Monday, December 8, 2008

Craft Fair

Saturday we went to a craft fair and the whole way there we were talking about it, it wasn't that far away. Janna kept saying" I want to see crafts" over and over. When we got there she was really good we made it around the first loop, when Janna asked " where are the crafts". I had to stop and think. I pointed around and told her these are handmade crafts/toys/etc that people had made. "where are the crafts" she asked again? I then asked her, what she thought crafts were, " I don't know" she answered.

As we were leaving Janna says in her loud voice, " I have poop ball, put in potty mommy". She said this multiple times. Isaac's mom got a good giggle out of this. This is so common that I didn't even think anything of it. That is just what Janna does!

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