Last weekend we had a fun and busy time.
Saturday we went to Lowes in the morning and made police car with flashing lights. The kids got to hammer and put sticker on the car.

Then from 11-12 Janna went to her friend's Sarah Y's house for a play date. This was first time that I actually left her there. I went home and cleaned while Isaac played with Simon. Then from 12-1pm we went to the big park and met Mr. Bill and Brooke to play. Then we had lunch at home and napped. Then we went out to dinner at a new restaurant Gioovani's. It was very good. I have never seen Janna or Simon eat that much. They both commented that they loved this pizza. A big for them both. We will be going back. Then we all went to Lexington to Ben and Nate's house. Ms. Alison's class of friends had a play date with popcorn, cupcakes, smores, etc...Janna loved seeing her old friends and we had a good time too.

Sunday we went to church, then rested, played in the sandbox, and relaxed.
Tuesday at lunch got a call saying Simon had a fever. Isaac stayed with him in the afternoon, while he napped most of the afternoon. Then I stayed home on Wednesday with him and took him and Janna to the doctor. No ear infection, no strep, but gave us amoxicilin in case second strep test came back positive. We stopped by sonic for dinner and ice cream. Isaac was teaching class that so we were on our own. Still had fever that night. Thursday morning he woke up late, Isaac stayed home, I went to work, fever gone and feeling much better. Friday back at school.
Janna did great at swim lesson last night and even put her nose in the water and blew bubbles.
Work has been very busy for both Isaac and I this week.
This week has gone by fast:)
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