We had a great Christmas with the Hopper side. More to come when my headache goes away. We look forward to the new year with the Wilson side.
Happy New Year Everyone!
Tales from the mother of the most adorable, lovable, perfect little monsters any parent could ask for.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Simon had his follow up appointment. He now weighs 12 lbs and 3 oz. So he gained weight. He is spiting up less often. Which is a very good thing. He likes his cereal but won't eat it unless it is made with breast milk, which I am currently out of. He was having some formula but has been refusing that lately since he has been home with us for over a week. He is currently battling a viral infection in his chest and has a horrible cough. He is on an antibiotic and Tylenol. We spent time in the emergency room after three days of a fever and the cough getting worse. Our doctor confirmed what the ER doctor said, but also did a few blood tests and checked for RSV. Our whole family except Simon got the flu shot yesterday too.
So for a the good stuff...
Simon loves to blow bubbles. He makes the cutest noises.
Despite being sick and feeling bad he still gives big smiles.
He likes his new rattles he got for Christmas.
He constantly tries to sit up when we prop him up. Which sometimes results in him falling over.
He lights up when Janna talks to him.
He loves to be snuggled.
Please be praying for his cough and a quick recovery.
So for a the good stuff...
Simon loves to blow bubbles. He makes the cutest noises.
Despite being sick and feeling bad he still gives big smiles.
He likes his new rattles he got for Christmas.
He constantly tries to sit up when we prop him up. Which sometimes results in him falling over.
He lights up when Janna talks to him.
He loves to be snuggled.
Please be praying for his cough and a quick recovery.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
We had a great weekend. I got to spend lots of time with Isaac. This is a rare and fun thing. Friday night we had a Christmas Party at our new church with free childcare. Janna eventually went back and we had a great time meeting new friends and hanging out. Saturday my mom came down to play/ watch the kids. Isaac and I went to a movie, lunch, grocery shopping, and then got ice cream. When we came back my mom had gotten a great Christmas Picture of the kids. They both look so cute. Sunday church had a community breakfast and then a special service. Both kids went to childcare. Sunday we napped and relaxed. We had a good time. Thanks Mom for coming down and giving us a day out.
Hair Cut
Janna got her first hair cut last night! She looks so cute. We went to dinner and then Fantastic Sam's. Since it was her first hair cut, it was free. What a sweet deal! She got a pink balloon, a sucker, and a hair twisty. She moved around a lot but the girl was really patient with her. At the end she said she was scared but that was when I had to hold her face still to make sure all sides were even. Isaac did a great job taking pictures and watching Simon. The lady was really sweet and got me an envelope full of hair clippings, plus a certificate filled out about her first hair cut.
Janna was excited about her hair cut and she looks good.
Janna was excited about her hair cut and she looks good.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Oh the fun!
Oh the joy of parenting... only then is it normal to talk about pooping, peeing, milk, spit up and other fun without a weird look.
Janna has twice now during her bath told me she needs to pee so we get her out of tub and put on the potty and she goes. We clap, dance, and cheer. I get so excited. I am so proud of her.
Yesterday, Janna had been trying to poop all day and was having trouble. During bath she told me she had to poop. I put her on the potty and she started whining, she was scared. She grunted and then "plop plop". She did it. She pooped in the potty for the first time at our house. We called Grandma and Daddy. She was more scared even afterwards than excited. We are still reassuring her that this is and exciting thing and not scary.
Simon also pooped this morning. TWICE. It was cracks me up how happy he is afterwards. It is like he knows how fun it is to change him. I forgot how much they can smell. Yuck!
Simon also gave his teachers a hard time yesterday by spitting up immediately over the clean outfit they just put on him. I am hoping that the medicine we started today helps.
I am not producing enough milk to keep him supplied for school. I am having to unfreeze some frozen milk from earlier. I am worried that I am not making enough for him when I feed him as well. We will probably start supplementing with formula during/after the Christmas break. I will be happy to be done with my pump, though I may still try and pump a little bit if possible once a day. The cost of formula is crazy and I just wish I could provide for him longer. Isaac keeps reassuring me that this is okay and not to worry. I know Mom's who breast feed for a year, I just wish I could do a couple months longer. At times I feel like a bad mom because I can't provide for him but I know that this isn't too and it is my emotions/hormones making me think this. At least on formula I am more open to leaving him with family/friends and going out with just Isaac on dates.
So that my fun updated on the the pee, poop,spit-up and milk.
Janna has twice now during her bath told me she needs to pee so we get her out of tub and put on the potty and she goes. We clap, dance, and cheer. I get so excited. I am so proud of her.
Yesterday, Janna had been trying to poop all day and was having trouble. During bath she told me she had to poop. I put her on the potty and she started whining, she was scared. She grunted and then "plop plop". She did it. She pooped in the potty for the first time at our house. We called Grandma and Daddy. She was more scared even afterwards than excited. We are still reassuring her that this is and exciting thing and not scary.
Simon also pooped this morning. TWICE. It was cracks me up how happy he is afterwards. It is like he knows how fun it is to change him. I forgot how much they can smell. Yuck!
Simon also gave his teachers a hard time yesterday by spitting up immediately over the clean outfit they just put on him. I am hoping that the medicine we started today helps.
I am not producing enough milk to keep him supplied for school. I am having to unfreeze some frozen milk from earlier. I am worried that I am not making enough for him when I feed him as well. We will probably start supplementing with formula during/after the Christmas break. I will be happy to be done with my pump, though I may still try and pump a little bit if possible once a day. The cost of formula is crazy and I just wish I could provide for him longer. Isaac keeps reassuring me that this is okay and not to worry. I know Mom's who breast feed for a year, I just wish I could do a couple months longer. At times I feel like a bad mom because I can't provide for him but I know that this isn't too and it is my emotions/hormones making me think this. At least on formula I am more open to leaving him with family/friends and going out with just Isaac on dates.
So that my fun updated on the the pee, poop,spit-up and milk.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Craft Fair
Saturday we went to a craft fair and the whole way there we were talking about it, it wasn't that far away. Janna kept saying" I want to see crafts" over and over. When we got there she was really good we made it around the first loop, when Janna asked " where are the crafts". I had to stop and think. I pointed around and told her these are handmade crafts/toys/etc that people had made. "where are the crafts" she asked again? I then asked her, what she thought crafts were, " I don't know" she answered.
As we were leaving Janna says in her loud voice, " I have poop ball, put in potty mommy". She said this multiple times. Isaac's mom got a good giggle out of this. This is so common that I didn't even think anything of it. That is just what Janna does!
As we were leaving Janna says in her loud voice, " I have poop ball, put in potty mommy". She said this multiple times. Isaac's mom got a good giggle out of this. This is so common that I didn't even think anything of it. That is just what Janna does!

Simon had cereal for the first time Saturday Night. He loved it. He finished the whole bowl. His tongue didn't get in the way like they usually do the first time. He didn't mind the texture like Janna did. The spoon went in easily and he kept it in his mouth. He smiles really big between bites just waiting for more.
I can't believe he is already 4 months old.
Friday, December 5, 2008
Simon is 4 month old
Simon had his 4 month check up today. Dr Gilisipie say he looks great and he is on track, except.... his weight isn't good.
Simon is 23 inches-he grew one inch
11 lbs 10 oz- he only gained 10 oz
So he is in the 4 % and needs to increase.
He has been spitting up a lot so I decreased his food, but now we have zantac medicine to help with the spitting up and I am to increase the feeding amounts. We are also to start him on cereal. With these few things we will go back in three weeks to see if it helped.
Simon got his three shots and one oral vaccine. He did a good job and only cried when he got the shots but then calmed down. He didn't cry when put on the scale(twice).
Simon doesn't look underweight. He is happy and wiggly. The doctor and nurses both commented on how active was. Also how he has beautiful blue eyes.
Simon loves to laugh and smile with a big open mouth. He will coo and goo at you when you talk to him. He loves to grab on to hair, shirts, fingers, ect.. His gums are a little swollen so we were right about him starting to get a tooth. He will tolerate belly time but prefers to be on his back.
Simon is a sweet baby and a gift from God.
Simon is 23 inches-he grew one inch
11 lbs 10 oz- he only gained 10 oz
So he is in the 4 % and needs to increase.
He has been spitting up a lot so I decreased his food, but now we have zantac medicine to help with the spitting up and I am to increase the feeding amounts. We are also to start him on cereal. With these few things we will go back in three weeks to see if it helped.
Simon got his three shots and one oral vaccine. He did a good job and only cried when he got the shots but then calmed down. He didn't cry when put on the scale(twice).
Simon doesn't look underweight. He is happy and wiggly. The doctor and nurses both commented on how active was. Also how he has beautiful blue eyes.
Simon loves to laugh and smile with a big open mouth. He will coo and goo at you when you talk to him. He loves to grab on to hair, shirts, fingers, ect.. His gums are a little swollen so we were right about him starting to get a tooth. He will tolerate belly time but prefers to be on his back.
Simon is a sweet baby and a gift from God.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
How many bags do you need?
How many bags do you need? This is often the same question I get every morning as we head out the door.
Usually the answer is four....
Breast Pump
Simon school bag
Janna school bag
But today it was six....
Breast Pump
Simon School bag
Janna school bag
Simon diaper bag for doctor appointment this afternoon
lunch bag since I am taking him to the doctor and skipping lunch
Other bags that come from time to time...
The library book bag, so I can return them at the drop box
Janna's diaper bag/toy bag if I am going somewhere with her
Isaac doesn't understand my madness, but I have my reasons for all of them.
They each need their own bag with their spare clothes in their classroom. Janna's is used to house her paci and burp rag during the day. Simon has bottles.
Why not just use his school bag for the doctor office, then I would have to put diapers, cover-up,wipes, in the school bag, when it is easier to grab the one already prepared.
I would love to leave the pump but I have to have that.
And what girl and go with out their purse and all the goodies inside.
I would love to have less bags, after get the kids, I have to take three trips to just get in the house. (Bags, Simon, Janna)
It is a good thing I just love my bags!
Usually the answer is four....
Breast Pump
Simon school bag
Janna school bag
But today it was six....
Breast Pump
Simon School bag
Janna school bag
Simon diaper bag for doctor appointment this afternoon
lunch bag since I am taking him to the doctor and skipping lunch
Other bags that come from time to time...
The library book bag, so I can return them at the drop box
Janna's diaper bag/toy bag if I am going somewhere with her
Isaac doesn't understand my madness, but I have my reasons for all of them.
They each need their own bag with their spare clothes in their classroom. Janna's is used to house her paci and burp rag during the day. Simon has bottles.
Why not just use his school bag for the doctor office, then I would have to put diapers, cover-up,wipes, in the school bag, when it is easier to grab the one already prepared.
I would love to leave the pump but I have to have that.
And what girl and go with out their purse and all the goodies inside.
I would love to have less bags, after get the kids, I have to take three trips to just get in the house. (Bags, Simon, Janna)
It is a good thing I just love my bags!
Janna and new words/ ideas
Janna has always had good language skills. Recently she has started saying " I don't know" instead of just not answering. It is nice that she say that when she can't make a decision, instead of just looking at you.
This morning I was getting both kids ready at the same time, usually Simon is still sleeping. I had brought their clothes in to put on, when Janna asked for something from her room. I told her " let put the clothes on first so Mommy doesn't have to make an extra trip". I prefer to just go back once with dirty clothes/or pajamas and then get the car seat then close the door for the morning. Janna looks at me and says " I want to go on trip with Mommy". She know what trip means but not that it can mean multiple things.
I then told her we would take a trip to grandma's this weekend. She wanted to go now. I told her we had to wait. G-ma get ready she is excited to see you. She told me as we got in the car, want to see papa too. I am trying to figure out to pack the presents to have there for Christmas, the pack n play to have there too (since there will be four children three and under), plus Molly with crate, and the normal stuff like clothes and etc. Oh yeah plus the strollers, I have no idea how this is going to work.
Janna will very clearly tell us why she is upset and what she wants, although sometimes there is screaming first. There are times when if you don't repeat her with what she is saying, she will say it a couple more times but then she gets mad. Like the time she goldfish and it took and hour and half and a time out figure it out. Once we got the goldfish all was well.
Janna is loving to play in the sink and help clean. This is a good replacement for the water table and pool that she loves. I don't understand how she loves this but is hating baths lately. Last night she got so angry at me for making her stop playing in the sink. Simon had just pooped and needed a diaper change, plus she has already been playing for 20minutes at the sink. Daddy stepped in to help and saved the day:)
This morning I was getting both kids ready at the same time, usually Simon is still sleeping. I had brought their clothes in to put on, when Janna asked for something from her room. I told her " let put the clothes on first so Mommy doesn't have to make an extra trip". I prefer to just go back once with dirty clothes/or pajamas and then get the car seat then close the door for the morning. Janna looks at me and says " I want to go on trip with Mommy". She know what trip means but not that it can mean multiple things.
I then told her we would take a trip to grandma's this weekend. She wanted to go now. I told her we had to wait. G-ma get ready she is excited to see you. She told me as we got in the car, want to see papa too. I am trying to figure out to pack the presents to have there for Christmas, the pack n play to have there too (since there will be four children three and under), plus Molly with crate, and the normal stuff like clothes and etc. Oh yeah plus the strollers, I have no idea how this is going to work.
Janna will very clearly tell us why she is upset and what she wants, although sometimes there is screaming first. There are times when if you don't repeat her with what she is saying, she will say it a couple more times but then she gets mad. Like the time she goldfish and it took and hour and half and a time out figure it out. Once we got the goldfish all was well.
Janna is loving to play in the sink and help clean. This is a good replacement for the water table and pool that she loves. I don't understand how she loves this but is hating baths lately. Last night she got so angry at me for making her stop playing in the sink. Simon had just pooped and needed a diaper change, plus she has already been playing for 20minutes at the sink. Daddy stepped in to help and saved the day:)
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Good Night
We had a good night last night. Isaac went to the library to study after dinner and usually when he leaves it gets crazy, but last night went well. Simon was his sweet self and was content to play in his bouncy seat. He gave me lots of big smiles. Janna did well with only a little screaming, which it to be expected. I didn't lose it like I have in the past. Last night allowed me to regain some confidence I had lost in myself.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Oh to Janna
Janna has been up to a lot lately...here are few of her stories...
Simon started crying the other day and she went up him as I was trying to sooth him she petted his face and repeated over and over again..."calm down, calm down". I had no clue that is what I said to him but apparently it is.
Janna keeps asking to go on a hay ride and train ride and pick out a pumpkin. She really enjoyed going to the pumpkin patch.
She also talks about petting the animals.
She also keeps asking to go trick or treating. I keep explaining that next year we will. She loves candy.
Janna counted to 13 yesterday. I thought she could only count to 10. Wow.
Janna is loving her Curious George Christmas book. Thanks Daddy.
Potty training has been put on hold again. We keep talking about it so hopefully she will be interested in it again.
Janna is enjoying puzzles lately and go ta-da with her arms out wide when she finishes.
Janna loves the Christmas lights and balls. We plan on taking her to the Southern Lights.
We think her three year molars might be coming in, either that or her diet is causing her some stomach problems. We are going to have to get strict about her meal this week to see if it helps.
She loves to help Mommy. She will wash dishes with me. Sweep the floor and use the dust pan.
I believe she is like Isaac, she wears her mood/emotion openly. You can tell her mood by looking at her. She will also let you know what is on her mind.
When Janna laughs you laugh too. When she is happy her smile is contagious.
Simon started crying the other day and she went up him as I was trying to sooth him she petted his face and repeated over and over again..."calm down, calm down". I had no clue that is what I said to him but apparently it is.
Janna keeps asking to go on a hay ride and train ride and pick out a pumpkin. She really enjoyed going to the pumpkin patch.
She also talks about petting the animals.
She also keeps asking to go trick or treating. I keep explaining that next year we will. She loves candy.
Janna counted to 13 yesterday. I thought she could only count to 10. Wow.
Janna is loving her Curious George Christmas book. Thanks Daddy.
Potty training has been put on hold again. We keep talking about it so hopefully she will be interested in it again.
Janna is enjoying puzzles lately and go ta-da with her arms out wide when she finishes.
Janna loves the Christmas lights and balls. We plan on taking her to the Southern Lights.
We think her three year molars might be coming in, either that or her diet is causing her some stomach problems. We are going to have to get strict about her meal this week to see if it helps.
She loves to help Mommy. She will wash dishes with me. Sweep the floor and use the dust pan.
I believe she is like Isaac, she wears her mood/emotion openly. You can tell her mood by looking at her. She will also let you know what is on her mind.
When Janna laughs you laugh too. When she is happy her smile is contagious.
I have been meaning to write but it has been busy at our household.
We had a great Thanksgiving this year. Everyone came to our house. Isaac cooked the turkey. The food the delicious and we had lots of leftovers. We went on a family walk after lunch and then had dessert. All guests were gone by evening. The rest of the weekend we relax and hung out as a family. I was thankful for four days that I didn't have to pump. I got to feed Simon myself. I got to spend extra time with Janna to play and cuddle with her. We went out and bought a real tree and decorated it. Janna was able to help this year and is loving the lights and balls. Simon was more fussy than usual, we think he might be teething. Janna was whiny, saying she wasn't feeling well. Not sure what is going on with her. So the weekend wasn't smooth or easy but it was nice to be home and I am very thankful for my family no matter how crazy it gets.
Sometimes it takes a tragedy before we realize all we have. I was starting to take what we have for granted, when a high school classmate/friend gave birth to a baby girl on November 12th but she has a hole in her diaphragm and needed surgery. While in the hospital she contracted a bacterial infection and pass away on November 21st. I can't imagine going through the whole pregnancy, having a nursery ready, and then not have a baby to take home. Especially during this holiday season. My thoughts and prayers go out to this family and I know they have a long journey of healing ahead of them.
I am thankful for my children as hard as some days seem. I am thankful for my wonderful husband who puts up with my moods. Life is a journey and we need to take the good with the bad. We need enjoy the good time and stand firm during the hard times. God is with us every step of the way, just just need to remember to lean on him in times of need.
This next month we have a lot going on. Isaac is going to a Steeler's game with Big Matt, Christmas Parties, Doctor appointments, preparing for Christmas, etc. I am really looking forward to see Aaron, Christina, Asher, and Aaliyah. It is aways loud, exciting, and fun. We haven't seen them since May and we appreciate their sacrifice in flying all the across the country to see us for Christmas. They will get to meet Simon for the first time too. This year it will be interesting with four children and seven adults, and two dogs all under one roof.
I will keep you posted.
We had a great Thanksgiving this year. Everyone came to our house. Isaac cooked the turkey. The food the delicious and we had lots of leftovers. We went on a family walk after lunch and then had dessert. All guests were gone by evening. The rest of the weekend we relax and hung out as a family. I was thankful for four days that I didn't have to pump. I got to feed Simon myself. I got to spend extra time with Janna to play and cuddle with her. We went out and bought a real tree and decorated it. Janna was able to help this year and is loving the lights and balls. Simon was more fussy than usual, we think he might be teething. Janna was whiny, saying she wasn't feeling well. Not sure what is going on with her. So the weekend wasn't smooth or easy but it was nice to be home and I am very thankful for my family no matter how crazy it gets.
Sometimes it takes a tragedy before we realize all we have. I was starting to take what we have for granted, when a high school classmate/friend gave birth to a baby girl on November 12th but she has a hole in her diaphragm and needed surgery. While in the hospital she contracted a bacterial infection and pass away on November 21st. I can't imagine going through the whole pregnancy, having a nursery ready, and then not have a baby to take home. Especially during this holiday season. My thoughts and prayers go out to this family and I know they have a long journey of healing ahead of them.
I am thankful for my children as hard as some days seem. I am thankful for my wonderful husband who puts up with my moods. Life is a journey and we need to take the good with the bad. We need enjoy the good time and stand firm during the hard times. God is with us every step of the way, just just need to remember to lean on him in times of need.
This next month we have a lot going on. Isaac is going to a Steeler's game with Big Matt, Christmas Parties, Doctor appointments, preparing for Christmas, etc. I am really looking forward to see Aaron, Christina, Asher, and Aaliyah. It is aways loud, exciting, and fun. We haven't seen them since May and we appreciate their sacrifice in flying all the across the country to see us for Christmas. They will get to meet Simon for the first time too. This year it will be interesting with four children and seven adults, and two dogs all under one roof.
I will keep you posted.
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