Thursday, March 18, 2010

What going on?

*Isaac's foot is feeling better. He is still in the boot and it still is sore after long days, but much better.

* I burned my finger really bad on the oven putting the chicken inside without a glove. The sting is gone but it is healing slow.

* We are taking Janna to Princess Disney on Ice (shhh it is a surprise) at the end of the month. I am so excited.

* I have ordered the supplies and invitations for her Minnie Mouse Birthday Party.

*Isaac has been working out consistently (modified due to foot).

*I have been de-cluttering the house slowly the past few months.

*I am excited to see the sun and warmer weather so the kids and I can play outside.

* We are enjoying our Young adult group at church and the close friendships.

*I get to scrapbook monthly with friends, very fun!

*Overall we are all doing well and enjoying life.

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