Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Baby News

I will be 37 weeks on Saturday. I am now on my weekly appointments. I have been having contractions all week and this morning they were pretty strong. They hooked me up to a fetal/contraction monitor at this appointment and the baby's heart rate was good. I am having small contractions but not full consistent hard contractions. I was relieved to hear the baby's heart beat and to know that he is doing well. Next week they will hook me up again to keep an eye on him. The doctor gave me instructions on what to call about and what to look for when going into labor. As of now the c-section is scheduled for August 18th, if I make it that far. And yes we finally have a name. He will be called Simon!
Please keep me in your prayers during these last few weeks.

1 comment:

Katie Kermeen Swisher said...

Simon Hopper...I like it! I hope the last few weeks go well for you. Keep us posted!