Wednesday, February 18, 2009


I have done a Janna update in awhile. Here is what she has been up to...

Favorite Books: Llama Llama Red Pajama, Thomas the Tank Engine and the Hide and Seek Animals, and Where is the Poop?

She loves to help wash the dishes and play in the water. She is very helpful and will put dirty dishes in the sink, throw trash away, etc...

She does not like baths and will anything to avoid them.

She loves to hug Simon and play with him.

She is counting more and can get to 12 with no problem.

She loves art, coloring, painting, playdoh, ect....

She like to pretend cook and she does a great job.

She likes to do puzzles with mommy.

She is able to tell when she has to pee (when in the tub) then pees in the potty.

She loves shopping ,especially Walmart.

She likes to go in restaurants to eat.

Janna will be three in April. She will tell you this and will tell you she want a pink cake too.

She enjoys grocery shopping, she doesn't get to go very often but since she has been doing better we let her go now and just expect it to take longer

She has great language skills and will talk and tell you all about what is going on.

Janna has a loud laugh that you can't miss and it will make you smile when you hear it.

She still has her shy moments but is opening up more.

She is sleeping through the night but is does take some time to get her down. ( I probably give into her requests too often.)

She loves church and her friends there.

I know there is more, but this is all I can think of for now. Janna is joy to have around and I am really loving this age and all her new discoveries.


Anonymous said...

I love your Janna updates!

Mom H.

Anonymous said...

I love the picture of Janna stacking blocks all over Simon.