I have been meaning to write but it has been busy at our household.
We had a great Thanksgiving this year. Everyone came to our house. Isaac cooked the turkey. The food the delicious and we had lots of leftovers. We went on a family walk after lunch and then had dessert. All guests were gone by evening. The rest of the weekend we relax and hung out as a family. I was thankful for four days that I didn't have to pump. I got to feed Simon myself. I got to spend extra time with Janna to play and cuddle with her. We went out and bought a real tree and decorated it. Janna was able to help this year and is loving the lights and balls. Simon was more fussy than usual, we think he might be teething. Janna was whiny, saying she wasn't feeling well. Not sure what is going on with her. So the weekend wasn't smooth or easy but it was nice to be home and I am very thankful for my family no matter how crazy it gets.
Sometimes it takes a tragedy before we realize all we have. I was starting to take what we have for granted, when a high school classmate/friend gave birth to a baby girl on November 12th but she has a hole in her diaphragm and needed surgery. While in the hospital she contracted a bacterial infection and pass away on November 21st. I can't imagine going through the whole pregnancy, having a nursery ready, and then not have a baby to take home. Especially during this holiday season. My thoughts and prayers go out to this family and I know they have a long journey of healing ahead of them.
I am thankful for my children as hard as some days seem. I am thankful for my wonderful husband who puts up with my moods. Life is a journey and we need to take the good with the bad. We need enjoy the good time and stand firm during the hard times. God is with us every step of the way, just just need to remember to lean on him in times of need.
This next month we have a lot going on. Isaac is going to a Steeler's game with Big Matt, Christmas Parties, Doctor appointments, preparing for Christmas, etc. I am really looking forward to see Aaron, Christina, Asher, and Aaliyah. It is aways loud, exciting, and fun. We haven't seen them since May and we appreciate their sacrifice in flying all the across the country to see us for Christmas. They will get to meet Simon for the first time too. This year it will be interesting with four children and seven adults, and two dogs all under one roof.
I will keep you posted.
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