Friday, August 7, 2009

Happy Birthday Simon

Today Simon is one years old. It is hard to believe a year ago from today I was having contractions and was in tears with pain. Then he was born that night a beautiful healthy baby boy.
Simon is a very happy baby boy. He is now very chunky and is not underweight as he was his first four months. Simon loves his big sister. She can make him smile when he is really unhappy. He is very loud just like his sister. Simon is easy going and will go to most friends. He is sleeping a lot better now. He usually goes to sleep around 7:30 and wakes up only once, then we wake him up around 7:30 am to go to school. Simon loves to crawl and pull up and is very physically active. He can say mummm, dada, and he has just started babbling more. Simon has beautiful bright blue eyes and blonde hair.

Here he is this week. A whole year old.

I love my baby boy. He will always be my baby boy even when he is taller and bigger than me which will most likely happen. I appreciate how he can make you smile even if you aren't happy. His smile is contagious. He will make you laugh. I love to snuggle and rock him to sleep or even just pat his cute little butt. I love his curiosity and I look forward to all he discovers over this next year.

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