Janna has always had good language skills. Recently she has started saying " I don't know" instead of just not answering. It is nice that she say that when she can't make a decision, instead of just looking at you.
This morning I was getting both kids ready at the same time, usually Simon is still sleeping. I had brought their clothes in to put on, when Janna asked for something from her room. I told her " let put the clothes on first so Mommy doesn't have to make an extra trip". I prefer to just go back once with dirty clothes/or pajamas and then get the car seat then close the door for the morning. Janna looks at me and says " I want to go on trip with Mommy". She know what trip means but not that it can mean multiple things.
I then told her we would take a trip to grandma's this weekend. She wanted to go now. I told her we had to wait. G-ma get ready she is excited to see you. She told me as we got in the car, want to see papa too. I am trying to figure out to pack the presents to have there for Christmas, the pack n play to have there too (since there will be four children three and under), plus Molly with crate, and the normal stuff like clothes and etc. Oh yeah plus the strollers, I have no idea how this is going to work.
Janna will very clearly tell us why she is upset and what she wants, although sometimes there is screaming first. There are times when if you don't repeat her with what she is saying, she will say it a couple more times but then she gets mad. Like the time she goldfish and it took and hour and half and a time out figure it out. Once we got the goldfish all was well.
Janna is loving to play in the sink and help clean. This is a good replacement for the water table and pool that she loves. I don't understand how she loves this but is hating baths lately. Last night she got so angry at me for making her stop playing in the sink. Simon had just pooped and needed a diaper change, plus she has already been playing for 20minutes at the sink. Daddy stepped in to help and saved the day:)
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