Monday, July 6, 2009

God does answer prayers. A couple friend of our has been trying to get pregnant for many years now without any success. We have been praying for them that God will take care of their wants and desires. This morning I received the email below:

"WOO-HOO! We had NO IDEA that I was pregnant. I have been REALLY tired lately, and getting lightheaded a lot. It bothered me enough that I thought I might be dying or something, so I went to the doctor yesterday. After hearing me gripe about all my symptoms, he made me do a pregnancy test. Turns out I passed! :) After four years of trying to have a baby, I never thought we'd be surprised by it...God is so funny that way!We are SO EXCITED!"

What an answer to prayers. Thank you Lord for all you give us. Please be with this couple and keep this baby safe.

1 comment:

Katie Kermeen Swisher said...

That's me! Thanks for all your prayers. You'll never know how much it means for us to have great friends like you guys...