Friday, November 11, 2011

All about Simon

Simon doesn't want his hair cut. When you ask why, he says pointing to his hair...this Simon. Not Simon if cut hair. It was a huge battle last time so at this point he will stay Simon and we continue to wait on a hair cut.

Simon is loving to cuddle to with his Daddy in the morning while he watches cartoons and drinks his orange juice. It is the sweetest thing to watch.

He is doing great with potty training and is in all pull ups now. Yeah Simon. He is getting there.

He is talking so much now, it is fun just listening.

Simon loves his spiderman and batman toys. We got books from the library and we have read batman and spiderman every night now.

Putting coats and socks on in the morning are still daily battles but the mornings have gotten a lot better.

Simon loves his snow boots, and wear them often.

Simon refuses to let you take a picture of him.

He currently has an ear infection...prior to finding this out, he told us at dinner one night in a very loud voice, I can't hear my voice...hello? It was so cute. That night a big hunk of wax came out one hear and the other ear started leaking yucky stuff. Then before bed he said, " I have a voice." So cute.

Simon is hugging more too.

Simon's eye squint up when he does his cheesy grin:)

His hugs can make anyone smile. When Simon hugs me I can picture the arms of God wrapping around me letting me know it will all be okay.

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