Friday, December 5, 2008

Simon is 4 month old

Simon had his 4 month check up today. Dr Gilisipie say he looks great and he is on track, except.... his weight isn't good.
Simon is 23 inches-he grew one inch
11 lbs 10 oz- he only gained 10 oz
So he is in the 4 % and needs to increase.
He has been spitting up a lot so I decreased his food, but now we have zantac medicine to help with the spitting up and I am to increase the feeding amounts. We are also to start him on cereal. With these few things we will go back in three weeks to see if it helped.

Simon got his three shots and one oral vaccine. He did a good job and only cried when he got the shots but then calmed down. He didn't cry when put on the scale(twice).

Simon doesn't look underweight. He is happy and wiggly. The doctor and nurses both commented on how active was. Also how he has beautiful blue eyes.

Simon loves to laugh and smile with a big open mouth. He will coo and goo at you when you talk to him. He loves to grab on to hair, shirts, fingers, ect.. His gums are a little swollen so we were right about him starting to get a tooth. He will tolerate belly time but prefers to be on his back.

Simon is a sweet baby and a gift from God.

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