Thursday, January 22, 2009

My friend posted this poem recently on her blog and it is so true. It is something I try to do, but often forget. Along with her I am going to try and remember this when I start stressing about the dishes being clean, recycling/trash taken out, ect...

Cleaning and scrubbing can wait till tomorrow.
For babies grow up, we've learned to our sorrow.
So quiet down cobwebs, and dust go to sleep.
I'm rocking my baby, for babies don't keep.

So tonight I know I have to pack up for the weekend but I am going forget about the house being clean for when we return and sit down and enjoy by children:)

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Janna has been so much fun lately. This morning she was counting. She sneezed, the she said Mommy" I sneezed two times." A little bit later she yawned, "Mommy I yawned three times." (really one time but it was so cute) Isaac was home sick and when we pulled up to school she looked at me and said "Daddy didn't follow us". No I said, he is sick today.

She will tell you " I will be three in April" , "she has "strawberry blonde" hair not red", and so much more.

She picked up the fact that we bought a new toaster over the weekend, and told me last night, " the other toaster is broken, we got a black one".

I think a favorite part of Isaac and mine night is when we lay down to pray with Janna and she will tell us about her day. We don't like the screaming that follows when we get up but she's two, what can you expect.

Seeing things are her view has been fun. It is great to see the things that are fun and new to her.
She will tell you that white clouds make her happy but she doesn't like it when the clouds are gone or pink. She will tell you Grandma's and PaPa's house and how she wants to take certain things with her and how happy she will be to see them.

It has been a long time since just looking at a cloud has made me happy. I love how the simple things in life make her happy. I need to work on enjoying the small thing and appreciating them instead stressing over them.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Paci Update

We made it through the weekend with no paci. I am so proud of her. It was very tough at time and I would have loved to give in. She woke up at least once or twice a night. I suspect that she used to put the paci in and go back to sleep without us. Finally last night she slept through the night with no paci but she was also exhausted from no nap that day. So we will see how this week goes. When she would get upset about something not going her way or having a fit the paci would calm her down a lot faster. Our fits were longer and louder. She did ask for her spare paci but I told her it went to the babies too and only Simon's were in the drawer. She cried a bit but calmed down.

We had fun playing in the snow. She loved for jump in big pile and then do it over and over again. We played with our new toys this weekend. She loves going to church now and playing. She is still adjusting to school and the new teacher but she didn't cry or fuss today at all. She doesn't ask for her burp rag often at all. Only when she is really upset or tired.

She was ready! I will have to post a picture of her soon. I think she has changed so much in these past months. She is really growing up. She gets concepts and is her language is great. For example she told me today that Daddy's green car is in front of us. I thought it would be a lot longer for the in front/behind concept.

On a side note: Isaac isn't feeling well. Hopefully he will start feeling better soon. He really needs to get his study time in. Isaac has been great about giving me more more time. I appreciate and come back refreshed.

I am looking forward to the weekend with my parents and Eric and Rachel since I was sick over new years. Janna is looking forward to seeing Grandma and Pawpaw with the house:)

Friday, January 16, 2009

Big Day in the Hopper Household

It was a big day this morning. Janna decided that today she was going to give up her paci. We dropped Simon off in his room as normal and I ask her if she was ready to give her paci to the baby's and she said yes. She took it out of her mouth and gave it to the the teacher Kayla and said this is for the babies. I am so proud of her. We will see how the weekend goes. I know she can do it but I am prepared for some tears.

Other news...Simon has discovered his feet. He keeps bending over and pulling on his sock or sleeper. He also rolled over at school from his back to belly. I am hoping to see it this weekend.

Thursday, January 15, 2009


It has been awhile since I last wrote, here is what is going on with us.

Simon's cough got better just as got sick. I was miserable through-out the New Year holiday with my family. I think the kids had fun with everyone though. I got the diaper bag I have been wanted for over a year now plus a pair of snow boots(now we need snow). I finally went to the doctor on the first day back to work and found out I had a very bad sinus infection and got put on onicef. 10 days later I am finally feeling good again. I have had some bad headaches but I am not sure if that is the hormones, medicines, etc. Isaac and I have been crazy busy at work. My office has been busy due to being short handed, but this week we hired a new cashier which is great. Isaac is busy due to students being in for the January term.

Janna has been doing well. She has told me three times this past week she need to potty and has actually gone. I am so proud of her. Our next step is to get rid of paci. She can keep the burp rag.

Simon is growing more everyday. He is on all formula now. He still spits up alot but not as often. It is hit or miss as to when. He does well at night overall. He goes to sleep around 10pm and wakes around 3am for a bottle then sleeps to 7am.

Isaac has started his PhD studies, and his Bible study meets once a week as well. I am very proud of all the work and effort he is putting into getting his hours in during week.

I have gotten the chance to scrapbook with some women from church and Isaac is going to a men's breakfast meeting this Saturday. We are enjoying getting involved with Nicholasville UMC.

The Steelers are doing one and have one more game to win to make it to the superbowl. Go Steelers.

I am looking forward to this weekend of hanging out at home with Isaac around with us. Plus shopping for a much needed new toaster, and a few other household items we have been needing.

We are all doing well. I hope that you all had a great New Year!