Thursday, December 11, 2008

Oh the fun!

Oh the joy of parenting... only then is it normal to talk about pooping, peeing, milk, spit up and other fun without a weird look.

Janna has twice now during her bath told me she needs to pee so we get her out of tub and put on the potty and she goes. We clap, dance, and cheer. I get so excited. I am so proud of her.

Yesterday, Janna had been trying to poop all day and was having trouble. During bath she told me she had to poop. I put her on the potty and she started whining, she was scared. She grunted and then "plop plop". She did it. She pooped in the potty for the first time at our house. We called Grandma and Daddy. She was more scared even afterwards than excited. We are still reassuring her that this is and exciting thing and not scary.

Simon also pooped this morning. TWICE. It was cracks me up how happy he is afterwards. It is like he knows how fun it is to change him. I forgot how much they can smell. Yuck!

Simon also gave his teachers a hard time yesterday by spitting up immediately over the clean outfit they just put on him. I am hoping that the medicine we started today helps.

I am not producing enough milk to keep him supplied for school. I am having to unfreeze some frozen milk from earlier. I am worried that I am not making enough for him when I feed him as well. We will probably start supplementing with formula during/after the Christmas break. I will be happy to be done with my pump, though I may still try and pump a little bit if possible once a day. The cost of formula is crazy and I just wish I could provide for him longer. Isaac keeps reassuring me that this is okay and not to worry. I know Mom's who breast feed for a year, I just wish I could do a couple months longer. At times I feel like a bad mom because I can't provide for him but I know that this isn't too and it is my emotions/hormones making me think this. At least on formula I am more open to leaving him with family/friends and going out with just Isaac on dates.

So that my fun updated on the the pee, poop,spit-up and milk.

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