Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Simon will be turning 2 in just a couple weeks.

He is a lovable boy.

Simon is talking more. It is great to see all the words he says. His new word flashlight. He is putting words together now too. He told me last night as he handed me a ball. Mama ball, Simon ball.

Yes he still loves balls.

He loves Cookie Monster and Elmo too.

He has taken an interest in planes too.

He likes the show dinosaur train of PBS.

He loves Mickey too.

When he picks movies it is usually 101 Dalmations (loves dogs) or Mickey mouse.

Simon is now always in his big boy bed and does well in there.

He sleeps with with two silky blankets that Aaron and Christina gave us, a couple burp rags, and his paci.

I was close to get rid of the paci by now but no luck, maybe soon though. We will see, he uses it mostly at nap and bed time. Sometimes when he is upset too.

Simon is learning his limit and boundaries. We are working on hitting and biting mostly but also just listening.

Time outs work most of the time.

Simon gives awesome hugs and his smile will brighten your day.

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