We had a great Christmas with the Hopper side. More to come when my headache goes away. We look forward to the new year with the Wilson side.
Happy New Year Everyone!
Tales from the mother of the most adorable, lovable, perfect little monsters any parent could ask for.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Simon had his follow up appointment. He now weighs 12 lbs and 3 oz. So he gained weight. He is spiting up less often. Which is a very good thing. He likes his cereal but won't eat it unless it is made with breast milk, which I am currently out of. He was having some formula but has been refusing that lately since he has been home with us for over a week. He is currently battling a viral infection in his chest and has a horrible cough. He is on an antibiotic and Tylenol. We spent time in the emergency room after three days of a fever and the cough getting worse. Our doctor confirmed what the ER doctor said, but also did a few blood tests and checked for RSV. Our whole family except Simon got the flu shot yesterday too.
So for a the good stuff...
Simon loves to blow bubbles. He makes the cutest noises.
Despite being sick and feeling bad he still gives big smiles.
He likes his new rattles he got for Christmas.
He constantly tries to sit up when we prop him up. Which sometimes results in him falling over.
He lights up when Janna talks to him.
He loves to be snuggled.
Please be praying for his cough and a quick recovery.
So for a the good stuff...
Simon loves to blow bubbles. He makes the cutest noises.
Despite being sick and feeling bad he still gives big smiles.
He likes his new rattles he got for Christmas.
He constantly tries to sit up when we prop him up. Which sometimes results in him falling over.
He lights up when Janna talks to him.
He loves to be snuggled.
Please be praying for his cough and a quick recovery.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
We had a great weekend. I got to spend lots of time with Isaac. This is a rare and fun thing. Friday night we had a Christmas Party at our new church with free childcare. Janna eventually went back and we had a great time meeting new friends and hanging out. Saturday my mom came down to play/ watch the kids. Isaac and I went to a movie, lunch, grocery shopping, and then got ice cream. When we came back my mom had gotten a great Christmas Picture of the kids. They both look so cute. Sunday church had a community breakfast and then a special service. Both kids went to childcare. Sunday we napped and relaxed. We had a good time. Thanks Mom for coming down and giving us a day out.
Hair Cut
Janna got her first hair cut last night! She looks so cute. We went to dinner and then Fantastic Sam's. Since it was her first hair cut, it was free. What a sweet deal! She got a pink balloon, a sucker, and a hair twisty. She moved around a lot but the girl was really patient with her. At the end she said she was scared but that was when I had to hold her face still to make sure all sides were even. Isaac did a great job taking pictures and watching Simon. The lady was really sweet and got me an envelope full of hair clippings, plus a certificate filled out about her first hair cut.
Janna was excited about her hair cut and she looks good.
Janna was excited about her hair cut and she looks good.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Oh the fun!
Oh the joy of parenting... only then is it normal to talk about pooping, peeing, milk, spit up and other fun without a weird look.
Janna has twice now during her bath told me she needs to pee so we get her out of tub and put on the potty and she goes. We clap, dance, and cheer. I get so excited. I am so proud of her.
Yesterday, Janna had been trying to poop all day and was having trouble. During bath she told me she had to poop. I put her on the potty and she started whining, she was scared. She grunted and then "plop plop". She did it. She pooped in the potty for the first time at our house. We called Grandma and Daddy. She was more scared even afterwards than excited. We are still reassuring her that this is and exciting thing and not scary.
Simon also pooped this morning. TWICE. It was cracks me up how happy he is afterwards. It is like he knows how fun it is to change him. I forgot how much they can smell. Yuck!
Simon also gave his teachers a hard time yesterday by spitting up immediately over the clean outfit they just put on him. I am hoping that the medicine we started today helps.
I am not producing enough milk to keep him supplied for school. I am having to unfreeze some frozen milk from earlier. I am worried that I am not making enough for him when I feed him as well. We will probably start supplementing with formula during/after the Christmas break. I will be happy to be done with my pump, though I may still try and pump a little bit if possible once a day. The cost of formula is crazy and I just wish I could provide for him longer. Isaac keeps reassuring me that this is okay and not to worry. I know Mom's who breast feed for a year, I just wish I could do a couple months longer. At times I feel like a bad mom because I can't provide for him but I know that this isn't too and it is my emotions/hormones making me think this. At least on formula I am more open to leaving him with family/friends and going out with just Isaac on dates.
So that my fun updated on the the pee, poop,spit-up and milk.
Janna has twice now during her bath told me she needs to pee so we get her out of tub and put on the potty and she goes. We clap, dance, and cheer. I get so excited. I am so proud of her.
Yesterday, Janna had been trying to poop all day and was having trouble. During bath she told me she had to poop. I put her on the potty and she started whining, she was scared. She grunted and then "plop plop". She did it. She pooped in the potty for the first time at our house. We called Grandma and Daddy. She was more scared even afterwards than excited. We are still reassuring her that this is and exciting thing and not scary.
Simon also pooped this morning. TWICE. It was cracks me up how happy he is afterwards. It is like he knows how fun it is to change him. I forgot how much they can smell. Yuck!
Simon also gave his teachers a hard time yesterday by spitting up immediately over the clean outfit they just put on him. I am hoping that the medicine we started today helps.
I am not producing enough milk to keep him supplied for school. I am having to unfreeze some frozen milk from earlier. I am worried that I am not making enough for him when I feed him as well. We will probably start supplementing with formula during/after the Christmas break. I will be happy to be done with my pump, though I may still try and pump a little bit if possible once a day. The cost of formula is crazy and I just wish I could provide for him longer. Isaac keeps reassuring me that this is okay and not to worry. I know Mom's who breast feed for a year, I just wish I could do a couple months longer. At times I feel like a bad mom because I can't provide for him but I know that this isn't too and it is my emotions/hormones making me think this. At least on formula I am more open to leaving him with family/friends and going out with just Isaac on dates.
So that my fun updated on the the pee, poop,spit-up and milk.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Craft Fair
Saturday we went to a craft fair and the whole way there we were talking about it, it wasn't that far away. Janna kept saying" I want to see crafts" over and over. When we got there she was really good we made it around the first loop, when Janna asked " where are the crafts". I had to stop and think. I pointed around and told her these are handmade crafts/toys/etc that people had made. "where are the crafts" she asked again? I then asked her, what she thought crafts were, " I don't know" she answered.
As we were leaving Janna says in her loud voice, " I have poop ball, put in potty mommy". She said this multiple times. Isaac's mom got a good giggle out of this. This is so common that I didn't even think anything of it. That is just what Janna does!
As we were leaving Janna says in her loud voice, " I have poop ball, put in potty mommy". She said this multiple times. Isaac's mom got a good giggle out of this. This is so common that I didn't even think anything of it. That is just what Janna does!

Simon had cereal for the first time Saturday Night. He loved it. He finished the whole bowl. His tongue didn't get in the way like they usually do the first time. He didn't mind the texture like Janna did. The spoon went in easily and he kept it in his mouth. He smiles really big between bites just waiting for more.
I can't believe he is already 4 months old.
Friday, December 5, 2008
Simon is 4 month old
Simon had his 4 month check up today. Dr Gilisipie say he looks great and he is on track, except.... his weight isn't good.
Simon is 23 inches-he grew one inch
11 lbs 10 oz- he only gained 10 oz
So he is in the 4 % and needs to increase.
He has been spitting up a lot so I decreased his food, but now we have zantac medicine to help with the spitting up and I am to increase the feeding amounts. We are also to start him on cereal. With these few things we will go back in three weeks to see if it helped.
Simon got his three shots and one oral vaccine. He did a good job and only cried when he got the shots but then calmed down. He didn't cry when put on the scale(twice).
Simon doesn't look underweight. He is happy and wiggly. The doctor and nurses both commented on how active was. Also how he has beautiful blue eyes.
Simon loves to laugh and smile with a big open mouth. He will coo and goo at you when you talk to him. He loves to grab on to hair, shirts, fingers, ect.. His gums are a little swollen so we were right about him starting to get a tooth. He will tolerate belly time but prefers to be on his back.
Simon is a sweet baby and a gift from God.
Simon is 23 inches-he grew one inch
11 lbs 10 oz- he only gained 10 oz
So he is in the 4 % and needs to increase.
He has been spitting up a lot so I decreased his food, but now we have zantac medicine to help with the spitting up and I am to increase the feeding amounts. We are also to start him on cereal. With these few things we will go back in three weeks to see if it helped.
Simon got his three shots and one oral vaccine. He did a good job and only cried when he got the shots but then calmed down. He didn't cry when put on the scale(twice).
Simon doesn't look underweight. He is happy and wiggly. The doctor and nurses both commented on how active was. Also how he has beautiful blue eyes.
Simon loves to laugh and smile with a big open mouth. He will coo and goo at you when you talk to him. He loves to grab on to hair, shirts, fingers, ect.. His gums are a little swollen so we were right about him starting to get a tooth. He will tolerate belly time but prefers to be on his back.
Simon is a sweet baby and a gift from God.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
How many bags do you need?
How many bags do you need? This is often the same question I get every morning as we head out the door.
Usually the answer is four....
Breast Pump
Simon school bag
Janna school bag
But today it was six....
Breast Pump
Simon School bag
Janna school bag
Simon diaper bag for doctor appointment this afternoon
lunch bag since I am taking him to the doctor and skipping lunch
Other bags that come from time to time...
The library book bag, so I can return them at the drop box
Janna's diaper bag/toy bag if I am going somewhere with her
Isaac doesn't understand my madness, but I have my reasons for all of them.
They each need their own bag with their spare clothes in their classroom. Janna's is used to house her paci and burp rag during the day. Simon has bottles.
Why not just use his school bag for the doctor office, then I would have to put diapers, cover-up,wipes, in the school bag, when it is easier to grab the one already prepared.
I would love to leave the pump but I have to have that.
And what girl and go with out their purse and all the goodies inside.
I would love to have less bags, after get the kids, I have to take three trips to just get in the house. (Bags, Simon, Janna)
It is a good thing I just love my bags!
Usually the answer is four....
Breast Pump
Simon school bag
Janna school bag
But today it was six....
Breast Pump
Simon School bag
Janna school bag
Simon diaper bag for doctor appointment this afternoon
lunch bag since I am taking him to the doctor and skipping lunch
Other bags that come from time to time...
The library book bag, so I can return them at the drop box
Janna's diaper bag/toy bag if I am going somewhere with her
Isaac doesn't understand my madness, but I have my reasons for all of them.
They each need their own bag with their spare clothes in their classroom. Janna's is used to house her paci and burp rag during the day. Simon has bottles.
Why not just use his school bag for the doctor office, then I would have to put diapers, cover-up,wipes, in the school bag, when it is easier to grab the one already prepared.
I would love to leave the pump but I have to have that.
And what girl and go with out their purse and all the goodies inside.
I would love to have less bags, after get the kids, I have to take three trips to just get in the house. (Bags, Simon, Janna)
It is a good thing I just love my bags!
Janna and new words/ ideas
Janna has always had good language skills. Recently she has started saying " I don't know" instead of just not answering. It is nice that she say that when she can't make a decision, instead of just looking at you.
This morning I was getting both kids ready at the same time, usually Simon is still sleeping. I had brought their clothes in to put on, when Janna asked for something from her room. I told her " let put the clothes on first so Mommy doesn't have to make an extra trip". I prefer to just go back once with dirty clothes/or pajamas and then get the car seat then close the door for the morning. Janna looks at me and says " I want to go on trip with Mommy". She know what trip means but not that it can mean multiple things.
I then told her we would take a trip to grandma's this weekend. She wanted to go now. I told her we had to wait. G-ma get ready she is excited to see you. She told me as we got in the car, want to see papa too. I am trying to figure out to pack the presents to have there for Christmas, the pack n play to have there too (since there will be four children three and under), plus Molly with crate, and the normal stuff like clothes and etc. Oh yeah plus the strollers, I have no idea how this is going to work.
Janna will very clearly tell us why she is upset and what she wants, although sometimes there is screaming first. There are times when if you don't repeat her with what she is saying, she will say it a couple more times but then she gets mad. Like the time she goldfish and it took and hour and half and a time out figure it out. Once we got the goldfish all was well.
Janna is loving to play in the sink and help clean. This is a good replacement for the water table and pool that she loves. I don't understand how she loves this but is hating baths lately. Last night she got so angry at me for making her stop playing in the sink. Simon had just pooped and needed a diaper change, plus she has already been playing for 20minutes at the sink. Daddy stepped in to help and saved the day:)
This morning I was getting both kids ready at the same time, usually Simon is still sleeping. I had brought their clothes in to put on, when Janna asked for something from her room. I told her " let put the clothes on first so Mommy doesn't have to make an extra trip". I prefer to just go back once with dirty clothes/or pajamas and then get the car seat then close the door for the morning. Janna looks at me and says " I want to go on trip with Mommy". She know what trip means but not that it can mean multiple things.
I then told her we would take a trip to grandma's this weekend. She wanted to go now. I told her we had to wait. G-ma get ready she is excited to see you. She told me as we got in the car, want to see papa too. I am trying to figure out to pack the presents to have there for Christmas, the pack n play to have there too (since there will be four children three and under), plus Molly with crate, and the normal stuff like clothes and etc. Oh yeah plus the strollers, I have no idea how this is going to work.
Janna will very clearly tell us why she is upset and what she wants, although sometimes there is screaming first. There are times when if you don't repeat her with what she is saying, she will say it a couple more times but then she gets mad. Like the time she goldfish and it took and hour and half and a time out figure it out. Once we got the goldfish all was well.
Janna is loving to play in the sink and help clean. This is a good replacement for the water table and pool that she loves. I don't understand how she loves this but is hating baths lately. Last night she got so angry at me for making her stop playing in the sink. Simon had just pooped and needed a diaper change, plus she has already been playing for 20minutes at the sink. Daddy stepped in to help and saved the day:)
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Good Night
We had a good night last night. Isaac went to the library to study after dinner and usually when he leaves it gets crazy, but last night went well. Simon was his sweet self and was content to play in his bouncy seat. He gave me lots of big smiles. Janna did well with only a little screaming, which it to be expected. I didn't lose it like I have in the past. Last night allowed me to regain some confidence I had lost in myself.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Oh to Janna
Janna has been up to a lot lately...here are few of her stories...
Simon started crying the other day and she went up him as I was trying to sooth him she petted his face and repeated over and over again..."calm down, calm down". I had no clue that is what I said to him but apparently it is.
Janna keeps asking to go on a hay ride and train ride and pick out a pumpkin. She really enjoyed going to the pumpkin patch.
She also talks about petting the animals.
She also keeps asking to go trick or treating. I keep explaining that next year we will. She loves candy.
Janna counted to 13 yesterday. I thought she could only count to 10. Wow.
Janna is loving her Curious George Christmas book. Thanks Daddy.
Potty training has been put on hold again. We keep talking about it so hopefully she will be interested in it again.
Janna is enjoying puzzles lately and go ta-da with her arms out wide when she finishes.
Janna loves the Christmas lights and balls. We plan on taking her to the Southern Lights.
We think her three year molars might be coming in, either that or her diet is causing her some stomach problems. We are going to have to get strict about her meal this week to see if it helps.
She loves to help Mommy. She will wash dishes with me. Sweep the floor and use the dust pan.
I believe she is like Isaac, she wears her mood/emotion openly. You can tell her mood by looking at her. She will also let you know what is on her mind.
When Janna laughs you laugh too. When she is happy her smile is contagious.
Simon started crying the other day and she went up him as I was trying to sooth him she petted his face and repeated over and over again..."calm down, calm down". I had no clue that is what I said to him but apparently it is.
Janna keeps asking to go on a hay ride and train ride and pick out a pumpkin. She really enjoyed going to the pumpkin patch.
She also talks about petting the animals.
She also keeps asking to go trick or treating. I keep explaining that next year we will. She loves candy.
Janna counted to 13 yesterday. I thought she could only count to 10. Wow.
Janna is loving her Curious George Christmas book. Thanks Daddy.
Potty training has been put on hold again. We keep talking about it so hopefully she will be interested in it again.
Janna is enjoying puzzles lately and go ta-da with her arms out wide when she finishes.
Janna loves the Christmas lights and balls. We plan on taking her to the Southern Lights.
We think her three year molars might be coming in, either that or her diet is causing her some stomach problems. We are going to have to get strict about her meal this week to see if it helps.
She loves to help Mommy. She will wash dishes with me. Sweep the floor and use the dust pan.
I believe she is like Isaac, she wears her mood/emotion openly. You can tell her mood by looking at her. She will also let you know what is on her mind.
When Janna laughs you laugh too. When she is happy her smile is contagious.
I have been meaning to write but it has been busy at our household.
We had a great Thanksgiving this year. Everyone came to our house. Isaac cooked the turkey. The food the delicious and we had lots of leftovers. We went on a family walk after lunch and then had dessert. All guests were gone by evening. The rest of the weekend we relax and hung out as a family. I was thankful for four days that I didn't have to pump. I got to feed Simon myself. I got to spend extra time with Janna to play and cuddle with her. We went out and bought a real tree and decorated it. Janna was able to help this year and is loving the lights and balls. Simon was more fussy than usual, we think he might be teething. Janna was whiny, saying she wasn't feeling well. Not sure what is going on with her. So the weekend wasn't smooth or easy but it was nice to be home and I am very thankful for my family no matter how crazy it gets.
Sometimes it takes a tragedy before we realize all we have. I was starting to take what we have for granted, when a high school classmate/friend gave birth to a baby girl on November 12th but she has a hole in her diaphragm and needed surgery. While in the hospital she contracted a bacterial infection and pass away on November 21st. I can't imagine going through the whole pregnancy, having a nursery ready, and then not have a baby to take home. Especially during this holiday season. My thoughts and prayers go out to this family and I know they have a long journey of healing ahead of them.
I am thankful for my children as hard as some days seem. I am thankful for my wonderful husband who puts up with my moods. Life is a journey and we need to take the good with the bad. We need enjoy the good time and stand firm during the hard times. God is with us every step of the way, just just need to remember to lean on him in times of need.
This next month we have a lot going on. Isaac is going to a Steeler's game with Big Matt, Christmas Parties, Doctor appointments, preparing for Christmas, etc. I am really looking forward to see Aaron, Christina, Asher, and Aaliyah. It is aways loud, exciting, and fun. We haven't seen them since May and we appreciate their sacrifice in flying all the across the country to see us for Christmas. They will get to meet Simon for the first time too. This year it will be interesting with four children and seven adults, and two dogs all under one roof.
I will keep you posted.
We had a great Thanksgiving this year. Everyone came to our house. Isaac cooked the turkey. The food the delicious and we had lots of leftovers. We went on a family walk after lunch and then had dessert. All guests were gone by evening. The rest of the weekend we relax and hung out as a family. I was thankful for four days that I didn't have to pump. I got to feed Simon myself. I got to spend extra time with Janna to play and cuddle with her. We went out and bought a real tree and decorated it. Janna was able to help this year and is loving the lights and balls. Simon was more fussy than usual, we think he might be teething. Janna was whiny, saying she wasn't feeling well. Not sure what is going on with her. So the weekend wasn't smooth or easy but it was nice to be home and I am very thankful for my family no matter how crazy it gets.
Sometimes it takes a tragedy before we realize all we have. I was starting to take what we have for granted, when a high school classmate/friend gave birth to a baby girl on November 12th but she has a hole in her diaphragm and needed surgery. While in the hospital she contracted a bacterial infection and pass away on November 21st. I can't imagine going through the whole pregnancy, having a nursery ready, and then not have a baby to take home. Especially during this holiday season. My thoughts and prayers go out to this family and I know they have a long journey of healing ahead of them.
I am thankful for my children as hard as some days seem. I am thankful for my wonderful husband who puts up with my moods. Life is a journey and we need to take the good with the bad. We need enjoy the good time and stand firm during the hard times. God is with us every step of the way, just just need to remember to lean on him in times of need.
This next month we have a lot going on. Isaac is going to a Steeler's game with Big Matt, Christmas Parties, Doctor appointments, preparing for Christmas, etc. I am really looking forward to see Aaron, Christina, Asher, and Aaliyah. It is aways loud, exciting, and fun. We haven't seen them since May and we appreciate their sacrifice in flying all the across the country to see us for Christmas. They will get to meet Simon for the first time too. This year it will be interesting with four children and seven adults, and two dogs all under one roof.
I will keep you posted.
Friday, November 21, 2008
A year ago
A year ago this week Janna had her ear tubes put in. I remember being so worried as I handed her over to the nurse. Since her surgery she has only had 1 ear infection, yeah! It worked. She has been a happy little girl who sleeps a lot better.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Simon Laughed
Last night while talking to Simon, he laughed. It was not just a baby noise but a true giggle/laugh. It was so cute. He is a happy baby! I try and record it next time.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
We have a decision to make and request your prayer as we decide. We have been going to Mt. Zion for about three years now. This is the longest that we have been in one church since we have been married. We love this church. It has been our church family. It took some adjusting at first. It is an old country church with no indoor plumbing. This was not fun when I was pregnant. I have learned not to drink a lot before hand now and don't have a problem usually.
Child care is sporadic(when the pastor's wife is in town). The room is right behind the pulpit and is not sound proof. It is not up-to-date, and has no heat in the winter. During the summer they go outside in the shade. There are small lessons and little songs but it is a wide range of ages too. Marcy does a great job with them. Janna has just now started (sometimes) going back with out one of us. Usually she screams or get so upset that one of has to stay and we miss the sermon. I went about a year with out hearing a sermon there. She has gotten a lot better now. So now we have two children and are thinking about the long term. We want them involved in a good quality consistent program. We love Mt. Zion weekly communion, loving family, church activities, ect. Janna was baptized there, which is very special to us. We have made great friendships there. Isaac has enjoyed the Men's bible study. We love how most of the tithe goes to missions.
Well we decided to check out some new churches to see what we like. We found Nicholasville United Methodith Church. They have a great blended service, wonderful childcare, and some good family ministries we could get involved in. I love the praise music and hymns mixture. It thrills my soul. Janna did well and went right in the nursery area and had a good time. We kept Simon with us during the service.
After the first Sunday there, we started to go back the next week and right as we were leaving Janna says " go to old church". It made us think and that week we really didn't have a preference so we went to Mt. Zion. That week she walked back and stayed back without crying and without either one of us. It was a first. So the next we week we went to Nicholasville UMC and Janna did great and we enjoyed the service. Then last week we wanted to go back because we have yet to hear the pastor speak. So as we are pulling in the parking lot, Janna starts crying "want to go to other church". It broke our heart. We asked her why and couldn't get a straight answer. I am not sure if it is the snacks Mt. Zion has, the toys she is use to, the people who love her. She doesn't walk up to or talk to anyone in particular, but maybe it is just the place. We decided to stick with our decision and Janna sat with us during the service. She was good and mostly quiet.
So now we have a decision to make. In the long run the Nicholasville UMC has many benefits. We also enjoy it very much there, but at what cost. We are wanting to make the switch for Janna but will that sacrifice her happiness in the short term. Is it her not liking change and will her opinion change? I am not sure where we will go this week, but please pray for us as we make this decision.
Child care is sporadic(when the pastor's wife is in town). The room is right behind the pulpit and is not sound proof. It is not up-to-date, and has no heat in the winter. During the summer they go outside in the shade. There are small lessons and little songs but it is a wide range of ages too. Marcy does a great job with them. Janna has just now started (sometimes) going back with out one of us. Usually she screams or get so upset that one of has to stay and we miss the sermon. I went about a year with out hearing a sermon there. She has gotten a lot better now. So now we have two children and are thinking about the long term. We want them involved in a good quality consistent program. We love Mt. Zion weekly communion, loving family, church activities, ect. Janna was baptized there, which is very special to us. We have made great friendships there. Isaac has enjoyed the Men's bible study. We love how most of the tithe goes to missions.
Well we decided to check out some new churches to see what we like. We found Nicholasville United Methodith Church. They have a great blended service, wonderful childcare, and some good family ministries we could get involved in. I love the praise music and hymns mixture. It thrills my soul. Janna did well and went right in the nursery area and had a good time. We kept Simon with us during the service.
After the first Sunday there, we started to go back the next week and right as we were leaving Janna says " go to old church". It made us think and that week we really didn't have a preference so we went to Mt. Zion. That week she walked back and stayed back without crying and without either one of us. It was a first. So the next we week we went to Nicholasville UMC and Janna did great and we enjoyed the service. Then last week we wanted to go back because we have yet to hear the pastor speak. So as we are pulling in the parking lot, Janna starts crying "want to go to other church". It broke our heart. We asked her why and couldn't get a straight answer. I am not sure if it is the snacks Mt. Zion has, the toys she is use to, the people who love her. She doesn't walk up to or talk to anyone in particular, but maybe it is just the place. We decided to stick with our decision and Janna sat with us during the service. She was good and mostly quiet.
So now we have a decision to make. In the long run the Nicholasville UMC has many benefits. We also enjoy it very much there, but at what cost. We are wanting to make the switch for Janna but will that sacrifice her happiness in the short term. Is it her not liking change and will her opinion change? I am not sure where we will go this week, but please pray for us as we make this decision.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Go Steelers
Yesterday the whole family watched the Steelers play. In the beginning they were doing well, and Isaac would say "nice" and Janna would repeat "nice". Then we would cheer and she would say "yeah" and clap her hands. Now during the last quarter we weren't doing well and Isaac would yell at the tv and each time Janna would look at him and say "okay daddy". We tried our best explaining that the team wasn't doing well and Daddy was sad. She would get a scaired look when he got really mad the the QB. I don't think she understood. Someday she will understand. Simon just chilled in his bouncy seat watching the game with and taking naps.
Unfortunately we didn't win but maybe next time.
Unfortunately we didn't win but maybe next time.
Friday, November 7, 2008

We carved pumpkins and Janna was a big helper. She traced the design but wouldn't touch the "goop". The pumpkins are now rotting on the front porch and after school each day she points them out and says " throw away" yucky. I will try and get to it this weekend.
We went trick or treating at Treats on Main. Janna had a great time. She keeps asking to go again. She loved sitting in the firetruck and having Fireman Morgan tell her about the stuff inside. Eric and Rachel joined us for a couple hours.
Janna loves getting a special treat out of her pumpkin after dinner. She definately has my sweet tooth.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Janna went potty this morning. She never let me put her on the potty in the morning but this morning she was in a good mood and awake more than usual. She sat on the potty and peed. I am so proud of her. Yeah Janna!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Sometimes a little pee can make everything better.....
Yesterday after work was little bit more caotic than usual. Even leaving work was crazy. I went to meet Isaac at his office but he wasn't there. He also wasn't answering his phone. I waited around bit, until a co-worker told me he was out helping the tow truck driver. Our green van needed to be towed to the shop because the key wouldn't go in the tumbler to get it to start. I met Isaac by the van and told him I would get the kids and pick him up in the front of the building so he could close down his office.
Janna had had a bad day and needed extra attention. Her teacher is leaving at the end of the month and is pulling away emotionally. As Janna says "Nesa say no sit on lap/ or pick up". She was extra whinny this morning anyway. I am not sure if she is teething, coming down with something, or what, but she hasn't quite been herself lately.
Simon hasn't had a BM for 7 days now (again). So he started being fussy last night. We are trying all the home remedies but will call the doctor again if he doesn't go soon. He is usually very happy, but when he needs to go he wants to be held a lot, which isn't always possible.
After getting both kids in the car and driving around to get Isaac, we were suppose to stop at the car shop but we forgot because Isaac's phone rang and we both got distracted. When home Isaac started dinner as soon as we walked in, as I unload all our bags( pump, 2 diaper bags, purse, milk, etc). During this Simon is crying. We then see Molly had puked on the floor. As Simon is still crying I clean up the puke than wash my hands. I get him settle down and change clothes and go start a load of laundry.
By now Janna is request macaroni and cheese with her fish sticks. So I start this along side of Isaac cooking our dinner. We finally get dinner on the table and I start to eat when Simon starts screaming. So I hold him while I eat again. Isaac cleans up dinner while I help Janna finish up and change Simon's diaper. Diaper changing not working, Simon still screaming, I decide to feed him early. As I feed him, Isaac helps Janna finish up, but while doing this somehow an extremely full glass of lemonade spills all over the kitchen floor. Isaac gets upset as Janna is yelling " mommy, daddy juice spill, it's okay". I start giggling not seeing the mess as Isaac mumbles and yells as he get the stuff out to clean it up.
So finally all is cleaned up and kids happy but it now 6:40, too late for a walk. So I take Simon in the snuggly and Janna outside to play ball so that Isaac can have some time ,even if just a few minutes, of peace.
We come inside for bath and Simon is finally sleeping and happy. Janna is prolonging bath as usually by playing hide n seek. So I finally get her undressed and in the bathroom. She agrees to sit on the potty for me. I start the bath but no tonight she was the blowup inflatable ducky bath tub. So as I attempt to blow it up, she calls "daddy help mommy" Isaac comes in and blows up the duck. I start transfer laundry to the dryer as I talk to Janna about peeing in the potty. She calls out " mommy I pee",then I hear it. Yeah!!!!!!!
For the first time she peed in the big potty with the potty ring. I stopped everything and gave Janna extreme praises. So after a hard day, a little pee in the potty made me smile ear to ear.
The rest of the night went smoother. I have to remind myself to slow down and appreciate the small things and small accomplishments, such as peeing in the potty.
Janna had had a bad day and needed extra attention. Her teacher is leaving at the end of the month and is pulling away emotionally. As Janna says "Nesa say no sit on lap/ or pick up". She was extra whinny this morning anyway. I am not sure if she is teething, coming down with something, or what, but she hasn't quite been herself lately.
Simon hasn't had a BM for 7 days now (again). So he started being fussy last night. We are trying all the home remedies but will call the doctor again if he doesn't go soon. He is usually very happy, but when he needs to go he wants to be held a lot, which isn't always possible.
After getting both kids in the car and driving around to get Isaac, we were suppose to stop at the car shop but we forgot because Isaac's phone rang and we both got distracted. When home Isaac started dinner as soon as we walked in, as I unload all our bags( pump, 2 diaper bags, purse, milk, etc). During this Simon is crying. We then see Molly had puked on the floor. As Simon is still crying I clean up the puke than wash my hands. I get him settle down and change clothes and go start a load of laundry.
By now Janna is request macaroni and cheese with her fish sticks. So I start this along side of Isaac cooking our dinner. We finally get dinner on the table and I start to eat when Simon starts screaming. So I hold him while I eat again. Isaac cleans up dinner while I help Janna finish up and change Simon's diaper. Diaper changing not working, Simon still screaming, I decide to feed him early. As I feed him, Isaac helps Janna finish up, but while doing this somehow an extremely full glass of lemonade spills all over the kitchen floor. Isaac gets upset as Janna is yelling " mommy, daddy juice spill, it's okay". I start giggling not seeing the mess as Isaac mumbles and yells as he get the stuff out to clean it up.
So finally all is cleaned up and kids happy but it now 6:40, too late for a walk. So I take Simon in the snuggly and Janna outside to play ball so that Isaac can have some time ,even if just a few minutes, of peace.
We come inside for bath and Simon is finally sleeping and happy. Janna is prolonging bath as usually by playing hide n seek. So I finally get her undressed and in the bathroom. She agrees to sit on the potty for me. I start the bath but no tonight she was the blowup inflatable ducky bath tub. So as I attempt to blow it up, she calls "daddy help mommy" Isaac comes in and blows up the duck. I start transfer laundry to the dryer as I talk to Janna about peeing in the potty. She calls out " mommy I pee",then I hear it. Yeah!!!!!!!
For the first time she peed in the big potty with the potty ring. I stopped everything and gave Janna extreme praises. So after a hard day, a little pee in the potty made me smile ear to ear.
The rest of the night went smoother. I have to remind myself to slow down and appreciate the small things and small accomplishments, such as peeing in the potty.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008

We had a great weekend. On Friday we went out to eat and then to "Malmart" as Janna says. It is nice to get out of Wilmore after a long week. Saturday morning Mom and Dad Hopper came over. We all went to Boyd Orchard. Janna loved the Animal Center. Her favorite animal was the sheep. Isaac had to pull her away from them. They had goats, pigs, turkeys, ponies, etc. Janna rode a small train and loved it. She smiled the whole time. It was really hot out and we were all hungry, so instead of the hay ride to pick our own pumpkins, we bought two that were in the front lawn. I really wanted to get a picture of Janna surrounded by all the pumpkins but by the time we left and were picking out pumpkins she was very tired and wasn't cooperative. Isaac and I had fun though.
We then had lunch at PF Changs for Mom's birthday. Janna was very good in the restaurant. She liked playing with the chopsticks. Simon was the fussy one this time. We then went to the mall and walked around. We took Janna to the Disney store for the first time. She got a small nemo stuff animal that she hasn't let go of since. She was really good in the store and didn't throw any fits. I was impressed.
Sunday after church we had a cook out and hayride. It was fun but still too hot outside. Janna was too tired and too red to wait around for the hayrides to begin. Maybe next year it will be cooler. We all came home and took a much needed nap.
We had a fun and busy weekend.
We then had lunch at PF Changs for Mom's birthday. Janna was very good in the restaurant. She liked playing with the chopsticks. Simon was the fussy one this time. We then went to the mall and walked around. We took Janna to the Disney store for the first time. She got a small nemo stuff animal that she hasn't let go of since. She was really good in the store and didn't throw any fits. I was impressed.
Sunday after church we had a cook out and hayride. It was fun but still too hot outside. Janna was too tired and too red to wait around for the hayrides to begin. Maybe next year it will be cooler. We all came home and took a much needed nap.
We had a fun and busy weekend.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Simon is two month old

Simon went to his two month appointment on Wednesday October 8th.
He is 11 pounds and 22 inches. He is a healthy baby boy. He got three shots and took them like a trooper. He screamed but calmed down really fast.
He is outgrowing some of his 0-3 clothes and all his newborn clothes. He is sleeping well for his age. He sleeps about 4 or 5 hours the first part and then three more. It is a little hard getting him back to sleep after 5am but usually extra cuddling works. He is a great baby and very easy going. I love my Simon!
He is 11 pounds and 22 inches. He is a healthy baby boy. He got three shots and took them like a trooper. He screamed but calmed down really fast.
He is outgrowing some of his 0-3 clothes and all his newborn clothes. He is sleeping well for his age. He sleeps about 4 or 5 hours the first part and then three more. It is a little hard getting him back to sleep after 5am but usually extra cuddling works. He is a great baby and very easy going. I love my Simon!
Janna is able to...
We have been so proud of Janna lately. She is growing to be a big girl, or big sister as she puts it.
She can now....
Count to 10
Identify colors.....she will tell us the color of cars when we drive by them
"Read" Mouse Paint...she puts her finger on the words too ( I know she just has it memorized but this is how they start learning how to read)
Knows the difference between boy and girl... she told us yesterday she was a girl and Simon was a boy.
Puts together long sentences. She made a 7 word sentence the other day every word was crystal clear
She can hold up two finger and say " Janna two" Although sometimes she says she is three.
Janna likes....
Mickey Mouse
Monster's Inc
Mouse Paint
If you give a mouse a cookie books
Mr Brown can moo
Thomas and friends (especially their new house)
Curious George
Bath time...she loves the bubbles
Taking walks and riding in her purple stroller
Going to Walmart and / or shopping
Going down slides
Playing with rocks and dirt
Fruit loops and marshmellow cereal
I know she is getting taller by the way clothes are fitting and how she reaches up to get things off the counter or look out the window at the dark. I love my little girl!
She can now....
Count to 10
Identify colors.....she will tell us the color of cars when we drive by them
"Read" Mouse Paint...she puts her finger on the words too ( I know she just has it memorized but this is how they start learning how to read)
Knows the difference between boy and girl... she told us yesterday she was a girl and Simon was a boy.
Puts together long sentences. She made a 7 word sentence the other day every word was crystal clear
She can hold up two finger and say " Janna two" Although sometimes she says she is three.
Janna likes....
Mickey Mouse
Monster's Inc
Mouse Paint
If you give a mouse a cookie books
Mr Brown can moo
Thomas and friends (especially their new house)
Curious George
Bath time...she loves the bubbles
Taking walks and riding in her purple stroller
Going to Walmart and / or shopping
Going down slides
Playing with rocks and dirt
Fruit loops and marshmellow cereal
I know she is getting taller by the way clothes are fitting and how she reaches up to get things off the counter or look out the window at the dark. I love my little girl!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Back to Work
Yesterday was my first day back to work. It went well. I have plenty on my desk to keep me busy. Simon did a great job as daycare. He was happy and very good. When I picked him up he was being snuggled by one of Janna's favorite teachers. This morning when we dropped him off he cooed and smiled. I know he is in good hands.
Last night was bit crazy after a busy day of work for both of us but we will get a good schedule going soon.
Last night was bit crazy after a busy day of work for both of us but we will get a good schedule going soon.
The kids and I spent the weekend with my parents while Isaac spent some time with his friend Big Matt for a guys weekend. We had a great time. We went on walks to parks and played on playgrounds. Janna loved the slides. She wore my mom and I out, it has been awhile since we have gone up and down sides over and over. My dad set up one of his many tents and Janna and papa read books and played in the tent. She had so much fun. She got the Mouse Cookie book read to her numerous times and loved it. On Saturday we went to Jonny's toy store ( a really big toy store) and looked around. They also had an outside train that you could ride. We all went on the mini train and got to pick out a pumpkin too. Janna loved the train and her pumpkin. I will post a picture of her with it when I get a chance. We got Simon a swing at the store. We also found Janna a Thomas Station (Thomas's house) at a consignment store for only $3.50! She loves this toy. She played with it for hours over the course of the weekend. Her little trains fit in it perfectly.
It was fun weekend!
It was fun weekend!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
I am so blessed to have a great little brother and now a sister(in law). This past Saturday Isaac went out of town for the night. So I took the kids and we met Eric and Rachel at Olive Garden for dinner out. Janna was so excited the whole way there she kept asking where they were? When she finally saw them she got shy and clung to me, it took a half hour before she was talking and giggling with them. Janna was a good girl at the restaurant. Simon slept well as usual.
Eric and Rachel came back to the house (Janna's house as she calls it) and helped me out with bed time. Eric and Rachel followed us back and Janna kept asking where they were. I kept answering every five minutes they are following us. She would repeat it, wait a few minutes, and ask for them again. Eric read a book with Janna and then gave her a bath. She asked him to, she didn't want Mommy. My brother did a great job. She was showing off for him. She was laughing her big laugh and having a great time. It was too cute. I wish I had thought to record it. Eric came out of the bathroom very wet but happy that Janna had warmed up to him. Rachel read Janna her books and tucked her in. She kept asking and still does occasionally. " Where Rachel go?" She loves her Aunt Rachel.
I was so grateful to have their help and the company while Isaac was gone.
Eric and Rachel came back to the house (Janna's house as she calls it) and helped me out with bed time. Eric and Rachel followed us back and Janna kept asking where they were. I kept answering every five minutes they are following us. She would repeat it, wait a few minutes, and ask for them again. Eric read a book with Janna and then gave her a bath. She asked him to, she didn't want Mommy. My brother did a great job. She was showing off for him. She was laughing her big laugh and having a great time. It was too cute. I wish I had thought to record it. Eric came out of the bathroom very wet but happy that Janna had warmed up to him. Rachel read Janna her books and tucked her in. She kept asking and still does occasionally. " Where Rachel go?" She loves her Aunt Rachel.
I was so grateful to have their help and the company while Isaac was gone.
Big Girl
We have telling Janna she is a big girl and her reply is " no I am not a big girl, big sister". She is identifying herself by Simon. It is so cute.
She loves her baby brother and very good with him.
She loves her baby brother and very good with him.
The other weekend I was eating pancakes that my mom made and Janna was wanting me to go play with her, I told her wait just one minute Mommy is a piggy and eating one more pancake. She looked at me very seriously and said "mommy not a piggy" and ran to the living room and got her toy pig that went with her farm toy, she ran back to the kitchen and said "this is a piggy mommy".
Thursday, September 25, 2008

PawPaw went to be with the lord on September 18th, 2008. He was in the hospital for over 20 days. I know now after time to think and reflect that he is in a better place. I know that Pawpaw was ready to go he told mawmaw the morning he pass that he was ready to go "home". He is no longer suffering, sick, or tired. He can see and hear clear as a bell. My only wish is that he had gotten to meet Simon. His great grandson that was named after him. I know that he will meet him someday in the way off future though. The visitation was on Sunday and the furneral on Monday. It was very tough for me to see a close loved one in a coffin. Isaac was very supportive and Janna kept saying"mommy feel better". She knew I was upset. MawMaw is doing well, better than I expected, I still worry about her though. I would be so lonely. So please keep her in your prayers.
During the celebration of his life service I learned more about pawpaw, things I never knew, stories never told. I have the great memory of the weekend we went to stay/visit with them when Janna was 3 months old. We played Uno and talked. I will never forget that weekend.
Janna was good girl that weekend with minium fits. She was good during the service and patient during the visitation. At the cemetery we paid our last respects to PawPaw, as I touched the coffin, she say" I want ice mommy". My tears turned to laughter. I didn't want her to understand I now she she didn't have a clue. I am not sure if the coffin looked like a big ice bucket or cooler or if being outside after church made her think picnic.
I Love PawPaw and loved to share my love with him. I will miss him very much.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Note to Parents
I received the cutest note from Janna's teacher last week. This is what it read:
" She cracked herself up today when she made her belly button move by flexing her ab muscles and sucking her belly in and hanging it out. She thought that was super funny"
I wish I could have seen this.
" She cracked herself up today when she made her belly button move by flexing her ab muscles and sucking her belly in and hanging it out. She thought that was super funny"
I wish I could have seen this.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Labor Day Weekend
We had a good long weekend together as a family. Here are some highlights.
Saturday we took a family trip to McDonalds for lunch and Walmart. Janna got new shoes that she wasn't excited about until this morning. She walked all around Walmart carrying her bag of marshmellows. She loves marshmellows. We use them to get good pictures. She was so cute hugging the bag as we walked down the isles.
My parents came down on Sunday and brought a twin bed for Janna. She was so excited about the bed rails that keep her from falling. She is currently using my old sheets, my little pony and strawberry shortcake. She looks so cute in the bed. We got rid of the futon and are planning on selling the toddler bed. The room is starting to change. She is sleeping well so far in her bed and is able to to in and out of the bed without a problem. It is nice to be able to just change the sheet if there is an accident instead of cleaning the futon with chemicals.
She talks about baby brother sleeping in the crib.
After her first night in the twin bed she told me she had to pee and took her diaper and skirt off ( in the living room) and we went to the potty. She used the step stool and she sat on the big potty and peed. She really went. We clapped, cheered, and danced afterwards. I am so proud of my girl.
On Monday Isaac Dad came down and we grilled out together and put a new facet in our kitchen sink. yeah for no more dripping!!!!
This morning I took her to school and she went right in and pushed the stroller and me out. I didn't have to hand her off. There were no tears, just a kiss good bye. My baby girl is growing up and I am so proud of her.
Saturday we took a family trip to McDonalds for lunch and Walmart. Janna got new shoes that she wasn't excited about until this morning. She walked all around Walmart carrying her bag of marshmellows. She loves marshmellows. We use them to get good pictures. She was so cute hugging the bag as we walked down the isles.
My parents came down on Sunday and brought a twin bed for Janna. She was so excited about the bed rails that keep her from falling. She is currently using my old sheets, my little pony and strawberry shortcake. She looks so cute in the bed. We got rid of the futon and are planning on selling the toddler bed. The room is starting to change. She is sleeping well so far in her bed and is able to to in and out of the bed without a problem. It is nice to be able to just change the sheet if there is an accident instead of cleaning the futon with chemicals.
She talks about baby brother sleeping in the crib.
After her first night in the twin bed she told me she had to pee and took her diaper and skirt off ( in the living room) and we went to the potty. She used the step stool and she sat on the big potty and peed. She really went. We clapped, cheered, and danced afterwards. I am so proud of my girl.
On Monday Isaac Dad came down and we grilled out together and put a new facet in our kitchen sink. yeah for no more dripping!!!!
This morning I took her to school and she went right in and pushed the stroller and me out. I didn't have to hand her off. There were no tears, just a kiss good bye. My baby girl is growing up and I am so proud of her.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Lesson learned
Janna sometimes puts her feet on the coffee table while eating. Or she will lay or sit on the table. I tell nicely the first time and then if she doesn't listen I say "feet down now" " off the table" in my best parenting voice.
Last night while watching a video before bed I put my feet on the table, like Isaac and I usually do at night. It is a great foot rest. Immediately, Janna says " fee down now Mommy" very loudly. Before even thinking I put my feet down as Isaac laughs and say she told you didn't she.
She has yet to correct Daddy but oh well.
Last night while watching a video before bed I put my feet on the table, like Isaac and I usually do at night. It is a great foot rest. Immediately, Janna says " fee down now Mommy" very loudly. Before even thinking I put my feet down as Isaac laughs and say she told you didn't she.
She has yet to correct Daddy but oh well.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Three weeks
Simon is three weeks old today. He is having a growth spurt and eating more often. He is lifting his head and looking at us more.
I am loving spending time with Simon.
I am loving spending time with Simon.
Janna's accomplishments
Isaac took Janna to school today. She went in and played instead of having to be handed off to a teacher to sit with. She amazes me everyday.
Janna is also putting long sentences together. For example: "Thank you for my bread daddy" She says phrases like this all the time. She will often say a new word that we didn't know she knew. She is getting smarter everyday. I am so proud of my little girl.
Janna also has napped without her paci and burp cloth twice now at school.
She is using a glue stick now too. I get fun art work now.
We are still sitting on the potty more often, and she can take her diaper off by herself.
Janna is also putting long sentences together. For example: "Thank you for my bread daddy" She says phrases like this all the time. She will often say a new word that we didn't know she knew. She is getting smarter everyday. I am so proud of my little girl.
Janna also has napped without her paci and burp cloth twice now at school.
She is using a glue stick now too. I get fun art work now.
We are still sitting on the potty more often, and she can take her diaper off by herself.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Monday, August 18, 2008
I am getting better...
I am getting better at.....
changing small baby boy diapers-getting peed and pooped on less
dressing a squirmy boy
Feedings-and working them in around Janna's schedule
juggling two kids at one time
Going on less and less sleep
changing small baby boy diapers-getting peed and pooped on less
dressing a squirmy boy
Feedings-and working them in around Janna's schedule
juggling two kids at one time
Going on less and less sleep
The other night Janna pointed to a picture of a ladybug and I said bug, she replied ladybug mommy. Then she proceeded to tell me how ladybugs tickle her fingers. This didn't make any sense until the next day she came home from school with a bag full of ladybugs. Apparently she plays with and collects them when they play outside. When we asked if all the kids were doing this, the answer was no only Janna. Our friend/DayCare director gave her a small stuffed ladybug as a gift when Simon was born. What a perfect and thoughtful gift for my new ladybug lover.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
small milestones
Simon lost his umbilical cord today. After just over one week old. These are the small signs that he is growing up and won't always be so small. I am enjoying my small bundle of joy.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Family Picture
I am a Big Sister

I am a big sister now! Janna is pretty much ignoring Simon except for saying baby brother is crying. She was interested at first and was gentle petting his cheek and holding his hand. She is doing well adjusting for now. Molly our dog is probably having a harder time than her. I love this picture of her heading off to school. She is such a big girl!
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Janna is reading
Janna has started liking to read again. We went to the library last week and picked out some books. Her favorite books now are:
I am a big sister
Mouse Paint
If you give a mouse a cookie
She is very gentle with the paper pages and "reads" tells you what is happening on each page. It is to cute to hear her read. She actually says about half the words right when "reading" it to us. It is such an accomplishment.
I am a big sister
Mouse Paint
If you give a mouse a cookie
She is very gentle with the paper pages and "reads" tells you what is happening on each page. It is to cute to hear her read. She actually says about half the words right when "reading" it to us. It is such an accomplishment.
Last night Janna peed in the potty for the first time. We have been sitting on the potty for 6 to 8 months now. She knows what is suppose to happen has always looked at it each time. She knows how to wipe and flush but we never have actually put anything in the potty. Last night she sat on her small white potty instead of the big potty with the ring and she peed. I was so excited. We clapped, cheered, danced, hugged, etc. We called the grandparents, we told teachers, .... I am so proud of her.
I have no idea if this will continue or not but it is a step in the right direction. I am so happy and proud of my baby girl.
I have no idea if this will continue or not but it is a step in the right direction. I am so happy and proud of my baby girl.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Baby News
I will be 37 weeks on Saturday. I am now on my weekly appointments. I have been having contractions all week and this morning they were pretty strong. They hooked me up to a fetal/contraction monitor at this appointment and the baby's heart rate was good. I am having small contractions but not full consistent hard contractions. I was relieved to hear the baby's heart beat and to know that he is doing well. Next week they will hook me up again to keep an eye on him. The doctor gave me instructions on what to call about and what to look for when going into labor. As of now the c-section is scheduled for August 18th, if I make it that far. And yes we finally have a name. He will be called Simon!
Please keep me in your prayers during these last few weeks.
Please keep me in your prayers during these last few weeks.
Look what I can do
Janna has been pulling on the door knobs but has yet to get them open but she is very close. This morning she was working on her door and I went and opened it and there she was standing just in her diaper holding out her pajamas at me. " wet mommy" she went over and showed me the futon. She had gone through her diaper. Too much to drink before bed. I just started laughing. I had no idea she could take her clothes off by herself. I have always helped. It was too cute I couldn't help but laugh.
She also put her socks on by herself this morning. I am so impressed. My little girl is growing up.
She also put her socks on by herself this morning. I am so impressed. My little girl is growing up.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Connections Made
Janna knows that when it is hot you need sunglasses. She has asked for hers occasionally in the car or to wear just around the house. The other night we were at a friends out and we went outside to look at their big dog. The dog was panting because it was hot outside. I told Janna that the woofwoof was hot. Janna's reply was "get sunglasses mommy". I tried to explain to her that the dog didn't need sunglasses but not sure understood that point.
I picked Janna up for school the other day and she started telling me that she went to the doctor and I told her we haven't gone to the doctor. She looked at me and said "last week" and she was right last week we went to the doctor. She proceeded to tell me about the yellow sucker she got and the fish she saw there too.
Janna will smile really pretty if you give her a marshmellow afterwards. This bribe is great and I get wonderful pictures. Thanks Christina.
Janna's kitchen light went out on her play kitchen and she got on her play phone and called pawpaw and told him to come fix her light. He fixed it/changed the battery back in March and she helped. She knew to call pawpaw to fix it for her.
There are more but these are ones cute ones I remember.
I picked Janna up for school the other day and she started telling me that she went to the doctor and I told her we haven't gone to the doctor. She looked at me and said "last week" and she was right last week we went to the doctor. She proceeded to tell me about the yellow sucker she got and the fish she saw there too.
Janna will smile really pretty if you give her a marshmellow afterwards. This bribe is great and I get wonderful pictures. Thanks Christina.
Janna's kitchen light went out on her play kitchen and she got on her play phone and called pawpaw and told him to come fix her light. He fixed it/changed the battery back in March and she helped. She knew to call pawpaw to fix it for her.
There are more but these are ones cute ones I remember.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Shoo Fly

Isaac and Janna having been playing this new game all week and I finally got a picture of it. Being summer time flies have been getting into the house. As much as Janna hates them, she screams when she sees them, she loves swatting at them with Daddy. They each have a Fly Swatter and they go around the house getting the flies. They say phrases like " I am going to get you" , "shoo fly", " where did you go?" . Then when they catch it Janna helps Isaac put the dead fly in the trash can. This has become a tradition whenever Janna sees a fly.
I just love watching the two of them interact and have fun together.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
They say Imitation is the highest form of a compliment.
Janna being just over two is imitating our actions more and more. It is quite cute and lucky she has picked up nothing bad yet:)
Last night Isaac was getting the grill ready in order to cook dinner. Janna peeked out the side door and saw fire in the grill. She in her excited voice " fire mommy fire" "fire hot" "don't touch". So she does listen and is learning. She then went to her room got some puzzle pieces and then got a pot out of her play kitchen and in the middle of the floor built a fire just like Daddy. It was so cute.
This morning as in the past and other mornings Janna is ready and waiting for me as I come out of the shower. Not being able to see the first thing I do is put my robe on and then put my contacts in. As I put them in I explain to Janna that mommy is putting her eyeballs in, and now she can see Janna. Janna takes the case and usually goes into the living room to show Isaac and puts her eyeballs in. I am lucky she has yet to poke her eye. It is fun to watch all she is learning and imitating.
Janna being just over two is imitating our actions more and more. It is quite cute and lucky she has picked up nothing bad yet:)
Last night Isaac was getting the grill ready in order to cook dinner. Janna peeked out the side door and saw fire in the grill. She in her excited voice " fire mommy fire" "fire hot" "don't touch". So she does listen and is learning. She then went to her room got some puzzle pieces and then got a pot out of her play kitchen and in the middle of the floor built a fire just like Daddy. It was so cute.
This morning as in the past and other mornings Janna is ready and waiting for me as I come out of the shower. Not being able to see the first thing I do is put my robe on and then put my contacts in. As I put them in I explain to Janna that mommy is putting her eyeballs in, and now she can see Janna. Janna takes the case and usually goes into the living room to show Isaac and puts her eyeballs in. I am lucky she has yet to poke her eye. It is fun to watch all she is learning and imitating.
Monday, July 7, 2008
Happy 4th of July
Janna is feeling better. She still has a cough but the amoxicilion seems to be working. She is sleeping again, so the cough isn't keeping her awake. She loves her medicine and claps when we get it for her.
For the Fourth of July we had Friday off. Isaac's parents came down for the day.We went to the Wilmore Parade in the rain. I am surprised that they still had it. It was way shorter than usual, but we got to see the lawn mower guys and Janna got some candy. We were going to go to the campground afterwards for a craft fair and quarter hot dogs, but with the rainy weather we decided to go to Wendy's instead. We need went on a paddle boat ride on the Dixie Belle up and down the KY river. It was a lot of fun. It will be something need to see in the Fall when the leaves are changing colors. Janna had her first boat ride. Then we grilled out steak for dinner. It was a fun day. The rain put a damper on some of it but overall it turned out great.
Isaac started his job today. Yeah!
For the Fourth of July we had Friday off. Isaac's parents came down for the day.We went to the Wilmore Parade in the rain. I am surprised that they still had it. It was way shorter than usual, but we got to see the lawn mower guys and Janna got some candy. We were going to go to the campground afterwards for a craft fair and quarter hot dogs, but with the rainy weather we decided to go to Wendy's instead. We need went on a paddle boat ride on the Dixie Belle up and down the KY river. It was a lot of fun. It will be something need to see in the Fall when the leaves are changing colors. Janna had her first boat ride. Then we grilled out steak for dinner. It was a fun day. The rain put a damper on some of it but overall it turned out great.
Isaac started his job today. Yeah!
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Sick Again
After a night of no sleep due to Janna coughing all night long, we took her to the doctor early this morning. Her lungs are still fine although the cough sounds bad. He looked at her throat and sinus and said they were bad. We are again on amoxicillin to get to rid of this infection/ cough. I hope that it will kick in soon so that we can sleep.
Please be praying for Janna.
On a side note: Isaac sprained his ankle Monday and it is still giving him problems. He is managing to get around but I worry about him letting it go too long.
Please be praying for Janna.
On a side note: Isaac sprained his ankle Monday and it is still giving him problems. He is managing to get around but I worry about him letting it go too long.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Janna and Music
Isaac told me the cutest story of a conversation he and Janna had in the car on the way back from the ENT doctor.
Dad, "Do you want to listen to some pretty music"
Janna, "yea"
Isaac puts on his favorite -Enya
Janna, " don't like Daddy, off"
Isaac puts it on KLOVE what we usually have on in the car
Janna, " don't like Daddy, off"
Dad, " Do you want to listen to Mommy's music?"
Janna, "huh?"
Isaac puts on country music
Janna, " Janna like Daddy"
My little girl likes country music like me. Yeah!!!
Dad, "Do you want to listen to some pretty music"
Janna, "yea"
Isaac puts on his favorite -Enya
Janna, " don't like Daddy, off"
Isaac puts it on KLOVE what we usually have on in the car
Janna, " don't like Daddy, off"
Dad, " Do you want to listen to Mommy's music?"
Janna, "huh?"
Isaac puts on country music
Janna, " Janna like Daddy"
My little girl likes country music like me. Yeah!!!
Janna went to the ENT doctor today and her ears look great. The tubes are still in and looking good. We go back in 6 month to have them checked again.
Isaac took her to the appointment and said she was a good girl.:)
Isaac took her to the appointment and said she was a good girl.:)
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Isaac's Future Plans
As you all know Isaac has graduated but now what? We finally have some answers.
He was accepted into London School of Theology but they didn't have supervisor on their side in systematic theology so that door got closed. It was very disappointing blow, since they have been saying for two months they have been working on it.
We just mailed in the final paperwork for the Manchester program which is very similar to the LST program. This was our original plan before Dr. Coppedge had his heart attack and we thought that was a closed door but it opened up again. From what we hear it is a long waiting process to hear an answer but we are okay with that.
Isaac accepted the position as academic advisor for ATS and starts July 7th. He will be one of three academic advisers. He is very excited as they are excited to have him. His office will be just below mine. He is excited about earning money again and so am I. I am feeling much better about our finances and daycare and diapers for this baby boy that is coming soon.
The plan is to work on his PhD part time and work full time. It will be a different situation not having him to do my "honey do" list at home. His position is 40 hours a week and he will work til 5pm where I get off at 4:30. Dinners will be later and grocery shopping won't be getting down during the week. I think it will be a nice change. It will take adjusting but will be nice.
Isaac has a couple weeks to finish his " honey do" list. He is feeling more motivated since we now have more a plan in place.
Keep us in your prayers at we are adjusting.
He was accepted into London School of Theology but they didn't have supervisor on their side in systematic theology so that door got closed. It was very disappointing blow, since they have been saying for two months they have been working on it.
We just mailed in the final paperwork for the Manchester program which is very similar to the LST program. This was our original plan before Dr. Coppedge had his heart attack and we thought that was a closed door but it opened up again. From what we hear it is a long waiting process to hear an answer but we are okay with that.
Isaac accepted the position as academic advisor for ATS and starts July 7th. He will be one of three academic advisers. He is very excited as they are excited to have him. His office will be just below mine. He is excited about earning money again and so am I. I am feeling much better about our finances and daycare and diapers for this baby boy that is coming soon.
The plan is to work on his PhD part time and work full time. It will be a different situation not having him to do my "honey do" list at home. His position is 40 hours a week and he will work til 5pm where I get off at 4:30. Dinners will be later and grocery shopping won't be getting down during the week. I think it will be a nice change. It will take adjusting but will be nice.
Isaac has a couple weeks to finish his " honey do" list. He is feeling more motivated since we now have more a plan in place.
Keep us in your prayers at we are adjusting.
Janna's cough is getting better. She is still coughing some but not as bad. We are still keep in eye on it and won't let it go on for too long.
She is happy and talking all the time.
I had a great birthday this past weekend. Friday night Isaac made my favorite meal of cancun. Then Saturday we went shopping with his parents and the out to dinner to Olive Garden. I ate way too much. My mom took me shopping the week before and I got a ton of maternity clothes. Plus three scrapbooks. Isaac's parents got me a bag but it was not what I thought it was when I pointed it out. So instead when we were shopping I got a new bag and some pajama's for now. I still have birthday money to spend too.
Sunday my friends threw me a surprise Baby Shower. My mom and Aunt along with Isaac's mom also made the drive down to be there for me. It was fun shower and I had a great time. I now have the baby boy clothes and diapers that I wanted to feel a bit more prepared. Now we only need a name. I just keep praying that the right name will come along and we will know it when we hear it.
This week my very good friend Melissa along with her family are moving to Indiana. I am going to miss them all so much. We are having dinner with them tonight. Being in Wilmore and at the seminary setting this is what happens-friends move on, but it is sad each time.
We are looking forward to a couple of weekends at home relaxing and preparing before my brother's wedding and we travel again.
She is happy and talking all the time.
I had a great birthday this past weekend. Friday night Isaac made my favorite meal of cancun. Then Saturday we went shopping with his parents and the out to dinner to Olive Garden. I ate way too much. My mom took me shopping the week before and I got a ton of maternity clothes. Plus three scrapbooks. Isaac's parents got me a bag but it was not what I thought it was when I pointed it out. So instead when we were shopping I got a new bag and some pajama's for now. I still have birthday money to spend too.
Sunday my friends threw me a surprise Baby Shower. My mom and Aunt along with Isaac's mom also made the drive down to be there for me. It was fun shower and I had a great time. I now have the baby boy clothes and diapers that I wanted to feel a bit more prepared. Now we only need a name. I just keep praying that the right name will come along and we will know it when we hear it.
This week my very good friend Melissa along with her family are moving to Indiana. I am going to miss them all so much. We are having dinner with them tonight. Being in Wilmore and at the seminary setting this is what happens-friends move on, but it is sad each time.
We are looking forward to a couple of weekends at home relaxing and preparing before my brother's wedding and we travel again.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Janna is sick
Janna is battling a cough right now. She sounds aweful. It makes me sad to hear her struggle, especially at night. There is no cough medicine no give her. I can only give her tynol or ibprophen. They say honey would help but she doesn' t like honey(like me). We are using vicks and the vicks vaporizor at night.
I took Janna to the doctor yesterday to have it checked out. Her ears and lungs are clear, but she does have a sore throat. You won't know by the way she is eating or talking non-stop.
Please being praying for Janna that the cough goes away and she starts feeling better. Also for sleep for all us.
I took Janna to the doctor yesterday to have it checked out. Her ears and lungs are clear, but she does have a sore throat. You won't know by the way she is eating or talking non-stop.
Please being praying for Janna that the cough goes away and she starts feeling better. Also for sleep for all us.
New Classroom
Janna is doing great in her new classroom. She has really adjusted well. Some mornings she will still fuss but not often. She comes home covered in dirt and happy. She is counting more and points to her fingers. She is finally saying one now. She is singing more songs and trying the hand motions. This summer they have water day twice a week. She loves the water. Last year she didn't like water day. She is going down the slide all by herself and is proud of herself.
I am proud of Janna and how well she transitioned. She is growing up to be a wonderful big girl.
I am proud of Janna and how well she transitioned. She is growing up to be a wonderful big girl.
Isaac has been asking me to blog about this...to me it is just a small Janna thing...but here I go...
Janna like me loves cake. We have had a lot of it lately with bridal showers, birthday's, and father's day. Janna calls all cake "happy cake". Pictures of cake, playdoh balls while cooking, and cake itself. I am not sure if she calls it happy cake because it makes her happy or because she associates it with Happy Birthday. Soon after calling it happy cake she started singing " happy to you, happy to you" It is so cute. She even requests that we sing it to her, cake or no cake.
It is sweet to hear her call it happy cake in her cute little voice.
Janna like me loves cake. We have had a lot of it lately with bridal showers, birthday's, and father's day. Janna calls all cake "happy cake". Pictures of cake, playdoh balls while cooking, and cake itself. I am not sure if she calls it happy cake because it makes her happy or because she associates it with Happy Birthday. Soon after calling it happy cake she started singing " happy to you, happy to you" It is so cute. She even requests that we sing it to her, cake or no cake.
It is sweet to hear her call it happy cake in her cute little voice.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Last night we had a big storm and it caused lots of leaves and trees to cover the road. This morning we went out to the car and there were a couple of leaves on the hood of the car.
Janna says "leaves" "mommy move"
Me " we will move it later"
On the way to school the roads were looking worse the closer we got to school. They were covered in leaves and dirt.
Janna repeated said " uh oh leaves" "clean up"
She has Isaac's sensitivity and I love that about her.
Janna says "leaves" "mommy move"
Me " we will move it later"
On the way to school the roads were looking worse the closer we got to school. They were covered in leaves and dirt.
Janna repeated said " uh oh leaves" "clean up"
She has Isaac's sensitivity and I love that about her.
Yeah! Janna didn't cry today when I dropped her off. Yeah!
She is very good about putting her burprag and paci in her bag and saying "nap, night night". She knows it is for nap time and bed time.
She is very good about putting her burprag and paci in her bag and saying "nap, night night". She knows it is for nap time and bed time.
Friday, June 6, 2008
Janna is doing much better. She still cries in the morning when I drop her off but at least it the same classroom with the same group of teachers. By breakfast or sooner she is just fine and happy. She is eating well and playing hard. She has come home very dirty this week. It is good to know she is playing and interacting more. She has been only using her paci and burprag at nap and nighttime. I am so proud of her.
I am sure that mornings will still be hard next week but she is adjusting.
I am sure that mornings will still be hard next week but she is adjusting.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
When I picked up Janna from school yesterday I found out she had a good afternoon. She didn't cry at all at lunch and she ate too. She didn't get upset the rest of day. She only used her burprag and paci for nap time and then took it again right before she crawled into bed. I am so proud of her for being a big girl.
This morning I dropped her off and she was really good about putting her burprag and paci in her bag (she calls it backpack). She fussed a little and didn't like that I made her do it but she was fine after a minute. Then it was off to find out where the kids where. Of course they were in a different room with a different teacher that I didn't know. Ben and Nate were there but that still didn't calm her down. There were a lot of children in the room today. She kept calling for Crystal. It made me so sad. Finally I just had to hand her off. She screamed and was really upset but it wasn't as loud as the day before. As I pulled out of the lot I saw her teacher come in so she was in the big room long.
I am hoping that her day got better. These mornings are rough on me and her. Thanks for all your prayers, they are working. Please keep it up.
This morning I dropped her off and she was really good about putting her burprag and paci in her bag (she calls it backpack). She fussed a little and didn't like that I made her do it but she was fine after a minute. Then it was off to find out where the kids where. Of course they were in a different room with a different teacher that I didn't know. Ben and Nate were there but that still didn't calm her down. There were a lot of children in the room today. She kept calling for Crystal. It made me so sad. Finally I just had to hand her off. She screamed and was really upset but it wasn't as loud as the day before. As I pulled out of the lot I saw her teacher come in so she was in the big room long.
I am hoping that her day got better. These mornings are rough on me and her. Thanks for all your prayers, they are working. Please keep it up.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
I learned when picking Janna up from school she enjoyed the new room but didn't like the new routine. They eat breakfast , lunch, and snack in the cafeteria now and Janna didn't like this. She screamed and was upset and threw fits each time and didn't eat anything. She did play outside alot and came home very dirty but happy( and hungry). Tomorrow she starts with the new teacher.
This morning was really on me and Janna. The morning started as normal. I was really impressed when after eating her yogurt she didn't want her burprag and paci and was content to talk and play. I stuffed it in her bag for nap time. She played with a toy turtle that she called a frog the whole way to school. I let her take in with her as long as she put it back in the bag once in her room. She did this without a fuss and without wanting her paci and burprag. She was happy to see her new room. But the teacher wasn't there yet so we had to go to yet another new classroom where they keep the kids until the teacher arrives. Her friends Ben and Nate were there and a teacher that she knows but she screamed for Mommy very loudly. She was more than a little upset. I still heard her as I was leaving the building until I started the car. I am hoping that she calmed down soon afterwards. It breaks my heart leaving her so upset but I know it is the right thing.
For those who read this please pray for Janna this week during this transition. (and me as well).
This morning was really on me and Janna. The morning started as normal. I was really impressed when after eating her yogurt she didn't want her burprag and paci and was content to talk and play. I stuffed it in her bag for nap time. She played with a toy turtle that she called a frog the whole way to school. I let her take in with her as long as she put it back in the bag once in her room. She did this without a fuss and without wanting her paci and burprag. She was happy to see her new room. But the teacher wasn't there yet so we had to go to yet another new classroom where they keep the kids until the teacher arrives. Her friends Ben and Nate were there and a teacher that she knows but she screamed for Mommy very loudly. She was more than a little upset. I still heard her as I was leaving the building until I started the car. I am hoping that she calmed down soon afterwards. It breaks my heart leaving her so upset but I know it is the right thing.
For those who read this please pray for Janna this week during this transition. (and me as well).
Monday, June 2, 2008
Moving Up
This morning I took Janna to school and we went to her new classroom and she was excited. Her name was on the floor of where to line up by the door and she had a hook for a jacket and cuby for nap supplies. Then I went to take her to cafeteria to wait until the teacher came. Her friends Ben and Nate were there. She got upset when we didn't see Chrystal and started calling her name. Then Michelle came in and so did the new teacher. For the first day of transition, the children go to the new classroom but with the old teacher then the next day they get the new teacher. This should help children adjust. Chrystal's sub for the morning was sick so she wasn't in the new room with them yet. I was able to hand Janna off to Chrystal today but I know that tomorrow will be hard on her.
When I pick her up after work we will see how she did today. I will keep you updated.
When I pick her up after work we will see how she did today. I will keep you updated.
Friday, May 30, 2008
Moving Up
Janna moves up to the two/three year old room on Monday. I am hoping for an easy transition. She loves her teacher Crystal. She calls for her in the car on the way there and I can hand her over to Crystal who hold her until she is settled and ready to eat or play. I have enjoyed getting to know Crystal and seeing the great care Janna gets from her. I leave Janna in the mornings she is happy and loved.
I am assured the the new teacher Danessa is great and Janna already likes her. She currently is teaching numbers/math to all the class rooms. Having never met Danessa I am a bit nervous about Monday. I am looking forward to more potty training in this room and the weaning of the burp rag and pacifier. With this room she will learn to line up and will eat in the cafeteria. She will get more outside time. She is moving with three of her good friends, Ben, Nate, and Jayden. Also her friend Madelyn in already in the room.
I will keep you all updated on my progress and Janna's during this time. My little girl keeps growing up. It is such an amazing time seeing her discover new things and become independent. If only she could stay little....but then I would never sleep:)
I am assured the the new teacher Danessa is great and Janna already likes her. She currently is teaching numbers/math to all the class rooms. Having never met Danessa I am a bit nervous about Monday. I am looking forward to more potty training in this room and the weaning of the burp rag and pacifier. With this room she will learn to line up and will eat in the cafeteria. She will get more outside time. She is moving with three of her good friends, Ben, Nate, and Jayden. Also her friend Madelyn in already in the room.
I will keep you all updated on my progress and Janna's during this time. My little girl keeps growing up. It is such an amazing time seeing her discover new things and become independent. If only she could stay little....but then I would never sleep:)
This morning Janna was having fruit loops cereal for breakfast. After a long night she was surprisingly happy. We didn't have much time before I had to be at work and her at school, instead of her usually big bits of food(that we keep trying to stop), she was eating her cereal one fruit loop at a time telling me the color before she put it in her mouth. After she would take a bit she would say "Janna eat green" or whatever color it was. It was so cute how can you rush them when they are learning.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Baby Names
The following is a post that my friend Bethany recently wrote. She is also having trouble coming up with a name. I really enjoyed reading it since we are having some similiar issues. So enjoy:
So for our family and friends who check this blog what is your opinion? Our top five boy names are: Daniel, Nathaniel(Nathan), Simon, Ethan, Noah. Please leave a comment and let us know your favorite.
This brings us to choosing a name for a
baby, which is officially one of the most difficult, time-consuming things I
have ever done. Why? Because there are too many factors to consider when
thinking about baby names. For the benefit of those of you who are parents, will
become parents, have parents, or hate your name, I will list them.
1. Do you like the name? You're going to be using it a lot over the next
fifty years - it's important to choose something you really like and that sounds
good even if you're happy, angry, sad, laughing, scared, etc. Practice yelling
it - does it have a strong, authoritative ring to it? Imagine it appearing on a
wedding announcement - does it sound ridiculous that Apple is getting
2. Do you both like the name? Yes, this is the
most difficult part. Little girls have been naming things since they could
talk...most of us have had favorite baby names since our mid-teens. Then the
husbands show up and blow our names out of the water with the newfound power of
fatherhood - names they have come up with in the past ten minutes, rather than
cherishing for the past ten years. Thinking about baby names also reveals a lot
about your personal level of comfort with individuality...Tim likes names like
Kate, Anna, and Megan, while my top ten list includes Madeleine, Eleanor,
Isabel, and Jocelyn. I won't even discuss the boys' names, because the camps are
set up on different planets.
3. Can it be easily
changed into nicknames? This can be a pro or a con. Tim's family all has
one-syllable names, and we know they will nickname the baby. Therefore, we not
only have to choose a name we like, we have to precede them in choosing a
nickname so that we're guaranteed to like the nickname, too. I love the name
Madeleine, but with the current popularity of the name Madison, I wouldn't want
to have just another "Maddy." In addition, how long do you use a nickname before
it becomes ridiculous? Until they start walking? Until they start kindergarten?
I know a 31 year-old man who still goes by "Boomer." Poor guy.
Will it be difficult to spell or pronounce? It's hard enough learning to read
and write - giving a baby a name that's difficult for them (and their teachers,
coworkers, dentists, etc.) to either spell or pronounce will cause unnecessary
aggravation. Even if they are personally successful in learning to spell it
themselves, they will be constantly spelling their name for every camp form,
doctor appointment, pizza order, etc. Unusual names seem to be especially
prevalent in the south...some of fun names we've heard of have included I'auna
(iguana without the g), Candy Mann (he has brothers named Jupiter Mann and Moon
Mann), and Amazing Grace.
5. Are you naming the baby
after a relative? This is dangerous ground. You cannot include every traditional
family name in your first child's name, so does that mean you dutifully choose
from the list for each successive child? Are you favoring one side of the family
over the other, based on who is "named after" first? Our conclusion: safer to
avoid it altogether.
6. How important is the
name's meaning? Bethany means "House of God," and I have always treasured the
significance of that meaning. However, when we were discussing meanings, Tim had
no idea what his name meant - we had to look it up. However, do you choose Elise
over Scarlett just because one means "My God is a vow" and the other means "A
deep red"? Personal preference - see comment #1.
Do you want it to be popular or not? This is a tough one - Tim likes more
popular names, but I refuse to choose anything from the Top Ten list. The Social
Security Administration posts yearly reports about the popularity of baby names
in the United States. You can track the popularity of names over time or view
the order of popular names in any given year (even by State). For example, the
name Emma went out of fashion in the 1950s and then suddenly peaked again in the
early 90s. For those of you who want to see how popular your name is, the
website is: http://www.ssa.gov/OACT/babynames/
8. What do the initials spell? Even if you have
overcome all of these other barriers, you still need to make sure the initials
don't spell anything offensive - I had a friend in grade school named Angel Star
So for our family and friends who check this blog what is your opinion? Our top five boy names are: Daniel, Nathaniel(Nathan), Simon, Ethan, Noah. Please leave a comment and let us know your favorite.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Isaac graduated this past Saturday. It was a busy weekend filled with lots of family and friends. I am so proud of Isaac and all his hard work. He did well in all his classes. There were rough semesters and or weeks where the work never ended but he made it.
As for the future we are waiting....we are waiting for London School of Theology to offer an official acceptance, we are waiting for the job deadlines to close so we have an answer, we are waiting on our baby boy coming in August. Isaac is working on his "honey do" list and applying for more jobs to get us by until we have more answers. It is always a bit scary during this waiting period but God has always provided and he will take care of us.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Here is how Janna counts....
two, three, six, seven, eight, (ocationally says Nine)
I am working on the missing numbers:)
two, three, six, seven, eight, (ocationally says Nine)
I am working on the missing numbers:)
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Growing Up
Last night Janna slept in her Toddler bed all night long. Yeah! For those who don’t know she has been on the futon except for a brief two weeks in January when she first got the bed. This time she did not roll a lot and hit her head on the side bars. She only woke up once and was easy to put back to sleep. She lost her pacifier. I don’t know if it will happen again, but I am proud of my little girl.
Also this morning as I was finishing getting dress she told Isaac she needed to poop and actually wanted to sit on the potty. Isaac took her diaper off and she sat down. Then she wanted up. Isaac could tell she did need to go, but we let her up. As he was trying to put on the clean diaper she started pooping. She did not want to go back to the potty so she finished in her diaper. But as Elmo puts it Janna understood the “got to go feeling”. I love that red little monster that convinces Janna to eat bananas and sit on the potty. This morning Janna made Isaac and I very proud. My little girl is growing up.
On a side note on the way to school we went over letter sounds and she got them all right. She even knew the letter “v” today. Yeah Janna!
Also this morning as I was finishing getting dress she told Isaac she needed to poop and actually wanted to sit on the potty. Isaac took her diaper off and she sat down. Then she wanted up. Isaac could tell she did need to go, but we let her up. As he was trying to put on the clean diaper she started pooping. She did not want to go back to the potty so she finished in her diaper. But as Elmo puts it Janna understood the “got to go feeling”. I love that red little monster that convinces Janna to eat bananas and sit on the potty. This morning Janna made Isaac and I very proud. My little girl is growing up.
On a side note on the way to school we went over letter sounds and she got them all right. She even knew the letter “v” today. Yeah Janna!
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Fun new phrases
This past weekend Janna had some fun new phrases. She has really started talking and putting things together.
"PaPa gave Janna bubbles."
"Marcy gave balloon-nice. " Marcy gave me balloon at church. She is nice.
" Janna fun eat" Janna had fun eating. Right after leaving Logan Steak House.
" Oh man"
"sure" use to be yea then yes...I wish you could hear it, it sounds so cute
"white balloon pop" "all gone"....then a sad face and whimpering.... after the balloon popped.
When looking at a picture of a fire in a fire place say "loud" and points to ear. (in the GoodNight Moon book)
She still calls the car "home", haven't been able to explain that one to her yet.
"two three" she always skips number one.
"PaPa gave Janna bubbles."
"Marcy gave balloon-nice. " Marcy gave me balloon at church. She is nice.
" Janna fun eat" Janna had fun eating. Right after leaving Logan Steak House.
" Oh man"
"sure" use to be yea then yes...I wish you could hear it, it sounds so cute
"white balloon pop" "all gone"....then a sad face and whimpering.... after the balloon popped.
When looking at a picture of a fire in a fire place say "loud" and points to ear. (in the GoodNight Moon book)
She still calls the car "home", haven't been able to explain that one to her yet.
"two three" she always skips number one.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
I don't understand...
I don't understand......
How yesterday Janna was in car riding to school yelling " no dirt" over and over and getting very upset, and when I was finally able to look and help her she had a leaf stuck on her shoe and once I removed it she was happy as can be.
But this morning she took her bowl of cereal with milk and put her hands up to elbows in it and flung it all over the table and the dog and the floor. She was laughing until I told her no and made her clean it up. I didn't put her in time out because part of it was fault for leaving the room while she was eating to do something else. After three napkins and two baby wipes she was less sticky and mostly clean. Lucky she was still in her pj's so it wasn't a big deal.
How can she be so finicky about having dirt on her or near her to playing in her food? I just don't understand. I probably never will.
How yesterday Janna was in car riding to school yelling " no dirt" over and over and getting very upset, and when I was finally able to look and help her she had a leaf stuck on her shoe and once I removed it she was happy as can be.
But this morning she took her bowl of cereal with milk and put her hands up to elbows in it and flung it all over the table and the dog and the floor. She was laughing until I told her no and made her clean it up. I didn't put her in time out because part of it was fault for leaving the room while she was eating to do something else. After three napkins and two baby wipes she was less sticky and mostly clean. Lucky she was still in her pj's so it wasn't a big deal.
How can she be so finicky about having dirt on her or near her to playing in her food? I just don't understand. I probably never will.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
At Two...
Janna is learning so much everyday and I just wanted to share what she loves and what she can do now...
She can point to the letter and say the sound it makes when you tell her a letter.
She is right most of the time.
She can tell you the color of something. Some colors she knows better than others.
She can count "two, three", somehow she always misses "one".
She talks in three and four word phrases all the time.
She sings often...her newest one "Row Row your boat"
She does the motions to "patty cake" . The roll it motion is so cute.
She loves " this little piggy"
She colors and draws. She makes a great attempt at drawing a circle and tracing your hand.
She is a great helper. She feeds Molly, dusts the coffee table, sweeps the kitchen floor.
of course this is only when she wants to help
She is great with her baby dolls. She takes great care of them. She also takes good care of her kitten. She takes it out to potty even, leash and all.
She is good at telling want she wants (unless she is really upset).
She good at turning games, lights, toys on and off.
She loves her "voom voom cars" as she calls them.
She runs, no longer just a fast walk.
She can take her jacket, shoes, and socks off with no help.
She doesn't like to wear shoes....as she puts it "feet, feet mommy, no shoe"
She loves the Care Bear videos, and Elmo potty video
She loves sweets:)
She is continuing to try and jump, her feet just don't leave the ground.
She can drive her cozy coop car backward and keeps trying forward.
She pushes her baby in it's stroller all over.
She loves being outside.
She is learning about playgrounds and swings.
She is such a blessing to us and we are so grateful to have her in our lives. I look forward to all the new things she will learn.
She can point to the letter and say the sound it makes when you tell her a letter.
She is right most of the time.
She can tell you the color of something. Some colors she knows better than others.
She can count "two, three", somehow she always misses "one".
She talks in three and four word phrases all the time.
She sings often...her newest one "Row Row your boat"
She does the motions to "patty cake" . The roll it motion is so cute.
She loves " this little piggy"
She colors and draws. She makes a great attempt at drawing a circle and tracing your hand.
She is a great helper. She feeds Molly, dusts the coffee table, sweeps the kitchen floor.
of course this is only when she wants to help
She is great with her baby dolls. She takes great care of them. She also takes good care of her kitten. She takes it out to potty even, leash and all.
She is good at telling want she wants (unless she is really upset).
She good at turning games, lights, toys on and off.
She loves her "voom voom cars" as she calls them.
She runs, no longer just a fast walk.
She can take her jacket, shoes, and socks off with no help.
She doesn't like to wear shoes....as she puts it "feet, feet mommy, no shoe"
She loves the Care Bear videos, and Elmo potty video
She loves sweets:)
She is continuing to try and jump, her feet just don't leave the ground.
She can drive her cozy coop car backward and keeps trying forward.
She pushes her baby in it's stroller all over.
She loves being outside.
She is learning about playgrounds and swings.
She is such a blessing to us and we are so grateful to have her in our lives. I look forward to all the new things she will learn.
Friday, May 2, 2008
Two =
Two = I want....
when I want it
to do it All By Myself
it now
to do my own thing
want it my way only
I didn't think the two's would be this bad but we are working on our tantrums and choosing our battles. I hear it does get better. Janna is good for the most part about stay in the time out corner and then saying "sorry".
There are lots of good things about two as well...I will blog about those later:)
when I want it
to do it All By Myself
it now
to do my own thing
want it my way only
I didn't think the two's would be this bad but we are working on our tantrums and choosing our battles. I hear it does get better. Janna is good for the most part about stay in the time out corner and then saying "sorry".
There are lots of good things about two as well...I will blog about those later:)
Swimming Class
Last nights swim lesson went well. She was excited as usual to go. She participated for a little bit with only a little fussing but no tantrums. Then part of the time I let her sit on the wall instead of participating to avoid a tantrum. She discovered she like to fly out of the water. My arms are tired but she got big laughs about flying in and out of the water. This also allowed us to participate a little more with the class. Then at one point she said "home". I asked if she was all done and said "all done". I tried one more activity and she was getting upset so we left class 15 minutes early, but at least this avoided a large tantrum. Overall the class went really well and Janna was happy.
Monday, April 28, 2008
Morning Conversation
I had to go and wake Janna up this morning, which is rare. She slowly wakes up, and as I change her diaper...
I say " Daddy bought you yogurt last night", "would you like yogurt or cereal?"
Janna " no yogurt"
I say "we have green and orange yogurt"
Janna looks at me with a small smile, " green yogurt, no red"
The red, strawberry, has fruit chunks, which she doesn't like. We keep trying different flavors but she loves Key lime pie and Orange Creme.
We go to the refrigerator and I open the door. She pulls out the green yogurt and then says "milk". I point to the milk and pulls it out and waits for me to close the door. She looks up with me and says "spoon mommy". I show her I had already grabbed her spoon and we head to the living room to eat.
She sets her yogurt and milk down and says "I watch Elmo" . We put Elmo in while she eats and gets dressed for school.
I love our little conversations. She is growing up fast right before my eyes. We have numerous conversations like this one above. Janna is really good at communicating.
I say " Daddy bought you yogurt last night", "would you like yogurt or cereal?"
Janna " no yogurt"
I say "we have green and orange yogurt"
Janna looks at me with a small smile, " green yogurt, no red"
The red, strawberry, has fruit chunks, which she doesn't like. We keep trying different flavors but she loves Key lime pie and Orange Creme.
We go to the refrigerator and I open the door. She pulls out the green yogurt and then says "milk". I point to the milk and pulls it out and waits for me to close the door. She looks up with me and says "spoon mommy". I show her I had already grabbed her spoon and we head to the living room to eat.
She sets her yogurt and milk down and says "I watch Elmo" . We put Elmo in while she eats and gets dressed for school.
I love our little conversations. She is growing up fast right before my eyes. We have numerous conversations like this one above. Janna is really good at communicating.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Song Lyrics
I know this blog is mostly for stories on Janna and family updates but ....
I got the biggest laugh today at lunch when I listen to the lyrics of the Brad Paisley song "I'm still a guy". Here they are below...if you listen to the song it is even better.
When you see a deer you see Bambi
And I see antlers up on the wall
When you see a lake you think picnics
And I see a large mouth up under that log
You're probably thinking that you're going to change me
In some ways well maybe you might
Scrub me down, dress me up
oh but no matter what remember I'm still a guy
When you see a priceless French painting
I see a drunk, naked girl
You think that riding a wild bull sounds crazy
And I'd like to give it a whirl
Well love makes a man do some things he ain't proud of
And in a weak moment I might
walk your sissy dog, hold your purse at the mall
But remember, I'm still a guy
I'll pour out my heart Hold your hand in the car
Write a love song that makes you cry
Then turn right around knock some jerk to the ground
'Cause he copped a feel as you walked by
I can hear you now talking to your friends
Saying, "Yeah girls he's come a long way"
From dragging his knuckles and carrying a club
And building a fire in a cave
But when you say a backrub means only a backrub
Then you swat my hand when I try
Well, now what can I say at the end of the day
Honey, I'm still a guy
And I'll pour out my heartHold your hand in the car
Write a love song that makes you cry
Then turn right around knock some jerk to the ground
'Cause he copped a feel as you walked by
These days there's dudes getting facials
Manicured, waxed and botoxed
With deep spray-on tans and creamy lotiony hands
You can't grip a tacklebox
Yeah with all of these men lining up to get neutered
It's hip now to be feminized
I don't highlight my hairI've still got a pair
Yeah honey, I'm still a guy
Oh my eyebrows ain't plucked
There's a gun in my truck
Oh thank God, I'm still a guy
I got the biggest laugh today at lunch when I listen to the lyrics of the Brad Paisley song "I'm still a guy". Here they are below...if you listen to the song it is even better.
When you see a deer you see Bambi
And I see antlers up on the wall
When you see a lake you think picnics
And I see a large mouth up under that log
You're probably thinking that you're going to change me
In some ways well maybe you might
Scrub me down, dress me up
oh but no matter what remember I'm still a guy
When you see a priceless French painting
I see a drunk, naked girl
You think that riding a wild bull sounds crazy
And I'd like to give it a whirl
Well love makes a man do some things he ain't proud of
And in a weak moment I might
walk your sissy dog, hold your purse at the mall
But remember, I'm still a guy
I'll pour out my heart Hold your hand in the car
Write a love song that makes you cry
Then turn right around knock some jerk to the ground
'Cause he copped a feel as you walked by
I can hear you now talking to your friends
Saying, "Yeah girls he's come a long way"
From dragging his knuckles and carrying a club
And building a fire in a cave
But when you say a backrub means only a backrub
Then you swat my hand when I try
Well, now what can I say at the end of the day
Honey, I'm still a guy
And I'll pour out my heartHold your hand in the car
Write a love song that makes you cry
Then turn right around knock some jerk to the ground
'Cause he copped a feel as you walked by
These days there's dudes getting facials
Manicured, waxed and botoxed
With deep spray-on tans and creamy lotiony hands
You can't grip a tacklebox
Yeah with all of these men lining up to get neutered
It's hip now to be feminized
I don't highlight my hairI've still got a pair
Yeah honey, I'm still a guy
Oh my eyebrows ain't plucked
There's a gun in my truck
Oh thank God, I'm still a guy
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Janna has...
Janna has....
Daddy's hair.....un-tamable and hard to manage in the morning or after nap time.
Mommy's gift of drama...the ability to make something small a big deal:)
Daddy's gift of voice...she loves to talk and sing.
Mommy's love of shoes, bags, clothes, etc.
Daddy's independence....I don't want help!
Mommy's neatness...she doesn't like to be too messy and likes to help clean.
Daddy's big laugh...when she gets going she has the best belly laugh.
Mommy's gentleness/nurturing...she loves and cares for her baby dolls.
Daddy's love of Water...bath time is a lot fun.
Mommy's shyness
Daddy's friendliness
Janna is a good mix of both of us. Most of all she has all our love and always will.
Daddy's hair.....un-tamable and hard to manage in the morning or after nap time.
Mommy's gift of drama...the ability to make something small a big deal:)
Daddy's gift of voice...she loves to talk and sing.
Mommy's love of shoes, bags, clothes, etc.
Daddy's independence....I don't want help!
Mommy's neatness...she doesn't like to be too messy and likes to help clean.
Daddy's big laugh...when she gets going she has the best belly laugh.
Mommy's gentleness/nurturing...she loves and cares for her baby dolls.
Daddy's love of Water...bath time is a lot fun.
Mommy's shyness
Daddy's friendliness
Janna is a good mix of both of us. Most of all she has all our love and always will.
My little girl...
My little girl who wants to stay in her church dress and gets upset when I don't let her play with my make-up.....slept with her toy cars during her nap on Sunday.
It is so much fun watching her develop new characteristics everyday.
It is so much fun watching her develop new characteristics everyday.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
It is a boy!
It's a boy! Our due date is August 24th. Isaac is excited and proud. I am nervous about a little boy. I know what to expect mostly with a girl. Now we get to learn new things all over again. We do not have a name we are still talking/debating. It will be fun having both!
Monday, April 14, 2008
Toy Kitten
For Janna's birthday she got a stuffed kitten. At first she picked it up hugged it and then just put it back in the box. Yesterday she pulled the cat off of the box and put molly's small leash on it. She pulled the kitten around the house for about a half hour saying good girl and stopping to pet it. She even took it out to go poopy as she calls it. A little bit later she put the kitten in the water table (empty of course) that was inside because it is so cold out still. She started saying bath. She got soap out of her doll bag and a blanket. She gave the kitten a good bath then dryed it off. It was so cute how gentle and how she took great care of the toy kitten.
Friday, April 11, 2008
Swim Class
Janna did a great job as swimming lessons last night. She was a really good girl. She kept her ear plugs in the whole time. The only bad thing was she was sitting on the wall ( her favorite thing) and I was holding her legs and turned around to listen to the teacher and the next thing I know she was crying. She had fallen over and hit her head on the tile, I blame the big hopper head. Within a few minutes she calmed down and was enjoying class again. I felt like a bad mommy have not been able to stop her from tipping over but I know that many more falls will come.
Janna is enjoying the swim lessons so I hope she will have a better time in the pool this summer.
Janna is enjoying the swim lessons so I hope she will have a better time in the pool this summer.
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