We had a great time in TN with family this past weekend. It was fun family trip full of blessings.
Friday we left in the afternoon and traveled 4 hours. Once there we had spaghetti dinner with everyone include Uncle Wayne, Shirley, Dot and Cousin Amanda. After dinner our family and Aaron and Christina and the kids all went to the pool to swim. All kids eventually crashed. The adults stayed up and talked for a bit before heading to bed.
Saturday we went to Ripley’s Aquarium in our matching Flag shirts. We got the group picture we have been wanting. The aquarium was fun and a lot cheaper than Dollywood and inside. Military got an 80% discount. This is a nice deal for Aaron and Christina who split up the discount with us. The kids loved the penguins and the children play area. Janna said she liked the dip and dot ice cream too. Aunt Christina was so sweet and got all the kids a present from the gift shop. Janna and Alliayah got a large purple turtle that had sparkles and jewels on it. Simon and Judah got a small green turtle. Asher got sharks. We met Uncle Wayne and the gang at Cracker Barrel for lunch. Then the kids and adults all took nice long naps that afternoon. After dinner of Chicken and Rice with Uncle Wayne and the gang, Isaac and I took the Kids to the pool. Simon got bit by three mosquitoes and swelled up and reacted the same as usually. My poor little boy hurts so badly after they bite him. After the pool the kids went to bed. The adult watched the fireworks we could see from the deck.

Sunday morning we went to church. It was interesting not having a nursery for the kids and an hour and half to two hour service. Simon fell asleep and Janna and Asher were very good. Aaliyah and Judah had the hardest time. After church went to the Apple Restaurant and were joined by UncleWayne and the gang. Then Isaac took Janna to the pool while I attempted to put Simon down for a nap. (It didn’t work). After the other kids work up we had pizza and wings for dinner and then called it a night.
Monday we said our goodbyes to Aaron and Christina and the kids and Dad left soon afterwards. Then Isaac and I took the kids to the pool. We had sandwiches for lunch. Isaac and Simon took naps while Janna had some down time. She woke up really late so she wasn’t tired. Then I went exploring with Janna down to the creek to throw rock in the river. Then all of us, including mom went shopping to the outlet malls for a little bit. Then we came back quickly and had dinner, then Isaac and went on a date. We went to see Twilight Eclipse. It was really good and action packed. It took 40 min to get there because of traffic and bad Google directions. It took only 5 to get back to the room. Once back we packed and cleaned up in order to leave early the next day.
Tuesday we traveled home and then Isaac had to work that afternoon while I played with the kids.
We had a great vacation and we are blessed to have such a wonderful loving family!
Friday we left in the afternoon and traveled 4 hours. Once there we had spaghetti dinner with everyone include Uncle Wayne, Shirley, Dot and Cousin Amanda. After dinner our family and Aaron and Christina and the kids all went to the pool to swim. All kids eventually crashed. The adults stayed up and talked for a bit before heading to bed.
Saturday we went to Ripley’s Aquarium in our matching Flag shirts. We got the group picture we have been wanting. The aquarium was fun and a lot cheaper than Dollywood and inside. Military got an 80% discount. This is a nice deal for Aaron and Christina who split up the discount with us. The kids loved the penguins and the children play area. Janna said she liked the dip and dot ice cream too. Aunt Christina was so sweet and got all the kids a present from the gift shop. Janna and Alliayah got a large purple turtle that had sparkles and jewels on it. Simon and Judah got a small green turtle. Asher got sharks. We met Uncle Wayne and the gang at Cracker Barrel for lunch. Then the kids and adults all took nice long naps that afternoon. After dinner of Chicken and Rice with Uncle Wayne and the gang, Isaac and I took the Kids to the pool. Simon got bit by three mosquitoes and swelled up and reacted the same as usually. My poor little boy hurts so badly after they bite him. After the pool the kids went to bed. The adult watched the fireworks we could see from the deck.

Sunday morning we went to church. It was interesting not having a nursery for the kids and an hour and half to two hour service. Simon fell asleep and Janna and Asher were very good. Aaliyah and Judah had the hardest time. After church went to the Apple Restaurant and were joined by UncleWayne and the gang. Then Isaac took Janna to the pool while I attempted to put Simon down for a nap. (It didn’t work). After the other kids work up we had pizza and wings for dinner and then called it a night.
Monday we said our goodbyes to Aaron and Christina and the kids and Dad left soon afterwards. Then Isaac and I took the kids to the pool. We had sandwiches for lunch. Isaac and Simon took naps while Janna had some down time. She woke up really late so she wasn’t tired. Then I went exploring with Janna down to the creek to throw rock in the river. Then all of us, including mom went shopping to the outlet malls for a little bit. Then we came back quickly and had dinner, then Isaac and went on a date. We went to see Twilight Eclipse. It was really good and action packed. It took 40 min to get there because of traffic and bad Google directions. It took only 5 to get back to the room. Once back we packed and cleaned up in order to leave early the next day.
Tuesday we traveled home and then Isaac had to work that afternoon while I played with the kids.
We had a great vacation and we are blessed to have such a wonderful loving family!
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