Saturday we went to Lowes and got these flowers. My mom and I worked hard in the front yard trimming and planting. I think it looks great. We went grocery shopping and the kids were overall good. Then we came home and had lunch and played in the pool. While the kids napped Mom and I worked outside. Then we had a low key evening at home because although the kids napped they, especially Janna, were very grumpy.
Sunday, grandma left and I took the kids to church. After church we went to McDonalds. I am waiting to try the new Rolo Mcflurry sometime, but Janna refused to eat so no dessert. Simon ate great though. Getting them to nap was not fun but they finally fell asleep a bit before three and I cleaned the kitchen. I scrubbed the oven including drip pans, I cleaned microwave too, cleaned the dish drainer, scrubbed the counters, moved the cart and play kitchen and swept and wiped the floor. Then Simon work up only after a half hour because he finally had BM. Yeah! So I didn’t finish the kitchen floor, but oh well. When Janna finally got up, we had dinner and went to a park in our neighborhood that we hadn’t been to before. I didn’t like as much because it is close to a busy road. We drove there because it looked like a storm was coming. Once I got bitten by more than one bug we headed back home. We played for a awhile then attempted bedtime.
Simon and Janna were very hard to get down but I didn’t scream, instead I gave myself a time out and watered the flowers. They were very talkative and singing a lot. I hope tonight is easier.
Monday-today Simon didn’t want to go to school he wanted to stay with me. Janna had a hard time getting moving but I made it to work on time anyway.
So far today I have:
Made arragements for car repairs-checked to see if recalls-two phone calls about car by myself. Yeah Me!
RSVP to birthday party.
Balanced check book and paid bills
Asked off work and got it off to work on special project at home with Mom H.
Plus my work at work too!
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