We are getting ready for Christmas.....
packing, traveling, presents, family, and FUN
I am really looking forward to time with Family and enjoying the holiday. Simon is feeling better and back to his active self. The doctor just gave him the call clear...lungs and ears. I finally got our tree and decoration up at the house. I should take a picture of it. :) Janna is excited about seeing the Grandmas.
Our friends had their baby last week, we got to visit them yesterday and bring them a meal. It is so amazing to hold a tiny newborn baby. God's miracle just beams out at you.
Cute story...
Janna, " You know what makes me happy?"
Isaac, "what honey?"
Janna, "God."
The love of a child is awesome and indescribable. We should show "God's love" to everyone, not just this season but everyday.
I hope to be on here throughout the break but if not I will be back next year.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Tales from the mother of the most adorable, lovable, perfect little monsters any parent could ask for.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Please don't wake me up!
I was wrong...
I took Simon to the doctor angry that his ear still leaked and he still had an ear infection. Well over the weekend he started a small cough, that I assumed was a cold.
Turn out Simon has a sinus infection, bronchitis, and a double ear infection. oops...I didn't see that coming. The doctor stressed that the ears leaking were a side effect and he was more concerned about the lungs. The rattling and wheezing, oh the fun. We get pound/ percussion his chest to loosen up the junk (that what he called it).
He stayed at home most of Monday and all day yesterday and rested. The Augmentium ES is making his diapers very messy. He is also doing ear drops too. We go back next Tuesday to make sure he is improving.
This morning, Wednesday, his cough was juicy and sounded productive. I think we are on the way to getting better. He also slept well last night. Please be praying that he continues to heal!
Turn out Simon has a sinus infection, bronchitis, and a double ear infection. oops...I didn't see that coming. The doctor stressed that the ears leaking were a side effect and he was more concerned about the lungs. The rattling and wheezing, oh the fun. We get pound/ percussion his chest to loosen up the junk (that what he called it).
He stayed at home most of Monday and all day yesterday and rested. The Augmentium ES is making his diapers very messy. He is also doing ear drops too. We go back next Tuesday to make sure he is improving.
This morning, Wednesday, his cough was juicy and sounded productive. I think we are on the way to getting better. He also slept well last night. Please be praying that he continues to heal!
Friday, December 11, 2009
Praise the Lord!
So yesterday I wrote a blog and vented all my anger and frustrations with everything going on( I didn't post it just saved it). That night I met with my small group of girls for a time of devotion and fellowship. We prayed for everything going on. On the way home I said lord you never have given me more than I can handle... I give it all to you and trust you.
This morning although it started out really early with both kids...Simon's ears didn't leak at all last night. They were clean and clear. He was walking straighter and falling less. Janna butt was feeling better ( long story).
I heard back from my doctor and my test were good. No signs of thyroid cancer. I am still cancer free after 10 years!
Praise the lord! He can heal! I am happy and joyful today for the first time this week, all I had to was to give it all to him.
This morning although it started out really early with both kids...Simon's ears didn't leak at all last night. They were clean and clear. He was walking straighter and falling less. Janna butt was feeling better ( long story).
I heard back from my doctor and my test were good. No signs of thyroid cancer. I am still cancer free after 10 years!
Praise the lord! He can heal! I am happy and joyful today for the first time this week, all I had to was to give it all to him.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
We had a great Thanksgiving with my parents. It was small only us and my Aunt and Uncle. Janna fell asleep and we had to wake her up and that didn't work really well, but she did get to see the table with all the food. My mom did a great job of preparing the meal. It was really odd not having my grandma there, who is now in a nursing home. She doesn't know what is going on anyway but not seeing her there was different. We did go visit her on Saturday. Janna and Simon were very well behaved. Simon was blowing kisses to the residents on the way out. I think they liked seeing young children around. Janna brought Great Grandma a small Christmas tree for her room. Friday we went to the Festival of Lights at the Cincinnati Zoo. It was very cold, but very pretty. I loved the lights. Simon loved the Swan Lake lights with the music. Janna got cold fast and kept asking to go back to Grandma's house. Janna did like the colored lights. They did have a Santa there with a very small line and a mail box for his letters, but Janna and Simon were both fussy, tired, and hungry, so we just passed by it. Since we went early at 5pm when it opened it wasn't busy and we had a good time. I even got a good family picture. Janna enjoyed helping decorating the house and Simon enjoyed taking them down. It was fun to see:) It was a great weekend and we look forward to Christmas.
Simon Update

Simon is a very active little boy and into everything you can think of plus more.
Simon is now saying "oooo" (moo) when picking up any animal that looks like a horse, cow, zebra, ect...
He is also saying "ack ack" ( quack) when he play with ducks. He love the rubber duckies in the bath tub.
He is pointing a lot more and gets upset when you don't understand what he wants.
He is still going to sleep really well overall. He is waking up less, but it depends on his ears.
Lately it has been fun to watch him walk and run around because of his ears he still a bit off balance so he bumps in to walls and zig zag.
He loves school and his friends. Somedays he doesn't want to come home with me.
He has started liking videos now and it helps calm him down before bed.
Yes he is still in the pack and play in the study.....maybe we will use the crib once Mom and Dad take all their boxes.
He likes to push the hotwheel cars around the house.
He wants to do everything Janna is, he loves his big sister.
Simon is now saying "oooo" (moo) when picking up any animal that looks like a horse, cow, zebra, ect...
He is also saying "ack ack" ( quack) when he play with ducks. He love the rubber duckies in the bath tub.
He is pointing a lot more and gets upset when you don't understand what he wants.
He is still going to sleep really well overall. He is waking up less, but it depends on his ears.
Lately it has been fun to watch him walk and run around because of his ears he still a bit off balance so he bumps in to walls and zig zag.
He loves school and his friends. Somedays he doesn't want to come home with me.
He has started liking videos now and it helps calm him down before bed.
Yes he is still in the pack and play in the study.....maybe we will use the crib once Mom and Dad take all their boxes.
He likes to push the hotwheel cars around the house.
He wants to do everything Janna is, he loves his big sister.
Which Papa?
When talking about Christmas in the car this morning on the way to school we were talking about seeing Grandma and Papa. I told her we get to see the ones with Merchie the dog very soon. She said and papa, the one with hair. (My dad is going bald-claims it is my fault.) I got a good laugh, then she starts to tell me how she is going hug grandma and papa when then come back from Chile (it is so cute how she says Chile).
Simon also pointed to their pictures the other night.
We miss you guys and can't wait to give you a big hug!
Simon also pointed to their pictures the other night.
We miss you guys and can't wait to give you a big hug!
Janna update

Janna can now write the letter J, big and little. Sometimes they are backwards, but she is really trying.
Janna is talking a lot of growing up and getting bigger and going to kindergarden.
She is dressing herself in the morning with little or no help.
She is a great helper at fetching stuff for me when needed.
She can spell ....she spells toy and a couple other words
She will spell the letters on signs and store and sound them out or ask what they say. It is so much fun to watch her learn.
Last night she was sounding our syllables with her friends names. She was counting the syllables. She didn't get any of the numbers right but she had the idea.
Janna is very excited about Christmas and snow and seeing family. She mentions a couple of toys sometimes but usually talks about grandma and papa and snow.
The best thing about Janna lately is her love of Simon. She loves to hug him. She also has been hugging us more and loving on us more. I love this:)
Janna is talking a lot of growing up and getting bigger and going to kindergarden.
She is dressing herself in the morning with little or no help.
She is a great helper at fetching stuff for me when needed.
She can spell ....she spells toy and a couple other words
She will spell the letters on signs and store and sound them out or ask what they say. It is so much fun to watch her learn.
Last night she was sounding our syllables with her friends names. She was counting the syllables. She didn't get any of the numbers right but she had the idea.
Janna is very excited about Christmas and snow and seeing family. She mentions a couple of toys sometimes but usually talks about grandma and papa and snow.
The best thing about Janna lately is her love of Simon. She loves to hug him. She also has been hugging us more and loving on us more. I love this:)
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
A Night Out
So last week at the ENT and at Simon's 15 month appointment his ears were fine, but on Monday they started leaking again! We called in the drops and will start it again. At least the tubes are working:)
A laugh
Last night Isaac and I were eating dinner while the kids were playing in their room. They were being really quiet. I went to check on them and they had all the little people out and were playing very nicely together.
A couple minutes later Simon started crying...
Us: "Janna why is Simon is crying?"
Janna:" He wants the bus, but the little people are afraid of him because they think he is a giant."
Simon then comes in carrying three little people clutched tightly in his hand has he walks over to the table to show us.
A couple minutes later Simon started crying...
Us: "Janna why is Simon is crying?"
Janna:" He wants the bus, but the little people are afraid of him because they think he is a giant."
Simon then comes in carrying three little people clutched tightly in his hand has he walks over to the table to show us.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Monday, November 16, 2009
We are the current mailing address for all Christmas Boxes. Mom and Dad and Aaron and Christina are shipping their packages to us since we have a US mailing address and they are in Chile. It is very hard to have a huge pile of boxes that you can't open. Even Janna knows they are for Christina .
So welcome to shipping central....

View #1
View #2
Why I am here...
So last week was a really hard week I about gave up numerous times....but I didn't...
Then Friday outside of Janna's classroom there is board for there art work and what they are working that week. It said when I grow up...
Janna's said...I want to be a mommy.
If that didn't bring tears...you could see the letters in her name plus the heads had arms and legs.
Maybe I am not doing as bad as I thought...if she still wants to be a mommy even after my bad days...weeks...
Lord, thank you for this reminder of why I am important.
Then Friday outside of Janna's classroom there is board for there art work and what they are working that week. It said when I grow up...
Janna's said...I want to be a mommy.
If that didn't bring tears...you could see the letters in her name plus the heads had arms and legs.
Maybe I am not doing as bad as I thought...if she still wants to be a mommy even after my bad days...weeks...
Lord, thank you for this reminder of why I am important.
Janna and Ears
Janna has been complaining about her ears but just on and off. I assumed she wanted drops or medicines like Simon and didn't think much of it.
I was wrong. On November 11th I got a call from daycare saying she was really fussy and her ears were really hurting. I picked her up and took her home. Then that afternoon I picked up Simon and took her to the doctor, Simon too. Juggle both was not easy but I did it.
Janna had and ear infection in one ear and the other ear the doctor couldn't see due to wax. The ear with the infection had the tube resting in the ear canal. The wax was hard and deep so he didn't remove it. ( At least I think that is why)So after the appointment I went looking for sweet oil for Janna's ears and we picked up the augmentium over the weekend. It took two stops and one long potty break, but we made it home in one piece.
I was so tired that night but I did survive.
Janna is feeling better. There is no fever and she is playing as normal. I still see the ear tube and I am hoping it will fall out soon.
I was wrong. On November 11th I got a call from daycare saying she was really fussy and her ears were really hurting. I picked her up and took her home. Then that afternoon I picked up Simon and took her to the doctor, Simon too. Juggle both was not easy but I did it.
Janna had and ear infection in one ear and the other ear the doctor couldn't see due to wax. The ear with the infection had the tube resting in the ear canal. The wax was hard and deep so he didn't remove it. ( At least I think that is why)So after the appointment I went looking for sweet oil for Janna's ears and we picked up the augmentium over the weekend. It took two stops and one long potty break, but we made it home in one piece.
I was so tired that night but I did survive.
Janna is feeling better. There is no fever and she is playing as normal. I still see the ear tube and I am hoping it will fall out soon.
Simon Ears
So as you see it has been two weeks since I have blogged.
After a round of augmentium for Simon ( about 10days), he started to act a bit more like himself for three days maybe. He still was not himself. At his two week post op check up on November 9th....
Doctor looked in his ears and saw why there was a high fever and very sad sick boy. He vacuumed out the ears and gave us ear drops and Sulfa medicine. That night Simon got a fever of 103.9. Between midnight and 4am he was a hot little boy. By morning the fever was gone. He still was not himself though. I am allergic to sulfa drugs so I kept looking for a rash or fever again but he is okay. He is still on the drops and sulfa drugs. We go back today ( one week later) for a followup appointment. Never a good sign when you have to schedule these.
Simon has his 15 month check up at PAA on Thursday but we decided to keep this one in case vacuuming is still needed and just to be sure.
Over the weekend, starting Friday, I think My Simon is back. He is running away from me, fighting me to get dressed, throwing food, and smiling. The smiling is a big one. He also slept through the night last night.
I am praying his ears are all better and we don't have anymore problems.
After a round of augmentium for Simon ( about 10days), he started to act a bit more like himself for three days maybe. He still was not himself. At his two week post op check up on November 9th....
Doctor looked in his ears and saw why there was a high fever and very sad sick boy. He vacuumed out the ears and gave us ear drops and Sulfa medicine. That night Simon got a fever of 103.9. Between midnight and 4am he was a hot little boy. By morning the fever was gone. He still was not himself though. I am allergic to sulfa drugs so I kept looking for a rash or fever again but he is okay. He is still on the drops and sulfa drugs. We go back today ( one week later) for a followup appointment. Never a good sign when you have to schedule these.
Simon has his 15 month check up at PAA on Thursday but we decided to keep this one in case vacuuming is still needed and just to be sure.
Over the weekend, starting Friday, I think My Simon is back. He is running away from me, fighting me to get dressed, throwing food, and smiling. The smiling is a big one. He also slept through the night last night.
I am praying his ears are all better and we don't have anymore problems.

This is Simon on Friday--what a cute little happy boy!
Borrowed post
I am copying the post from one of blogs I read today. Here is her site:
To “Not Cut Out For Motherhood:”
If this post is for you, you know it.
You’ve found my website by Googling, “not enjoying motherhood” or “what if I hate motherhood” or even, “sorry I became a mother.” I’ve noticed you in my site statistics over the years, several of you a week, Googling in the early morning hours or the mid-afternoons or whenever else it is that it’s just gotten way too hard.
I see you there, and I say a prayer for you. I pray that you’re ok this morning, that you came across something here that helped, that gave you a laugh and made you feel less alone. I hope that you’ll get through the hard part and find something wonderful on the other side.
After years of considering it, I finally thought of something to say to you that might help:
It’s going to be okay.
Really, it is.
Life with young kids is hard. It’s non-stop work, even through the nights. It’s mindless, boring, and dirty. And the stakes are so high. What a horrific combination.
It’s okay that you hate the baby sometimes when she cries. It’s all right that you’ve never felt lower about yourself – that doesn’t make you a bad mother, just a regular old worn-out one.
It’s okay to have regrets.
There is no shiny perfection of motherhood. You haven’t deprived your self or your children of it — it doesn’t exist.
Motherhood is beautiful and fulfilling — and horrible and exhausting and menial in the extreme. Every mother I’ve ever known cracked somewhere along the way. Congrats, it’s your turn. Some day it won’t be.
Try to get some sleep. Ask for help. It’s okay to let her cry some place where she’s safe — in a crib, strapped into a stroller — while you get some deep breaths.
Don’t drink. If you are drinking, get help. Drinking will make it so much worse than you can imagine.
Even if you’re not drinking, get help. Tell someone you’re struggling. Once you do, you’ll only be sorry you waited so long.
The perfect people — every last one of them — are stinking liars.
Hang in there. It gets better.
You’re going to be okay.
To “Not Cut Out For Motherhood:”
If this post is for you, you know it.
You’ve found my website by Googling, “not enjoying motherhood” or “what if I hate motherhood” or even, “sorry I became a mother.” I’ve noticed you in my site statistics over the years, several of you a week, Googling in the early morning hours or the mid-afternoons or whenever else it is that it’s just gotten way too hard.
I see you there, and I say a prayer for you. I pray that you’re ok this morning, that you came across something here that helped, that gave you a laugh and made you feel less alone. I hope that you’ll get through the hard part and find something wonderful on the other side.
After years of considering it, I finally thought of something to say to you that might help:
It’s going to be okay.
Really, it is.
Life with young kids is hard. It’s non-stop work, even through the nights. It’s mindless, boring, and dirty. And the stakes are so high. What a horrific combination.
It’s okay that you hate the baby sometimes when she cries. It’s all right that you’ve never felt lower about yourself – that doesn’t make you a bad mother, just a regular old worn-out one.
It’s okay to have regrets.
There is no shiny perfection of motherhood. You haven’t deprived your self or your children of it — it doesn’t exist.
Motherhood is beautiful and fulfilling — and horrible and exhausting and menial in the extreme. Every mother I’ve ever known cracked somewhere along the way. Congrats, it’s your turn. Some day it won’t be.
Try to get some sleep. Ask for help. It’s okay to let her cry some place where she’s safe — in a crib, strapped into a stroller — while you get some deep breaths.
Don’t drink. If you are drinking, get help. Drinking will make it so much worse than you can imagine.
Even if you’re not drinking, get help. Tell someone you’re struggling. Once you do, you’ll only be sorry you waited so long.
The perfect people — every last one of them — are stinking liars.
Hang in there. It gets better.
You’re going to be okay.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Simon is walking
Simon is walking more than crawling. He crawls when tired only. He is so cute but getting into so much trouble. I hope to record him walking soon. Stay posted.
I didn't get any good pictures of the costumes. I hope to re-create it soon. For now here you go.

Boyd's Farm
It was raining and cold at Boyds but we went anyway. It was free because nothing was open. Janna didn't mind because papa got her cotton candy. We got our pumpkins for the year too. Here are a few pictures of our trip.

Simon was tired.

Janna...who know what she is thinking.
Grandma and Grandpa joined us for the cold adventure. Janna was afraid of the donkey. Simon loved the animals and didn't want to leave them.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
I am thankful for...
My double stroller- I took the kids for a walk by-myself last night and it went well.
Janna shared her M&M with Simon without me asking:)
My double stroller- I took the kids for a walk by-myself last night and it went well.
Janna shared her M&M with Simon without me asking:)
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
What is New!
Simon has now said "clock" yesterday and today when we walk by the clock at school.
Simon will take three steps by himself...but then goes back to crawling.
Janna is counting in Spanish to six.
Janna has been great at helping me out.
Janna ate a cheese sandwich and a peanut butter sandwich for the first time.
She is also dry most mornings and hasn't had many accidents lately. Yeah Janna!
We are all looking forward to Halloween and treats on main this Saturday.
Simon will take three steps by himself...but then goes back to crawling.
Janna is counting in Spanish to six.
Janna has been great at helping me out.
Janna ate a cheese sandwich and a peanut butter sandwich for the first time.
She is also dry most mornings and hasn't had many accidents lately. Yeah Janna!
We are all looking forward to Halloween and treats on main this Saturday.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Health Update
Simon started sleeping better on Saturday night and then great on Sunday night.
Then Janna started coughing last night so hard that she got sick multiple time. OH what fun!
We are watching the cough but there are no other symptoms.
Then Janna started coughing last night so hard that she got sick multiple time. OH what fun!
We are watching the cough but there are no other symptoms.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Simon & Ears
Simon went to school today since there is no fever and no other signs of sickness...just fussy, not as active or hungry....He was so excited to be at school today. He waved bye bye to us and smiled happy to be playing with his teacher.
We took him to the pediatrician today after work and his ear is really red and looks infected but it is hard to tell because of the recent surgery. We got a prescription for Augmentium along with the ear drops.
Hopefully he will start sleeping.
We took him to the pediatrician today after work and his ear is really red and looks infected but it is hard to tell because of the recent surgery. We got a prescription for Augmentium along with the ear drops.
Hopefully he will start sleeping.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Simon has a fever
Last night Simon had a high fever of 102.5 and was up and awake and crying in pain every hour and a half. This morning Isaac called the doctor office and the nurse said is was probably a side effect of the anesthesia but to watch him and if it spikes again to call.
Simon screamed a lot today and refused to nap or lay down or even think about sleeping. Isaac and I are very tired.
Something is "off".
Simon screamed a lot today and refused to nap or lay down or even think about sleeping. Isaac and I are very tired.
Something is "off".
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Simon and Ear Tubes

Simon's check in time was 6:45am and surgery was at 7:45. We were at Central Baptist this time instead of KY surgery center. They had cool playroom for children. It had a two story playhouse with kitchen. Janna was very good and very well behaved. Her Rubber glow in the dark skeletons kept her occupied in the " waiting for the surgeon" area. She loved the princess stickers the nice nurse gave her.
Simon's surgery went went really well. According to the doctor, there was no infection but there was still fluid when he did the surgery. It took about five minutes then we got to see Simon in recovery. He was screaming very loudly. We tried juice and that worked for a little bit but not long. Janna was so cute and held his hand and sang to him and that work for a few minutes. He was still very upset, but Isaac thought if we got him in the car and drove he would fall asleep and that would help. Well.....Simon screamed the whole way home very loudly until we pulled into our street when he fell asleep. We got home around 9am and he slept until 12:30am. A good long nap.
That day he still was fussy and tired looking. That night he went to bed early.
I am very thankful that the surgery went well and Simon is okay but he is still not 100%.
Simon's surgery went went really well. According to the doctor, there was no infection but there was still fluid when he did the surgery. It took about five minutes then we got to see Simon in recovery. He was screaming very loudly. We tried juice and that worked for a little bit but not long. Janna was so cute and held his hand and sang to him and that work for a few minutes. He was still very upset, but Isaac thought if we got him in the car and drove he would fall asleep and that would help. Well.....Simon screamed the whole way home very loudly until we pulled into our street when he fell asleep. We got home around 9am and he slept until 12:30am. A good long nap.
That day he still was fussy and tired looking. That night he went to bed early.
I am very thankful that the surgery went well and Simon is okay but he is still not 100%.

Monday, October 19, 2009
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Molly got a new dog dish yesterday (an early Christmas present). This one has her name engraved on it. When we first got it Janna sounded it out the letters and said "Molly". Today I asked her to spell Molly and she did with out looking at the bowl.
Janna is getting smarter everyday.
Janna is getting smarter everyday.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Simon's ears
Simon's ear tube surgery is scheduled for next Wednesday the 21st. We find out time the day before but it will be around 6:30am. He doesn't currently have an ear infection but his ears are full of fluid. He was very good at the ENT. I am nervous because surgery is scary but excited because I know the difference it made for Janna and this will prevent a lot of problems this winter.
Janna can spell her name for you. I am so excited and love to hear her.
She is counting to 17 but always misses 15 sometimes 16.
She is talking a lot about her chocolate Tinkerbell birthday after Christmas.
Cute Story:
Last night her lamp makes shadows (as it always has) and it was really bothering her. It is a spinning space lamp with a night light light bulb just enough that is not too dark and she can sleep. The circle shape and spinning does make shadows. I told her we could pick out a new lamp if she wanted. She wants a small because there isn't much room, pink lamp with a circle(light bulb maybe) and a hat(lamp shade).
She is counting to 17 but always misses 15 sometimes 16.
She is talking a lot about her chocolate Tinkerbell birthday after Christmas.
Cute Story:
Last night her lamp makes shadows (as it always has) and it was really bothering her. It is a spinning space lamp with a night light light bulb just enough that is not too dark and she can sleep. The circle shape and spinning does make shadows. I told her we could pick out a new lamp if she wanted. She wants a small because there isn't much room, pink lamp with a circle(light bulb maybe) and a hat(lamp shade).
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Simon Stands on his own
Janna Says...
When passing some HS boy runners....
Janna: Look Mommy they have their swim suit on. They are going swimming!
Me: Are you sure maybe they are just running...no Mommy they are going to the pool.
When watching a train pass by...
Me: Where do you think the train is going?
Janna: I don't know...there are kids and family in the there( pointing to the the storage box carts)
She can make you smile!
Janna: Look Mommy they have their swim suit on. They are going swimming!
Me: Are you sure maybe they are just running...no Mommy they are going to the pool.
When watching a train pass by...
Me: Where do you think the train is going?
Janna: I don't know...there are kids and family in the there( pointing to the the storage box carts)
She can make you smile!
Simon's Ears
Simon finished his second round of drugs for his ear infection but still isn't any better. We go to the ENT on Friday to schedule the surgery for ear tubes. He has has 7 ear infections in 6 months an it isn't even cold yet. The homeopathic ear drops seems to help along with the Tylenol and Motrin he is getting. He is happy and active most of the time. He just pulls on his ears a lot and will lean his ears on your shoulder.
I am not as nervous this round of ear tubes, but please keep Simon in your prayers.
I am not as nervous this round of ear tubes, but please keep Simon in your prayers.
Last night on one of the times I got with Simon I noticed Janna's bedroom door open.
Me: Isaac did you open Janna's door?
Isaac: no, why?
Me: It is open, could you check on her while I put Simon back to sleep?
Isaac: (quietly opens Simon's door and in a panicked voice) I can't find her?
A minute or two later....seemed like forever...
Isaac: I found her...she is on the trunk next to your side of the bed( It took turning on our overhead light to find her.)
After Simon is settled I go in and see her curled up in her little ball on top of a blanket-pillow-and robe sound asleep.
Isaac and I got a good giggle out the picture, but knew better than to try and get a picture and risk waking her up.
Me: Should we leave her there? Will she fall?
Isaac: I think she will be okay, just cover her up with a blanket.
We crawl back in bed and settle in when....crash.....then crying...she fell off the trunk. We picked her up and put her back in bed.
Me: Isaac did you open Janna's door?
Isaac: no, why?
Me: It is open, could you check on her while I put Simon back to sleep?
Isaac: (quietly opens Simon's door and in a panicked voice) I can't find her?
A minute or two later....seemed like forever...
Isaac: I found her...she is on the trunk next to your side of the bed( It took turning on our overhead light to find her.)
After Simon is settled I go in and see her curled up in her little ball on top of a blanket-pillow-and robe sound asleep.
Isaac and I got a good giggle out the picture, but knew better than to try and get a picture and risk waking her up.
Me: Should we leave her there? Will she fall?
Isaac: I think she will be okay, just cover her up with a blanket.
We crawl back in bed and settle in when....crash.....then crying...she fell off the trunk. We picked her up and put her back in bed.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Janna says
Janna says the cutest and funnest things sometimes....
From I am not a teddy bear I don't have a tail
Last night she was saying her neck was hot so I told her to drink her cold water, she said Mommy water goes to my belly to make it cold not my neck...silly mommy
She told her teacher she lives in the country and doesn't have any neighbors or houses near her.
She has recently been interested in praying with us and will repeat after us when we pray. It is the sweetest thing ever. When she first started it brought tears to my eyes. I love how she talks to God and tells us about him.
Once I remember more stories I will post them.
From I am not a teddy bear I don't have a tail
Last night she was saying her neck was hot so I told her to drink her cold water, she said Mommy water goes to my belly to make it cold not my neck...silly mommy
She told her teacher she lives in the country and doesn't have any neighbors or houses near her.
She has recently been interested in praying with us and will repeat after us when we pray. It is the sweetest thing ever. When she first started it brought tears to my eyes. I love how she talks to God and tells us about him.
Once I remember more stories I will post them.
Simon now has a double ear infection after 10 days on the first antibiotic and is now on day four of the next strongest drug. He doesn't seem to be feeling any better though. The doctor recommended tubes in the next couple weeks. We need to be making appointments with the ENT to get this all scheduled so my little boy is happy and sleeps through the night. This is his 7th ear infection in 6 months.
He now has four top teeth.
He says bye bye and hi plus ball clearer than before. He is getting really good at the more sign.
He still throws his cup all the time and is a very messy eater.
He dances to any music and smiles really big.
He claps often.
He is very active and continually is climbing up stuff and pulling things out. He doesn't like to sit in his exersaucer for very long.
He has discovered Molly the dog and stares at her.
He loves food.
He now has four top teeth.
He says bye bye and hi plus ball clearer than before. He is getting really good at the more sign.
He still throws his cup all the time and is a very messy eater.
He dances to any music and smiles really big.
He claps often.
He is very active and continually is climbing up stuff and pulling things out. He doesn't like to sit in his exersaucer for very long.
He has discovered Molly the dog and stares at her.
He loves food.
Monday, September 21, 2009
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