwave too, cleaned the dish drainer, scrubbed the counters, moved the cart and play kitchen and swept and wiped the floor. Then Simon work up only after a half hour because he finally had BM. Yeah! So I didn’t finish the kitchen floor, but oh well. When Janna finally got up, we had dinner and went to a park in our neighborhood that we hadn’t been to before. I didn’t like as much because it is close to a busy road. We drove there because it looked like a storm was coming. Once I got bitten by more than one bug we headed back home. We played for a awhile then attempted bedtime.
Simon and Janna were very hard to get down but I didn’t scream, instead I gave myself a time out and watered the flowers. They were very talkative and singing a lot. I hope tonight is easier.
Monday-today Simon didn’t want to go to school he wanted to stay with me. Janna had a hard time getting moving but I made it to work on time anyway.
So far today I have:
Made arragements for car repairs-checked to see if recalls-two phone calls about car by myself. Yeah Me!
RSVP to birthday party.
Balanced check book and paid bills
Asked off work and got it off to work on special project at home with Mom H.
Plus my work at work too!
Good Bye Paci

Friday night I went into the kid’s room and took Simon’s paci. I put a CARS toy and stuffed animal on his dresser and a note from the paci fairy. Around 12:30 he woke up and screamed/ cried for a half an hour. He fell back to sleep at 1pm. He was still mad in the morning and didn’t want the toy just his paci, until Janna got the toy out and then they played for hours. He asked for the paci in the car on the way to the grocery store but only cried for a second when we reminded him it was gone. We kept him busy with flowers, stores, pools, etc…Nap time was hard and he cried for it again but fell asleep in 10 minutes. He was sad at point and mad too but over all he did really well. He hasn’t asked for it again.
It was a lot easier than I expected. He is talking and singing so much more. Saturday we talked for a long time about fire fighters because my mom set off the smoke detector. Sunday night he sang a combination of songs and words about everything.
Gift from Paci Fairy- aka mom and dad
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Simon( for those who have been praying) finally had a normal BM and in the potty. Yeah Simon! I think we are on the right track. He was funny afterwards because he wanted to show Isaac and when Isaac came in, he said see no vegetables. We have been telling him if he eat his vegetables he will poop. Oh well. He was still saying his belly hurt but I think he is feeling much better, he was so much happier last night. Side note: he peed on me while pooping. Potty training a boy is harder.
Red car trunk will not open now because it is hot outside, plus the air isn't working as well.
We plan on getting the air conditioner looked at in the van since it hasn't been working for a long time first, then we will see about the red car.
Janna says the sweetest things sometimes: In the car this morning she asked for a picture of grandma in the wheelchair so she could remember what she looks like. She wants it in her room. I have no idea what makes her think of grandma but I am thankful for the sweet reminders.
5 year check up
Height: 41 1/4 inch 20%
Weight: 31 lbs 1%
BP: 78/48
BMI: 12.84 0%
Dr G said she is petite but she gained weight since last year and he is not concerned about her size.
She is healthy and ready for kindergarten. They did a hearing test and she passed. She enjoyed jumping on one foot for the doctor.
She is still boarder line anemic. The good range is 11-15 and she is at 11. I am to continue vitamins. I finally bought some more that hopefully she will like and we go back in two months to re-check it. (Opps- I just realized she might be in school when I made the appointment, now I have to check. This whole school thing is going to throw me off. ) She was very good when they took her blood even though she was afraid.