Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Sometimes a little pee can make everything better.....

Yesterday after work was little bit more caotic than usual. Even leaving work was crazy. I went to meet Isaac at his office but he wasn't there. He also wasn't answering his phone. I waited around bit, until a co-worker told me he was out helping the tow truck driver. Our green van needed to be towed to the shop because the key wouldn't go in the tumbler to get it to start. I met Isaac by the van and told him I would get the kids and pick him up in the front of the building so he could close down his office.

Janna had had a bad day and needed extra attention. Her teacher is leaving at the end of the month and is pulling away emotionally. As Janna says "Nesa say no sit on lap/ or pick up". She was extra whinny this morning anyway. I am not sure if she is teething, coming down with something, or what, but she hasn't quite been herself lately.

Simon hasn't had a BM for 7 days now (again). So he started being fussy last night. We are trying all the home remedies but will call the doctor again if he doesn't go soon. He is usually very happy, but when he needs to go he wants to be held a lot, which isn't always possible.

After getting both kids in the car and driving around to get Isaac, we were suppose to stop at the car shop but we forgot because Isaac's phone rang and we both got distracted. When home Isaac started dinner as soon as we walked in, as I unload all our bags( pump, 2 diaper bags, purse, milk, etc). During this Simon is crying. We then see Molly had puked on the floor. As Simon is still crying I clean up the puke than wash my hands. I get him settle down and change clothes and go start a load of laundry.
By now Janna is request macaroni and cheese with her fish sticks. So I start this along side of Isaac cooking our dinner. We finally get dinner on the table and I start to eat when Simon starts screaming. So I hold him while I eat again. Isaac cleans up dinner while I help Janna finish up and change Simon's diaper. Diaper changing not working, Simon still screaming, I decide to feed him early. As I feed him, Isaac helps Janna finish up, but while doing this somehow an extremely full glass of lemonade spills all over the kitchen floor. Isaac gets upset as Janna is yelling " mommy, daddy juice spill, it's okay". I start giggling not seeing the mess as Isaac mumbles and yells as he get the stuff out to clean it up.
So finally all is cleaned up and kids happy but it now 6:40, too late for a walk. So I take Simon in the snuggly and Janna outside to play ball so that Isaac can have some time ,even if just a few minutes, of peace.
We come inside for bath and Simon is finally sleeping and happy. Janna is prolonging bath as usually by playing hide n seek. So I finally get her undressed and in the bathroom. She agrees to sit on the potty for me. I start the bath but no tonight she was the blowup inflatable ducky bath tub. So as I attempt to blow it up, she calls "daddy help mommy" Isaac comes in and blows up the duck. I start transfer laundry to the dryer as I talk to Janna about peeing in the potty. She calls out " mommy I pee",then I hear it. Yeah!!!!!!!

For the first time she peed in the big potty with the potty ring. I stopped everything and gave Janna extreme praises. So after a hard day, a little pee in the potty made me smile ear to ear.

The rest of the night went smoother. I have to remind myself to slow down and appreciate the small things and small accomplishments, such as peeing in the potty.

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