Wednesday, February 27, 2008


We are working on teaching Janna her letters. I would highly recommend The Leap Frog Letter Factory to any parent trying to teach letters. Janna loves this video. She can pick the letter "A" out of a pile and go AAAhhhh or she also says AAapple.

When she wants her bath tub letters in the bath instead of her fish and ducks she goes " Eeee Oooo AAAah" It is so cute.

I would also recommend and "Elmo's keyboard-o -roma". Janna loves to press the letters on the keyboard and watch Elmo with the sounds.

I am proud of all that Janna is learning and look forward to many more letters and sounds:)

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

New Niece

Congratulations to Aaron, Christina, and Asher on the birth of

Aaliyah Linn Hopper
Born 2/12/08
9lbs 4 oz
21 inches

I look forward to meeting my new niece.

Potty Training

Potty Training is going well. My mom bought Janna a ring that has handles that sits on the toliet. It is so cute. Janna will sit on it and swing her feet and we will sing pee pee songs to her and she will take a piece of toliet paper. She sits much longer on this seat than the other potty seat. Then she will say "down" throw the TP in the toilet and flush. Then we wash our hands. She loves this routine. She also will ask to go potty at daycare about once a day. She has also been telling us right before or right after she is wet. Some mornings she is dry when she wakes up too. I am very excited about the progress we are making.

Yeah Janna!!!!


It has been awhile since I blogged this is due to the sickness floating around our house. Janna first got a viral infection for about a week. She had a cough and drainage and just a bad cold. Then I got the three day bug going around partly from Janna and the lack of sleep of taking care of her. For three days I had a high fever and a sore throat. I still have the lingering cough now. Then Janna got an ear infection. The augmentium they put her on gave her bad poopy diapers for a few or more days. If she would eat with the medicine this wouldn't be a problem but since you can't force any toddler to eat we just did our best. The doctor said to continue with the medicine because the other ones available aren't strong enough with her history of ear infections. She is doing a lot better now. She is eating more and less poopy diapers too. She is happier most of the time. And last night she slept through the night. YEAH! This is always a good sign that she is feeling better.


I am making up a new word " Princessed" because that is what Isaac did for me yesterday. With the big ice storm that came through the previous night, Isaac went out on solid ice and defrosted the car broke up the ice all around the car so I could get in. He took Janna in one trip and walked me out slowly in another. He drove us to school and work. I got dropped off right in front of a back door that had been shoved by maintanence. In all the cold and rain I think I was outside for 2 minutes. I felt very special and loved to have such a great husband who will always protect me. God does the same thing for all of us, it is up to us to see it though. He wraps us up in his arms and protects us with his love.

School Delay

We have been having bad weather lately with snow and ice. Yesterday morning there was about three inches of ice on top of snow and we still had to come in on time. There was freezing rain all day long. I called the number to see if the was a delay or closing but no still had to come in. Isaac took Janna and I in. So today with just a little more snow and some icey spots on parking lots and a few road nothing compared to yesterday ......I headed in to work as usual. It looked like no one was here yet by the cars but I decided to go on in. I almost slipped twice getting from the car to the door. Then I get inside my outside office door is locked. I call the number and WHAT " a 90 min delay" You have got to be kidding me. So I can brave the parking lot and go home for an hour and clean and do stuff I need to do there or I can still here warm and safe and blog. I choose to stay for the safety of me and the baby. The school I work is so similiar to my highschool I never thought we would close or have a delay. I guess there were enough complaints going around yesterday. Oh well I get some quiet time now at least. :)