Thursday, May 6, 2010


Simon is talking more. It will be soon that he is putting sentences together. He loves to make animal sounds, his favorite is the elephant. He loves soft blankets and stuffed animals. He has left go of Elmo and now loves on silky blanket I got when Janna was a baby. They are finally getting the love they deserve. He loves balls too.

He is the typical almost two year and throwing fits and gets very upset when told "no" or we don't understand what he wants. He doesn't like getting dressed, especially shoes. He loves water.

Simon got a haircut. It wasn't the best looking but you can see his eyes now. It still has it length too. He was so still and well behaved. We went after his nap and the place was busy.

He is only using the paci at night and nap time. Though we do give it to him the car when he is really fussy.

He is doing better drinking out of a cup with straw and using a spoon.

Simon loves his big sister and wants to do everything she is doing.

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