Saturday, March 31, 2012

Children Theater

Mom got us girls tickets to the children's theater to see Repunzel. We got all dressed for the afternoon play. The play was only okay, but we had a great time. We met the boys afterwards for an early dinner. Mom got Janna fake hair and Simon a blow up sword as small gifts. They were very excited.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Cute Stories

During a video at church kids were asked what they wanted to be when they grow up. Simon's answer, " I want to be a ghost". I have no idea where that came from or why but that boys makes me smile.

Janna is reading like crazy. Anything with words she will sound out and read. She will look for words at dinner on packaging and cereal boxes in the morning. I love hearing her sound out the letters and then get it. She has been very patiently working through some of her harder books too. (She still mixes up her "b" and "d" but we are working on it.)

Friday, March 23, 2012

Yard Work

Our yard looks awesome. Wednesday and Thursday Isaac's mom and dad came down to help us clean up the yard. The owner before us was a single lady who loved to garden. We don't like planting and weeding so the yard became overgrown.

I took Wednesday afternoon off to help but they did the rest.

We took out three holly trees, took down a large branch off the tree up front, and then chopped and dug up 5 or so little trees(all dead) in the back yard. The side area got turned up, mulched, and bricked up, yeah no more weeds there. We now have the kids toys there, making it easier to Isaac to mow the grass. Half the front got weeded and mulched. We have half the front and the back areas to weed and mulch, but the stumps and weeds are gone. The area by our fence was very overgrown and it is mostly better except for a few weeds to clean up. Isaac mowed to finish it up. We didn't get the fence posts up as planned because they are concreted in the ground. It looks great.

Isaac and I got sunburned so it will be a few days before we go out there to finish up. I am so excited to have a nice back yard! Thank you mom and dad.


My (well the kids) swingset is here. It has arrived at the store! Now to pick it up and assemble.

I am super excited. I hope the kids like it as much as I do.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

I have a busy week this week, which is not common for us.
Monday, last night-I feel like I was going all day long, normal morning and work day, then I worked out, wrangled kids, showered, helped clean up dinner, church meeting, Simon to bed ( he waited up for me). I also did laundry and started dishwasher and cleaned up all the kids toys from the little time between home and bed, they made a huge mess yesterday. I cleaned two dirty underwear messes and did a long time out with Simon. Wow!
Tuesday- Isaac helped in chapel today and it was so nice to see him up there. I have a card making night with friends tonight that I am looking forward to and thankful Isaac is watching the kids two nights in a row.
Wednesday-hopefully the weather stays nice and Isaac's parents are coming down to help us with yard work and projects.
Thursday-Janna has swim lessons and I have small group late that night.
Friday- I hope to spend some time with Isaac just watching Netflicks or a movie

Little Stories

There are a bunch of small little things that happen that I don't think much of, until someone else comments on it. Here are a few of them.

Last Thursday Night there was a huge storm, Friday morning there were worm wiggling all over sidewalk and etc. There wasn't school on Friday, so I took both kids to daycare. When getting Janna out of the car, she say look mom you squished a huge worm. Sure enough I had and it was stuck to my shoe. Yuck! The morning hadn't gone smooth and this was the icing or the "guts" on the cake. I hadn't thought much of this until a co-work who was walking by around the same time sent me a message saying that conversations was her favorite of it day and made her smile.

Yesterday, Monday, I had the hiccups all the way dropping Simon off at daycare. Each hiccup was uncomfortable and not fun for me. Each time though, Simon would fake hiccup after me and say I have the hiccups. I would say no you don't, laughing, and he would giggle and say yeah I do see, then fake hiccup. It was a morning full of laughter and giggles.

Janna's teacher is from West Virgina and she recently went home for a short trip. Soon afterwards Janna has started doing a West Virgina Accent saying " I am from West Virgina". It so cute. She also has started doing a southern belle accent. She is like her father.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Open a book song

We are unable to get video of her bowing, but was so cute and energetic. She loved singing and performing. We enjoyed watching her.

Going on a Bear Hunt

The bear hunt song clip. Instead of yelling she was suppose to keep a bubble in her mouth.

My mini me

My mom says I used to lay out my clothes for school the next day and it would look like a person. Janna showed me this the other day. She get this part from me.

The odd thing is she doesn't usually sleep in pajamas, but the clothes person is cute:)

Goodbye Bed Rails

This past week Janna's bed rail broke, so we decided to let her try and sleep without it. So once Simon saw it, he wanted his gone too. So now both kids are sleeping like big kids. We told them we would put them back on if they fell out. So far so cute, although they do creep to the edge. It is small moments like this that make me realize they are growing up.

Hook Organization

I got this holder thing from my grandma's house two years ago with this plan, I finally did it. Isaac spray painted it white to go with the room. Now we have a place to hang up robes, hats and super hero capes. It looks much nice than the strollers we hung them on, or the floor where the kids threw them. I especially like it becaues it came from grandma's house. She kept coffee mugs on it.

Door Organization


This change has given more space in the their drawer for socks and under. Plus this hold the small toys. Since they were both able to open the drawer and pull it out anyway. This is a lot safer, plus it holds more.

Thing 1

Today is dress up like a Dr. Suess Character day for Janna.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Oh the fun

Last week was a busy and hard for me. Monday we had the Mickshl family over for dinner and it was fun and nice as usually but that means a late night for the kids and harder to get them to sleep. Then Wednesday a group of us took Dr. Noble out for dinner. Dr. Noble is Isaac's Mentor for his PhD. The family was invited, Dr. Noble loves children and our kids just love him. We went to applebee's. The food was slow coming but it was a great time. The kids were really well behaved. I had brought the i-pods to help. But at 8:15 ish they had reached their limit and lucky we were leaving. Simon threw and embarrassing fit in the parking lot and screamed and kicked Dr. Noble's seat. I felt awful. He assured me it was okay and he has a three year old grandson. I told me, I know he understands but I like to keep up the appearance that we have it all together even if we don't. Simon eventually calmed down when half way home. Janna mentioned her eye hurt, we just thought an eye last got in it and looked at it at home before bed.
Thursday she woke up with a bright pink eye. When I told the bus monitor she said the girl she sits next too had it last week. Oh wonderful.

The above it how Janna drew her pink eye.
Simon has been having issues at drop off and is very attached to me, since I was going to be home I just kept him home too. Isaac left mid-day for WTS in Nashville, TN. I got an early eye appointment for Janna. She is taking all my bucket money, this is her fourth appointment since January, but lucky her first missed day of school. Dr M. told us she had a bacteria infection in her eye and got me a prescription for gel for her eye. She was not to go back to school until it was all clear. We all made the trip to get the medicine, then home. Simon was a "bear" at the office and the store. To help me make it through, I bought donuts for me and for the kids. Yeah I am the awesome mom that gives donuts for lunch. Once home we watched movies then naps. They did eventually fall asleep. I have no idea what we did later that day, but after nap Janna was very upset about not going to school or daycare and was so sad. I am pretty sure I Lysol and Clorox wiped, and did multiple loads of laundry. Simon was just grumpy. We had spaghetti for dinner and then bed. I had my girls bible study over that night and we had lots to talk about so it went late.
I went to bed praying Janna's eye would be all clear. It was better but not all clear. She was so sad not to go to school. I did take Simon to school though. Janna and I did some girl time, we painted our nails and hung out. She was bored without Simon and kept asking when we would get him. I think she wanted to see her friends. A huge storm was coming so I was watching the news a lot mid-morning. School ended leaving early due to tornado weather, so lucky Janna didn't miss her party at school. I had wanted to go do some shopping and to get my migraine medicine and other stuff that mid-day but the storm warnings were looking bad and I was told to stay home, although it looked fine outside. At 1pm I got the call from the daycare to come get Simon, they were closing early too. I started to worry, home alone with the kids, and a tornado coming. Oh great. I packed a bag of necessities. When we got Simon it was really hot outside. Even Walmart closed, you know the storm is bad when that happens. For about 3 hours we hung out a home while I was glued to anything about the weather and constantly checking face book to see when we needed to find shelter. The kids played great on the computer and watched movies. Around 4 or 5 the tornado sirens went off and the sky got very dark, so we all headed to my work for shelter. The kids were very worried about leaving Molly and Daddy who also was surrounded by storms. We hung out in the class room until about 7ish, eating snacks, playing on the leap pad, and making new friends. Once everyone cleared out and the weather was clearing we headed home. I made frozen pizza for dinner and put them to bed.

This a picture of a surrounding area, there are many more out there like this. It was a big storm, and we were blessed to just get sirons and a thunder storm.

Saturday was a long day, Janna woke up with her other eye infected so I didn't feel comfortable going out, so it wouldn't spread to others. I woke up with a migrane and took my last pill. Simon cuddled with me in the morning and that was really nice. I did more laundry and cleaning. We played a lot. We took a walk but it was very cold out so we didn't play at the playground long. I attempted naps but it didn't work at all and I was at the end of rope with the fighting and whining. I closed myself in my room and layed down, when I was calm, I came out and the kids had set up picnic for me complete with stuffed animal friends. Isaac came home around 5ish and we had dinner together. Then I got to leave the house. YEAH! for a girls movie and snack night at church. It was really nice to spend time with friends.

Sunday, Janna's eye was a lot better but had just a little pink in it, so I stayed home with the kids while Isaac went to church. Janna went grocery shopping with Isaac and I played with Simon. It was a good day.

Monday, Janna's eye was all better, ready to go to school, then I look out the window to a pile of snow. I check online and it was a snow day. Luckily the daycare is open so she got to see her friends. I got to go back to work and play catch up.

Tuesday back to school and normal. yeah!

The weather has been crazy from tornadoes to snow days to beautiful Spring days on Tuesday. Throw in pink eye and toddlers, and the fun begins.